Summary Sept 2013
The EYFS curriculum Reception is the final year of the EYFS curriculum, founded upon research that shows children learn best through play. Through play they can explore their world, learn to take risks, practise ideas and skills and communicate. We plan purposeful play-based activities and will often play alongside to support their next steps. We also plan adult-led activities.
The Achievosaurs! We use ‘Achievosaurs’ to help children think about and talk about their own learning. More information is on the ‘class letter’ section of our class page. They are based on the ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’ – the skills children need to learn.
Learning diaries… These are special books we track progress in. Every other week the children help us to stick in photos and observations, talking about what they have done and the learning skills they used. In Reception our main assessments are through observations. We encourage children to put independent work in their special pockets to go into their learning diaries. During ‘Celebrating our Learning’ weeks, parents have the opportunity to come in and look at these with their children.
Wow Vouchers Learning doesn’t stop at half past 3, and we really value your knowledge of your child. A letter explaining Wow Vouchers can be found on the class letter section of our class page. Wow vouchers allow you to record any terrific learning moments that happen outside of school. We then share these with the class, and they are stuck into learning diaries, providing another crucial piece of information enabling us to identify next steps in learning for your child.
Library books… Your child will choose a book from the school library each Thursday to share with you at home.
Good to be Green Behaviour Scheme For further information, please read the Behaviour policy on the Policies page on the website.
From 8.45: start of the day activity – We encourage parents to stay and help their child with this. We encourage children to self-register, sticking their photo’s on velcro in the classroom. Please talk to your child so they are aware if they are having hot dinners or packed lunch –please help them to stick their picture in the right place. All children must be in the classroom, ready for register at Full time…
A few reminders.. Water bottles with plain water inside and an extra drink in their lunchbox P.E kit to stay in school. Book bag brought in every day. Stud Earrings only – please remove for PE days. Fruit for the morning in their bookbags. Please ensure every piece of clothing is named! This includes PE kit, wellies and pleae also name water bottles.
Dates for the Diary Introduction to Phonics session: Friday 4 th Oct Celebrating our Learning Week: W/B 7 th Oct Parents Evenings: Mon 14 th & Wed 16 th Oct Parent Helpers – We will be looking to start this in Term 2 once children are fully settled. If you are interested, please sign the form on our noticeboard. If you missed the session and have any questions, please don’t hesitate to come and talk to us.