Learn Enjoy Achieve Respect Nurture Towers Drive, Hinckley, Leicestershire LE10 0ZD Telephone (01455) Fax ( )


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Presentation transcript:

Learn Enjoy Achieve Respect Nurture Towers Drive, Hinckley, Leicestershire LE10 0ZD Telephone (01455) Fax ( ) Head Teacher: Ms C J Munton NEWSLETTER 13 1 st December 2015 ATTENDANCE Well done to FRM, FLA, 3CK and 4LI who achieved 98% attendance last week. Whole school attendance was 95.4%. SCHOOL WEBSITE Our school website can now be accessed using a free QR reader app. Just download the app on your phone or iPad and hold it over the QR code and it will take you directly to our website. Please note to activate the QR code you will need to scan the ed version of the newsletter. FIRST TIME ADMISSIONS Parents of children who will be four years old before 1 st September 2016 will need to apply for their first school place at a primary school. First time admissions are not automatic, all parents need to apply even for their catchment school. The closing date for applications is 15 th January Please be aware there are two forms to complete, one for school and one for County Hall. It is imperative that parents complete a form for County Hall. If you don’t then a place won’t be allocated and you may find that your child won’t have a place in September. YEAR 5 PGL A reminder to parents; the next payment for the PGL residential trip is now due. PARKING ON TOWERS DRIVE Following further complaints from residents on Towers Drive and the roads linking to Towers Drive, we need to remind parents not to park on these roads to bring children to school or collect them from school. Once the roads are adopted we are anticipating that there will be signs to say “Residents Only” parking. Parking on these roads is extremely inconvenient to residents, and also poses a health and safety risk to children. It has recently been reported that there have been several near misses where children have almost been knocked over by cars reversing. Please could you refrain from parking on these roads. Alternative parking is available on Tudor Road, Richmond Park, Green Towers and Morrisons car park. YEAR 6 TRIP Year 6 will be going to Cadbury’s World on Wednesday 16 th December. Please send in reply slips and voluntary contributions. CHRISTMAS DINNER DAY Our Christmas dinner day will be held on 15 th December. Please return your reply slip before Friday 4 th December. ROLLER SKATES Can we please ask children not to use wheelies or skates on the school premises as this is a health and safety issue. CHRISTMAS FAIR Our Christmas Fair is this Friday 4 th December 5pm-7pm. Any donations of bric-a-brac, toys, household items to sell on the night would be greatly appreciated. Table football will also be running on the night in teams of 2. We would also appreciate any donations of cakes for sale on our cake stall. Non uniform day will be on Friday 4 th December in exchange for a tombola item. KS2 CHRISTMAS CONCERT The Christmas Concert for children in KS2 will take place on 15 th December at 7pm at the United Reformed Church, The Borough, Hinckley. Please return permission slips to school as soon as possible. LUNCHBOXES Due to health and safety issues, can we please ask parents to refrain from using cocktail sticks in lunchboxes.

MR FINCHAM’S SPORTS NEWS What’s On – week commencing 30 th November Monday 23 rd November – Leicester Riders Basketball (please note this is the last week) - Year 3/4 football Tuesday 24 th November – Year 5/6 football Wednesday 25 th November - Football Academy Thursday 26 th November- Girls Football Friday 27 th November- KS1 Multi Sports What’s on – week commencing 7 th December Tuesday 8 th December– Year 5/6 football Wednesday 9 th December- Football Academy Thursday 10 th December- Girls Football Friday 11 th December- KS1 Multi Sports What’s Cancelled Friday 4 th December- Year 5 Hockey Monday 7 th December - Leicester Riders Basketball (this course has now finished) - Year 3/4 football CHRISTMAS DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Friday 4 th December – Christmas Fair Thursday 10 th December – Year 2 Christmas Carols Concert 2.15pm Friday 11 th December -Year 1 Christmas Carols Concert 2.15pm Tuesday 15 th December -KS2 Christmas Concert Performance 7pm Thursday 17 th December -Foundation stage Nativity Performance 2.15pm – Class FLA Friday 18 th December - Foundation stage Nativity Performance 9.30am – Class FRM 21st December – 4 th January - Christmas Holidays Tuesday 5 th January -School Opens KS2 EVENING PERFORMANCES Tuesday 8 th December -Save the Children Carol Service at the Methodist Church 7pm Sunday 13 th December -Christingle Service at the United Reformed Church 4pm Tuesday 15 th December -KS2 Christmas Concert Performance 7pm Wednesday 16 th December -Lights to Remember Service at St Mary’s Church 7pm FOUNDATION STAGE NATIVITY Foundation Stage are holding their nativity play on 17 th December at 2.15pm (Class FLA) and 18 th December at 9.30am (Class FRM). Separate letters are being issued today. YEAR 1 & 2 CAROL SERVICE Year 2 are holding their carol service on Thursday 10 th December and Year 1 on Friday 11 th December at 2.15pm. Tickets will be available from the school office on Monday 7 th December which are limited to 2 per family. WIN A HAND MADE REINDEER! Charlotte Clough from Year 6 has very kindly offered a hand made reindeer for raffle to try and raise funds for the Young Voices coach. Tickets are on sale for 50p per strip. If you would like to purchase tickets, please hand your money in a clearly named envelope. Charlotte will also be visiting classrooms to enable your child to purchase tickets. The reindeer is currently on display in the school office. We would like to thank Charlotte for all her efforts in raising funds for the Young Voices coach.