Characteristics of Information on the Web Dania Bilal IS 530 Spring 2005
The Web is heterogeneous dynamic hypertext-based may create a cognitive overload and disorientation on users has a high level of abstraction
The Web lacks structure has redundant information lacks authority contains inappropriate materials that require filtering
The Web has a search engine space a Web browser space H These spaces requires adequate knowledge of navigation
Web Spaces Search engine Web browser
The Web is predominantly text-centered (i.e., time for online reading is needed to locate information) full of ads that may distract users
The Web requires mental maturity to discern between content and advertisements ability to read long texts online ability to compose search requests ability to evaluate results
The Web requires patience! ability to browse hierarchies with multiple layers Q Placing a topic within an appropriate subject hierarchy may be difficult for young users, for example.
The Web Requires ability to make relevance judgment Q system-based relevance is misleading Q System-based relevance varies among search engines
Web vs. Databases Speed (Simple interface) System relevance is misleading Sponsored sites appear on top of results regardless of relevance Lack of structure (no thesauri, controlled vocabulary, etc.) Lack of authority Speeds varies System relevance is based on specific methods No sponsored sites; relevance may be more objective Well-structured (thesauri, controlled vocabulary, metadata standards, etc.) Authoritative
Web vs. Databases Information overload H Cognitive overload H negative affect General with few specialized databases Item availability is questionable Simple and advanced feature Less information overload H Less cognitive overload H Positive affect Specialized databases with a few general ones Item availability can be linked Simple and advanced features
How Search Engines Work? Search Engine Resources article.php/ (how search engines work) article.php/ source.htm (search engine resources) source.htm ml (recommended search engines) ml