Mobile (Smartphone & tablet) A deep dive. Table of contents Mobile: A deep dive - explained3 Smartphone5 Demographics6 Key readership facts7 Reach11 Who.


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Presentation transcript:

Mobile (Smartphone & tablet) A deep dive

Table of contents Mobile: A deep dive - explained3 Smartphone5 Demographics6 Key readership facts7 Reach11 Who are they15 Tablet30 Demographics31 Key readership facts32 Reach 36 Who are they40 Mobile 53 Key readership facts54 Reach58 Time spent59 Delivering results 60 Testimonials62 Targetting/priming63 The multi-platform study67 Context71 Summary74

Mobile A deep dive - explained This section will give an in-depth look at newsbrands on mobile devices. Splitting mobile and tablet, we will look at the unique demographics, reach and audience of both devices. Looking at the effectiveness of mobile as a whole, the final section will show how mobile devices can deliver results as part of a media plan.


Unique users ReachShare of Audience Adults25.9m87%100% m91%44% m86%40% m80%16% ABC115.1m91%58% C2DE10.8m82%42% Demographics 47%53% Source: comScore Mobile Metrix Sep 2016

Newsbrands on smartphones reach more millennials than Twitter Newsbrands reach 91% of all millennials on smartphones every month That’s 5.4m more 18-34s than Twitter Source: comScore Mobile Metrix Sep 2016

Smartphone newsbrand readers are more influential % more likely than the UK average to be ‘conversation catalysts’ Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

Smartphone newsbrand readers are particularly influential in these categories: Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016 Mobile phones 143 Public affairs/politics 211 Computers 145 Financial services 127 Clothes/accessories 133 Beauty/grooming 162

Smartphone newsbrand readers are attached to their phones… 76% agree that they cannot imagine life without their phone Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016


Smartphone reach is unique by title Total unique visitors (000) Source: comScore Mobile Metrix Sep 2016

82% 17.5m23m 8.4m14.8m17.6m Smartphone reach By gender (millions) 92% Source: comScore Mobile Metrix Sep m 12.2m 13.7m MaleFemale

Smartphone reach By age groups (millions) 89% 92% 90% 80% Source: comScore Mobile Metrix Sep 2016

Who are they?

readers are… TRAVELLERS 2.8 million ‘I like the idea of travelling abroad’ FINANCIALLY SAVVY 2.1 million ‘I am very good at managing money’ TRENDY 20% ‘I like to go to trendy places to eat and drink’ FASHION ENTHUSIASTS 48% ‘It is important to me to look well dressed’ Smartphone Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016 FOODIES 2.4 million ‘I get a lot of pleasure out of food’

Smartphone readers are more likely to buy a brand new car Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

Smartphone readers are more likely to buy a car in the next 4-6 months Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

Keeping up with the latest fashions is important to newsbrand readers on smartphones Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

Newsbrand readers on smartphones look after themselves Mean (£) spent on skincare per month Women Men £9.90 £9.40 £9.50 £6.80 £6.50 £9.70 £6.70 £6.50 Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

Smartphone readers are prepared to pay more for products that make their lives easier Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

Newsbrand readers on smartphones intend to buy a PC in the next 6 months Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

Smartphone readers often use their smartphones to research products/compare prices Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

Smartphone readers access online banking at least once a week Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

Newsbrand readers on smartphones like the idea of travelling abroad Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

Smartphone readers enjoy planning holidays Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

Smartphone readers learn the basics of a language before visiting a country Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016


Unique users ReachShare of audience Adults8.3m41%100% m37%29% m42%39% m46%32% ABC15.5m46%66% C2DE2.8m34% Demographics Source: comScore Mobile Metrix Sep %48%

That’s more than 8 million people every month Newsbrands reach 41% of the tablet audience Source: comScore Mobile Metrix Sep 2016

Newsbrands on tablet reach more than 8 million people monthly - 3x the size of Jamaica Source: comScore Mobile Metrix Sep 2016

More millennials than Instagram Newsbrands reach 67% more millennials on tablets than Instagram every month That’s 1m more people Source: comScore Mobile Metrix Sep 2016

2.4m 0.3m 1.1m That’s more millennials reading newsbrands on tablets than using Buzzfeed or Netflix Source: comScore Mobile Metrix Sep 2016


Tablet reach is unique by title Total unique visitors (000) Source: comScore Mobile Metrix Sep 2016

17.5m23m 8.4m14.8m17.6m Source: NRS PADD Jan ‘15 – Dec ‘15 Tablet reach By gender (millions) Source: comScore Mobile Metrix Sep % 23m 40% 4.3m 4.0m MaleFemale

Tablet reach By age group (millions ) 32% 40% 44% 46% Source: comScore Mobile Metrix Sep 2016

Who are they?

readers are… TRAVELLERS 74% ‘I like the idea of travelling abroad’ TECH FIENDS 75% ‘In this day and age, I cannot manage without the internet’ CHARITABLE 55% Would be willing to volunteer their time for a good cause INDULGENT 56% ‘I like to treat myself to foods that are not good for me’ Tablet BUSY 61% ‘Shopping online makes my life easier’ Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

Newsbrand readers on tablets are savvy shoppers who are more likely to hold a rewards card Index vs UK population Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

Newsbrand readers on tablets tend to spend more on their weekly shop Personal expenditure for household on food, drink and groceries £100+ They are 191% more likely to use their credit card at least daily Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

Millennials who read newsbrands on tablets are more likely to bank/pay bills online Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

Millennials are also more likely to have investments than other media users Have stocks, shares, unit trusts and investment trusts Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

Millennials are also more likely to have an ISA Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

People reading newsbrands on tablets are more likely to be planning on buying a new car in the next 2 years

£11,484 £9,928 £10,115 £9,941 £9,501 Tablet readers are willing to spend more than most people on their vehicles Willing to spend on a vehicle Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

Tablet readers are more likely to splash out on their holidays, regardless of social grade ABC1 C2DE £1,488 £1,396 £1,410 £1,397 £1,307 £1,266 £1,282 £1,357 £1,266 £1,268 Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

Tablet readers are more likely to go away for a more than 6 weeks Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

Tablets readers are more likely to intend to buy a PC in the next 6 months Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

Millennials who read newsbrands on tablets are more likely to be planning to buy wearable technology Fitness monitors, health sensors e.g. Fitbit Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016


Newsbrands reach 92% of millennials on mobile 12.5m 18-34s Source: comScore Mobile Metrix Sep 2016

6.9m Newsbrands reach more millennials on mobile than Twitter and BuzzFeed 6.3m 12m Source: comScore Mobile Metrix Aug 2016

Tablets and smartphones are extending the digital reach of newsbrands +17m readers via smartphones and tablet Source: comScore Mobile Metrix July 2016

NEW! +25% “Online advertising alerts me to new products and services” +53% “I often recommend things I have seen advertised online” Mobile newsbrand readers are more receptive to advertising online Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

23,365 Mobile reach is unique by title Total monthly reach (000) Source: comScore Mobile Metrix Aug 2016

Readers spend a significant amount of time with their newsbrand of choice Time spent reading newsbrands on the days people read Source: IPA TouchPoints 2016

How newsbrands on mobile can deliver results

Newsbrands are part of the daily networked conversation that people are engaged in

People welcome clever advertising that exploits digital technology I'd like digital marketing to be smarter – if there were a way to track someone's reading habits and show them adverts based on this it would be useful. I love fashion so this advert is perfect for my interest. It's related to somewhere I can shop for clothes so would definitely interest me – I love clothes shopping! - Sophie, 23 “...The Daily Mail for example is right at the bottom of the screen and is great because it is tailored and non-intrusive to the story I'm reading - Mark, 33 “ I would like more personalised and more interactive ads. I like adverts which are moving and catch the eye, rather than just a still image - Paul, 34 “ I would make it less invasive and more targeted. I know that internet advertisers can track your browsing activity and target adverts at you, but I feel these are still quite generic. I don't know how, but it would be great to see adverts tailored personally to you - Michael, 21 “ Source: Newsworks, Be smart about smartphones, 2015

Morning Afternoon Evening Late night/early morning Average duration (minutes) Number of visits/people Source: YouGov analysis of passive website data, April - July 2015 You can target your advertising to specific parts of the day Browser Time of day

Source: YouGov analysis of passive website data, April - July 2015 You can target your advertising to specific parts of the day Apps Time of day

Average duration (mins)Number of visits MorningAfternoon Evening You can prime the valuable smartphone audience at the right time of day Discount websites Base: Newsbrand visitors on smartphones Source: YouGov analysis of passive website data, April - July 2015 Time of day

Average duration (mins) Number of visits Morning Afternoon Evening Travel websites: number of visits Average total duration (mins) Base: Newsbrand visitors on smartphones Source: YouGov analysis of passive website data, April - July 2015 You can prime the valuable smartphone audience at the right time of day Travel websites Time of day

Combining smartphone with print drives saliency and awareness + Salience+27% Awareness +26% Source: The multi-platform study, 2016

Combining tablet with print creates a strong multiplier effect on brand measures + Source: The multi-platform study, 2016 Salience +52% Worth paying extra for +43% Quality+31% Awareness +31% Trustworthy +30%

CTR average Industry Benchmark Mobile newsbrands drive interactions Source: The multi-platform study, 2016

Digital newsbrands command high attention 10 seconds on average Source: The multi-platform study, 2016

EngagementTrust Personal identification The more engaged the reader the stronger the effect Regular newsbrand readers have a strong connection to newsbrands Brand context effect Source: Newsworks, The company you keep, 2015

Brand loveBuzz Consideration +10%+14% +31% Regular newsbrand readers vs. non-readers People reading on tablets react positively to ads in the familiar context of their favoured newsbrands* Source: Newsworks, The company you keep, 2015 * Results from online study

Brand love +25% Buzz +40% Consideration +97% Physical interaction increases context effect for tablets* Source: Newsworks, The company you keep, 2015 * Projections from physical test

Summary Newsbrands on smartphones and tablets have strong reach - over 30 million adults per month Mobile newsbrand readers are a valuable audience and are willing to spend more on products Mobile newsbrands drive interactions and command high attention People trust and have an emotional connection to their chosen newsbrand which leads to a brand context effect - people react favourably to ads in the familiar context of their favoured newsbrand NEWS