Who is the AVID 10 Team? AVID 10 Teachers Mary ext Bradley ext AVID Coordinator Denise Guzman: ext. AVID Administrator Steve Ellis: ext AVID Counselor Lisa Amstutz: ext. 6383
The Curve of Forgetting Based on a one-hour lecture Reviewing regularly helps you retain material Used correctly, the Cornell Notes system will help students accomplish this
10 th Grade AVID All students will take the PSAT on Wednesday, October 19 There will be NO cost for the test. AVID Counselor will help interpret scores Students should challenge themselves with level of Rigor AP/Advanced Courses = more depth, not breadth All eligible students may attend the College Field Trip Last year we went late March, before Spring Break (exact date TBD) No Ds/ Fs on current grade check/progress report Last year Sophomores visited CSUSM, SDSU and USD School buses cost approximately $750 each (We will need 2 buses) Fundraisers: Jewelry (Fall/Winter), See’s Candy (Spring/Easter) Donations can be made anytime (Bookkeeper or Online) $30 per student is our goal!
Main differences between 9 th and 10 th Grade AVID Grade Point Average (10-12 GPA) counts for college One more core class – History! Increased level of rigor in academic classes Modern World History, AP European History, or AP World History English II or Advanced English II Science: Chemistry, or Anatomy AVID resources (tutoring) should be readily incorporated into student’s academic plan/routine Introduction to SAT/ACT SAT prep unit in class; PSAT in October
AVID Program Interventions AVID students must maintain at least 2.5 GPA with no Ds/Fs Students with Ds/Fs are given a Letter of Concern Contract to be signed by parent and returned Attend extra tutoring weekly, verified with signatures Lunch Tutoring in Mrs. Stoeckel’s room H252, Mon-Fri Before/After-school tutoring with actual teacher is OK Byun and Allen will check Tutoring/PRIDE signatures weekly; Referrals/Detentions for those who do not attend! Once grades are up, teacher signs off with the updated grade Exit Meetings may be scheduled for those in jeopardy
College Admissions Requirements A-G requirements for CSU/UC: History/Social Science – 2 years (also Gov/Econ as seniors) English – 4 years required Mathematics – 3 years, 4 recommended Lab Science – 2 required (3 required for MVUSD) World Language – 2 required, 3 recommended Visual & Performing Arts – 1 year required (more is great!) College Prep electives – 1 year required (will have more in total) Course level (Adv/AP/101) can increase college readiness and impact college admission decisions.
What Colleges Are Looking For C ALIFORNIA S TATE U NIVERSITY Eligibility Index 2900 minimum [GPA x 800] + SAT (Math & Critical Reading only) Higher GPA allows for a lower minimum SAT score *3500 min. target index* 3.5 GPA with 700 SAT 3.0 GPA with 1100 SAT 2.5 GPA with 1500 SAT U NIVERSITY OF C ALIFORNIA Admissions Index: SAT (Critical Reading, Math &Writing) Scale Based on GPA (3.0 minimum to apply) P RIVATE U NIVERSITIES Varies, but usually follow CSU or UC guidelines
College Freshman Profile Average high school GPAs of first-time freshmen CSU: 3.85 (San Diego State, Fall 2016) – 3.30 (San Marcos, Fall 2016) UC: (Riverside, Fall 2016) – (Irvine, Fall 2016) Average test scores of first-time freshmen San Diego State (Fall 2016) SAT 1174 (out of 1600), ACT 27 Cal State San Marcos (Fall 2016) SAT 985 (out of 1600), ACT UC Riverside (Fall 2016) SAT (out of 2400), ACT UC Irvine (Fall 2016) SAT (out of 2400), ACT 25-32
AVID’s Impact on College Percentage of high school seniors who have completed the “A – G” 4-year college requirements: U.S. Overall: 32% (2012 data from AVID U.S.: 91% AVID Center) Being “college ready” is taking the right HS courses 46% of recent HS grads take at least one remedial class at four-year universities 64% of recent HS grads take at least one remedial class at two-year colleges
How Can Parents Help? Students should come to school daily Force your children to be responsible for their education Don’t bail them out! Be active with and ABI Parent Portalwww.mesarams.com Parent Portal passwords are available from Mrs. Isbell in the office Discuss the student’s selection of which Tutorial group they will join on Tutorial day Did the student take time to complete their Tutorial Form the previous day? Occasionally review pages of notes with students Focused Notes should have revisions, student-created questions, and summaries in addition to the actual notes Questions developed by students help review for concepts and tests. Have weekly organization/binder/backpack checks
How can Parents help? (cont.) Discuss college options and visit colleges Develop a Family College Plan Learn about Financial Aid and attend workshops Force your children to be responsible for their education Don’t bail them out Attend AVID Parent Nights Good internet resources:
Upcoming Dates & Events Temecula Promenade College Fair:September 24 PSAT in MMHS Gym:October 19 Free of charge Fall catalog fundraiser (jewelry, gifts):October __ Spring See’s Candy fundraiser:February __ Financial Aid Workshop:Spring TBD Sophomore College Field Trip:March TBD Last year we visited CSUSM, SDSU and USD Costs include bus transportation and 2 substitute teachers AVID Banquet and Awards: May 17