Pre-pubertal life ANTH 230: From menarche to menopause
Readings Week 1: Thurs 9/1 Introduction to the course Trevathan, W. (2013) Introduction – Ancient Bodies, Modern Lives Ellison, PT (2001). Two Births, in On Fertile Ground. Pp Dufour, DL (2006). Biocultural Approaches in Human Biology. Week 2: Tues 9/6 & Thurs 9/8 Pre-pubertal life (from birth to puberty) Bogin, B.(1999) Pages of Patterns of Human Growth Puberty: Physiological and evolutionary bases Ellis, BJ (2004) Timing of Pubertal Maturation in Girls: An Integrated Life History Approach. Ellison, PT et al (2012) Puberty as a life history transition. ANTH 230: From menarche to menopause
Human female life stages and major transitions Prenatal life Birth Menarche Infancy Childhood Juvenility AdolescenceAdulthood Post-reproductive life Menopause 1 st Birth Other Births Death ANTH 230: From menarche to menopause
Infancy ANTH 230: From menarche to menopause
GROWTH GENE S ENVIRONMENT ANTH 230: From menarche to menopause
The physiology of early development The first 1000 days (from conception) oDevelopmental plasticity and role of epigenetic processes oEarly developmental programming ANTH 230: From menarche to menopause
Growth in infancy
Size of infants (0 to 3 y.o.) is poorly correlated with adult size, and very much influenced by prenatal experiences and feeding practices ANTH 230: From menarche to menopause
Some interesting findings… Small mothers, small babies: an adaptive feature? Cephalopelvic disproportion → baby is too big to be born vaginally ANTH 230: From menarche to menopause
Infancy-childhood transition INFANCY CHILDHOOD Breastmilk Weaning food Adult diet Weaning food Adult diet Changes in immune function Changes in metabolism Increased GH and IGF-I ANTH 230: From menarche to menopause
JUVENILE GROWTH SPURT PUBERTAL GROWTH SPURT Infancy-childhood transition ANTH 230: From menarche to menopause
Growth in childhood/juvenility Mid-childhood/Juvenile Growth Spurt Mild increase in velocity between 6 and 8 years of age (minor sex difference in timing, but not in magnitude) More pronounced in weight or skinfolds than in height Associated with an increase in adrenal androgens (adrenarche) ANTH 230: From menarche to menopause
The physiology of childhood Adrenarche: Increase in secretion of adrenal androgens that is associated with the mid- childhood growth spurt ANTH 230: From menarche to menopause
Prenatal life Birth Menarche Infancy Childhood Juvenility AdolescenceAdulthood Post-reproductive life Menopause 1 st Birth Other Births Death ANTH 230: From menarche to menopause