Austin Parks & Recreation Volunteer Orientation
Volunteer Program Goals –To provide productive volunteer opportunities that contribute to the Department's mission and align with the Department's resource priorities –To create a positive, meaningful volunteer experience for all - staff and volunteer alike - who participate in and support volunteer opportunities –To increase public stewardship and advocacy for our City's parks and recreation programs
Commitment to Volunteers Austin Parks and Recreation believes that our success depends on the support, assistance, advocacy and enthusiasm of the public as stewards of their parks system. The Volunteer program invites individuals and groups to partner with PARD to help maintain and improve Austin parks, facilities and programs Volunteers have shown a genuine commitment and have demonstrated service that has enhanced parks and recreation in Austin. The Department recognizes and welcomes the extraordinary value that volunteers bring to the stewardship of the Austin parks and recreation system.
The work you are doing is important! Much of the volunteer work being done related to park maintenance would otherwise be deferred indefinitely The work being done related to recreation programming significantly enhances programming and in many cases is critical to making the programming possible
Volunteer Rights Volunteers are viewed as a valuable resource to this department, its staff, and its clients. Volunteers shall be extended the right to be given meaningful assignments, the right to be treated as equal co-workers, the right to effective supervision, the right to full involvement and participation, and the right to recognition for work done.
Supervision Each volunteer will have a clearly identified supervisor who is responsible for direct supervision of that volunteer. The assigned staff is your host; respect his/her knowledge and experience Volunteers perform all services under the direction of assigned staff Ask questions and seek assistance when you are not sure what to do or if you need clarification
Safety Safety is of critical importance. Many projects involve physical work and the use of tools where injuries can occur Immediately report all accidents or personal safety incidents to the assigned staff supervisor Volunteers are not allowed to use power tools or apply herbicides/pesticides
Public Relations When volunteering you represent the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department, please be polite and helpful to park visitors and program participants. While you are on duty conduct yourself in a professional and ethical manner, and treat staff, other volunteers and the public with respect and dignity Unprofessional and abusive behavior will not be tolerated
Donations Volunteers may not solicit or accept donations
Media Requests Refer all media requests to your assigned staff supervisor or the PARD Public Information officer Public Information Officer – Victor Ovalle, or
Comply with City Policies Sexual Harassment – Sexual harassment is prohibited. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature will not be tolerated Drug Free Workplace – All City work sites shall be free of drugs, alcohol, and inhalants. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of inhalants or controlled substances or the possession or use of alcohol while on duty is prohibited. Ethics/Integrity – Volunteers are prohibited from using City resources for personal use, except to the extent that such resources are available to the public.
End of Service The volunteer or the Department may - at any time - end the volunteer service. In either case, notice of service end is desired as soon as practical.
Volunteer Program Contact Information Brian Block, Development Administrator, Rene Barrera, Volunteer Coordinator,