How Families and Schools Can Work Together Erica Ekstrom Valley View School District 365U Special Education Coordinator ext. 250 February 25, 2010
What is Transition Planning? What supports and resources are available? 5 Things Families Can Do to Help with Transition Planning
To be prepared is half the victory! - Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Coordinated set of activities that are result-focused in order to facilitate both academic and functional achievement that facilitates movement from high school to post-secondary settings. – Activities should be based on the student’s strengths, preferences, interests, and needs – Involves students, families, school personnel, and community agencies
It is a detailed plan that helps the student make progress towards their goals for after high school. – Transition Assessments – Post-Secondary Outcomes – Course of Study – Transition Services – IEP Goals
It can begin at any age, but legally must begin at 14 ½ years of age. Must be reviewed and updated annually. Transition plans should be a starting point when developing or amending a student’s IEP – Guides goals and objectives – Guides services – Guides courses
Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships. - Michael Jordan
Work Experience Programs In-Building and Community-Based Job Training Programs WILCO (Career and Technical Center) JJC & COD Training Programs Career Center Transition Centers Variety of Courses/Electives
Case Managers Transition Specialists Job Coaches District Special Education Coordinator
Within the Will County area, there are a variety of government, public, and private agencies who provide supports to individuals with disabilities. – Employment – Education/Training – Benefits – Independent Living – Advocacy
There a variety of types of employment supports: – Competitive/Supportive/Sheltered – Natural Supports/Job Developer/Job Coach Page ## in the Parent Packet
There a variety of post-secondary education or training options. – 4 yr. college/ 2 yr. college/Trade School – Bachelors degree/Associates degree/Certificate Major change from high school to post- secondary education is a change in the level of supports provided. Page ## in the Parent Packet
Both the federal and state government will provide financial assistance to an individual with a disability if certain criteria are met. Medicaid/Medicare are the most commonly known types. Page ## in the Parent Packet
There a variety of housing options. – Independently – With support (CILA/SLA/CLF….) There are often waiting lists that are a few years long, so it is important to think long term. Page ## in the Parent Packet
Transportation – Page ## in the Parent Packet Recreation – Page ## in the Parent Packet Health – Page ## in the Parent Packet Legal Services – Page ## in the Parent Packet
Unfortunately, adult services are not centralized like the public education system is. It is important to know of agencies that can explain your rights, direct you to services, and answer your questions. Page ## in the Parent Packet.
Other things may change us, but we start and end with family. - Anthony Brandt
These meetings are yearly and you will get notice from your child’s schools when they are. Ask questions and provide input Work with your child’s case manager / transition specialist to map out important activities Keep paperwork and important documents in one centralized location. – Summary of Performance – Last IEP – Last Evaluation – Parent Packet
Cooking/Meal Planning Money/Budgeting Chores/House Maintenance Health and Safety Leisure/Recreation Skills
Ask what services/supports your child is currently receiving Identify what supports/services your child will need to continue with after high school – Think about employment – Think about post-secondary education/training – Think about independent living
Attend local Transition Fair – Saturday, March 20 th from 9:00 to 12:30 at Joliet Junior College Attend Parent Informational Nights Make sure the necessary adult agencies are invited to your child’s IEP meeting their final year of high school
Develop a network or a support group of other individuals/families with disabilities Identify an agency or services who can help you if questions/concerns arise – Center for Independent Living – Advocacy Services – Page ## in the Parent Packet
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined - Henry David Thoreau