1 STANDARDS Rezekne Higher Education Institution Mg.soc.sc Mg.archives Vita Kravchenko
2 Latvian standard LVS 369:2004 “Archival Description. General Principles: ad(gp)" (further in the text - AD(GP)) is based on the standard ISAD(G): General International Standard Archival Description adopted on September 19-22, 1999 in Stockholm, Sweden by International Council on Archives/ Committee on Descriptive Standards: ICA/CDS).
3 Scope Standard AD(GP) provides general guidelines for making archival description. Standard AD(GP) is based on conventional theoretical archival principles and lets ensure intellectual control of authenticity of written documents and their availability during their existence period (within the life cycle).
4 Standard AD(GP) mainly refers to making archival description of documents already after selecting them for permanent storage in the archive, however, its regulations can be also applied to earlier stages of the document life cycle, which is of primary importance for electronic documents as their description usually starts along with drafting them or even before it.
5 AD(GP) regulations shall be applied regardless the information medium or form, however, they do not include indications for description of special documents (for example, seals, sound records and cards). Currently, Latvian Standardization Technical Committee STK 22: Work of Museums, Archives and Libraries is working out a standard “Archival Description. Terms of Application”.
6 LVS ISO "Information and Documentation. Archival Paper. Requirements for Permanence and Durability“ Latvian standard LVS ISO "Information and Documentation. Archival Paper. Requirements for Permanence and Durability" is identical to the international standard ISO 11108:1999 "Information and Documentation – Archival Paper – Requirements for Permanence and Durability"
7 Scope This international standard determines requirements for non-printed archival paper having large permanence and durability envisaged for documents and publications which are used frequently and shall be stored permanently.
8 LVS “Information and Documentation – Permanence and Durability of Writing, Printing and Copying on Paper – Requirements and Test Methods " Latvian standard LVS “Information and Documentation – Permanence and Durability of Writing, Printing and Copying on Paper – Requirements and Test Methods " is identical to the international standard ISO " Information and Documentation.” ISO 11798:1999 "Information and Documentation – Permanence and Durability of Writing, Printing and Copying on Paper – Requirements and Test Methods".
9 Scope This international standard determines requirements for stability and test methods for evaluation of permanence and durability of writing, printing and copying on paper to be stored for a long period in libraries, archives, and similar places having protected surrounding environment.
10 LVS ISO 11800:2003 "Information and Documentation – Requirements for Binding Materials and Methods Used in the Manufacture of Books " Latvian standard LVS ISO 11800:2003 "Information and Documentation – Requirements for Binding Materials and Methods Used in the Manufacture of Books " is identical to the international standard ISO 11800:1999 "Information and Documentation – Requirements for Binding Materials and Methods Used in the Manufacture of Books".
11 Scope This international standard determines binding materials and methods used in manufacture of books having soft and hard cover in the commercial framework. It does not refer to materials bound by hand, individual binding and casing of archive materials. It also does not refer to artistic binding when the primary aim is not ensuring protection of the book case (for example, creations of sculptural art on books and similar materials). This international standard has two regulating appendixes and one appendix of guidelines. Each of them determines requirements for materials of certain categories.
12 LVS EN : 2006 “Secure Storage Units - Classification and Methods of Test for Resistance to Fire. Part 2: Data Rooms and Data Containers” Latvian standard LVS EN : 2006 “Secure Storage Units - Classification and Methods of Test for Resistance to Fire. Part 2: Data Rooms and Data Containers” is identical to the European standard “Secure Storage Units - Classification and Methods of Test for Resistance to Fire - Part 2: Data Rooms and Data Containers”.
13 Scope This part of EN 1047 determines requirements for data rooms and data containers resistant to fire. It includes test methods to determine the capability of data rooms and data containers to protect temperature and moisture irresistant content and equipment from the influence of fire outside the data rooms and data containers. There is determined a test method to measure the resistance of data rooms and data containers to this impact. There are also determined requirements for accompanying documentation of a test sample, samples of materials, mounting of auxiliary devices, test samples, correlation of test samples and documentation, test preparation and testing procedures. Test results are used for classification of data rooms and data containers.
14 LVS ISO 14416:2005 “Information and Documentation – Requirements for Binding of Books, Periodicals, Serials and other Paper Documents for Archive and Library Use – Methods and Materials” Latvian standard LVS ISO 14416:2005 “Information and Documentation – Requirements for Binding of Books, Periodicals, Serials and other Paper Documents for Archive and Library Use – Methods and Materials” is identical to the international standard ISO 14416:2003 “Information and Documentation – Requirements for Binding of Books, Periodicals, Serials and other Paper Documents for Archive and Library Use – Methods and Materials”.
15 Scope This international standard refers to binding books, periodicals and archive documents having special requirements for durability and permanence. The frequency of usage as well as depreciation of library and archive documents differ. The choice of binding method is made in correspondence to the specific requirements of a library or an archive. The quality and price of binding depend on this choice.
16 This standard is mainly used in the following processes: - first binding of published, unpublished materials and any other documents needing such protection by a hard cover, - repeated binding of hard cover monographs, serial issues and any other documents by a hard cover. This standard is not envisaged for binding volumes which a client considers to be of great artistic or historical value or any other volumes which cannot and may not be bound in compliance with this international standard due to their physical characteristics. Special processing shall be done individually. The standard is drafted within the project “State Single Information System for Libraries”.
17 LVS ISO 11799:2006: Information and Documentation – Document Storage Requirements for Archive and Library Materials Latvian standards LVS ISO “Information and Documentation – Document Storage Requirements for Archive and Library Materials” is identical to the international standard ISO 11700:2003 (E) “Information and Documentation – Document Storage Requirements for Archive and Library Materials”.
18 Scope This international standard determines the characteristics of universal storerooms used for permanent storage of archive and library materials. It includes location and construction of the building as well as installation and facilities to be used.
19 It refers to all archive and library materials which are stored in universal storerooms where various environments can be stored together. Creation of individual zones or section is not impeded within a storeroom where condition can be controlled to make conditions appropriate for storage of specific archive materials.
20 It does not include specific requirements for permanent storage of documents which are not paper-based or are partially paper-based, for example, parchment or vellum, photographic documents or machine-read documents. It does also not include storeroom management procedures.
21 In several fields national and local construction regulations can include in detail such issues as construction, safety and protection of public buildings or buildings where valuable objects are stored (fire protection, emergency exits, earthquake protection, stealing, burglary, terrorism protection, etc.) as well as services and facilities for professional use. Thus, this standard eliminates detailed regulations in these areas, except the cases when recommendations can be a supplement to these requirements.
22 In the European countries responsibility for introduction of general principles of archive availability is based on legislation, thus, this issue shall be determined in compliance with the law adopted by the Parliament. Regulation of practical activities can be distributed between laws and regulations depending on each country’s national legislation.
23 Laws and regulations on availability of public archives shall be coordinated and harmonized with laws in similar areas, mainly with the ones referring to public institutions and data protection.
24 The criteria of public archives availability envisaged by the law shall refer to archive in the whole territory of a country regardless responsibility of specific archives for their storage.
25 The treasures of European libraries and archives is an organic part of European cultural heritage, and responsibility for them shall be shared by all Member States. The mechanism of European integration can be effective and successful only if partners have initial collective activities and cooperation. Availability of libraries and archives to public and especially journalists and scientists is needed for a free flow of information.