These are not mollusks!!!!!
Characteristics Soft-bodied Soft-bodied animals that typically have shells (for protection) SecondSecond largest group of invertebrates CanCan live on land or in water(fresh or ocean) reproduce reproduce sexually bilateralbilateral symmetry
These are mollusks!!!!!
Gastropods "stomach foot" Ex. snails and slugs largestlargest group of mollusks MovesMoves using a muscular foot and by oozing mucus
BodyBody Systems *simple *simple nervous system *open circulatory system
BodyBody Plan/Function *single or no shell *radula *radula in mouth (files off bits of plant matter into small pieces) Radula types
4/16 1. What does annelid mean? 2. Why are they the most advanced worm phyla? 3. What are examples of annelids? 4. What systems do they have? Give the parts of each. 5. What are setae? 6. What are three examples of parasites and what phyla are they in?
Bivalves Two-Shelled Mollusks Ex. Clams, Oysters, Scallops and mussels
Habitat/MovementHabitat/Movement *live in water *some *some move by clapping shells together
Body Systems *simple nervous system *open circulatory system
Body Plan/Function * filter feeders (as water passes over body, it filters out small organisms) *2 shells held together by powerful muscles
Cephalopods “Head Foot” Ex. octopus and squid
Habitat/Movement * live in water · *most move quickly by swimming or crawling (siphon in water and push back out) *tentacles used for movement and to capture food
Body Systems *Most elaborate nervous system in Mollusk phylum *have brain *closed circulatory system
Body Plan/Function *Have tentacles (Octopi have suction cups) *Some have ink glands, release when alarmed for camouflage