ENVIRONMENT RECYCLING SYSTEM Food waste/sludge and other organic waste Fermentation and drying process using indigenous microbes Feeds, fertilizer, fuel and etc * Depend on the source SludgeFood waste Vegetables Fruits Fish Turning Trash into Cash JAPAN ENVIRONMENTAL RECYCLING SYSTEMS INC.
Challenges in Municipal Solid Waste Management Solid waste management is fast becoming a nightmare for citizens and local authorities in cities across India. No processing of the waste is done in most cities. Composting is carried on a very limited scale. Polluting waste-to-energy plants are no solution, but composting of organic waste is. Affected by MSW Management Affect MSW Management More than 80 per cent of waste management funds in developing countries go in collection and in highly polluting transportation of garbage. Municipalities need to embrace 'reduce, recycle, repair, compost‘ and give up the current narrative of 'collect, transport, dispose’ JAPAN ENVIRONMENTAL RECYCLING SYSTEMS INC.
Depletion of Soil Fertility Being utilized for centuries the natural fertility of soil is depleting fast. For an agricultural based economies, soil is a precious resource, and degradation- of soil is a serious problem, which leads to depletion of soil fertility. Farmers are using more inputs each subsequent year to get the return to the level of the previous year. Over use of irrigation and chemical fertilizers has lead to increased salinity of soil making it even more unsuitable for agriculture. Fertilizer prices more than doubled in the last four years. The environmental damage caused by the inappropriate use of fertilizers is a matter of serious concern JAPAN ENVIRONMENTAL RECYCLING SYSTEMS INC.
Potential Of City Compost and its efficacy Marketing of organic manure from city garbage is becoming a serious business, with even chemical fertilizer companies increasingly incorporating it in their product portfolio. Even though the N P K content in MSW-based compost is low, its USP is its OC (organic carbon) content of over 12 per cent. Soils in agriculture based countries have very low OC, and by adding compost farmers will see dramatic improvement in the nutrient use efficiency of the chemical fertilizers applied by them. They can probably reduce urea or DAP consumption JAPAN ENVIRONMENTAL RECYCLING SYSTEMS INC.
Environmental Recycling System (ERS) ERS is a system which employs indigenous microbes It’s suitable for treating Organic waste with various moisture containing. The vapor generating system, such as boiler, provides ERS main unit with steam, reduces pressure, agitates feedstock, enables the high speed fermentation & drying process. By integrating a vapor cooling system, it becomes a design for no waste water, no odor process. Process Capacity Technology Indigenous Microbes ※ Application Energy sources Specialty tn/day (please refer manual) Heated and depressurized speed fermentation and dry Local microbes selected & cultivated from soil near by the installation. (Further supply is no need) Any organic materials Electricity (For whole system), Class A fuel Oil (for steam boiler) High speed ferment & dry. Need no bacterial replenishment, no waste water design ※ Only 3 microbes selected & remained. These 3 kinds are IPOD registered ※ Patent for whole system are obtained in 2007 JAPAN ENVIRONMENTAL RECYCLING SYSTEMS INC.
Environmental Recycling System - Process Heat exchanger Vacuum pump Steam About 60deg Cooling water about 32deg Aerobic fermentation degrading the anmonium content in the material eliminate smell Heating system External temp 140deg Internal pressure reduced, water boiling temp lowered at 50-70degree. Evaporation and drying expediated Electric motor turn shaft Heating systemERS Main Body Deodorization with cooling , microbes steam in steam out Boiler required for heating and pressurization. Any steam generating system is applicable Output product same indigenous microbe in ERS used as deodorizer Evaporation Minimum water supply required Microbial deodorization equipment No waste water discharge Cooling pump Raw material input Fermentation Agitator About 27deg JAPAN ENVIRONMENTAL RECYCLING SYSTEMS INC.
Environmental Recycling System for various feedstock Trash fish, Process waste Brewery waste (Bagasse) Food waste Organic waste Food processing waste Sewage and sludge Convert to Fish Meal Animal feed Animal feed or Bio Fertilizer Bio Fertilizer Bio Fertilizer or Fuel (Phosphoric can be collected) Livestock dunkFertilizer with microbes, Fuel JAPAN ENVIRONMENTAL RECYCLING SYSTEMS INC.
ERS’s Process Flow – Fertilizer, Animal Feed & Energy JAPAN ENVIRONMENTAL RECYCLING SYSTEMS INC.
Core Technologies and Properties Indigenous microbes selections Specific microbes are resident (Aerobic microbes) (Different from regular anaerobic microbes ) Microbes are selected and cultivated from local soil near by the installation Resident inside ERS main unit, no need to replace or refill after installed Stop operation, restart, no need to refill microbes JAPAN ENVIRONMENTAL RECYCLING SYSTEMS
Heated & depressurized hi-speed ferment and drying Efficient fermentation and drying produce high quality and high value products The condition inside the system is controlled to attain best environment for microbes multiply, growth and mitigate Indigenous microbes control Fermentation Agitation Excellent total cost effectiveness Simple machines- No pre-process needed (mix ratio adj.), odor treatment or inter process setup Easy maintenance (Simple structure, less troubles and high durability) Space saving (Save cost for buildings and etc) *maintenance cost around at 5% every 7years Designed for zero waste discharge (Saves on for wastewater treatment cost) Substantial volume reducer (effective transportation). Dried output (easy for handling) High nutrition fertilizer produced (higher market price bigger total cost saving) JAPAN ENVIRONMENTAL RECYCLING SYSTEMS INC.
Flexible application Possibility to collect phosphorus, CO2 reduction, integration with conventional system and many other possibilities Environmental friendly Indigenous microbes eliminate bad odors (can eliminate bad odor from raw material) Patented Microbes ERS utilizes specific microbes which are collected from the local soil for the fermentation and drying process. 3 types of microbes are specified and deposited to International Depositary Authority for the purpose of patent procedure. ※ 3 microbes are the first Associated Microbes which were received for deposit in the world. Patent Right Patent Number Patent registered on July 11,2008 Name of Invention: Microbes, Combinations of Microbes, and the methods of making organic fertilizers by using these microbes. Microorganisms received 1. Deposit Number FERMBP-7504 ・ FERMBP-7505 ・ FERMBP-7506 2. Deposit on March 14,2001 3. Identification of Microorganisms Shimose1 ・ Shimose2 ・ Shimose3 JAPAN ENVIRONMENTAL RECYCLING SYSTEMS INC.
Operation and Maintenance 1.Microbes selections, multiplication and seeding requires around 1 week. 2.Manual raw material input and finish product output handling required. 3.During operation, for monitoring purpose 1 person required (Job task is to monitor the running condition, suitable vacuum condition for microbes, checking al the parameters etc.) 4. When there is inconsistency, the operation can be paused and continued the next day. 5.When changing the raw material type, the cleaning method depends on the desired output required (feed or fertilizer) 6.General maintenance only required. The main body is tough enough for continuous operation permanently. 7.Consumable parts: Motors need to be changed about every 7 years. Vacuum pump, cooling water pump, vacuum valve replacement when exhausted. JAPAN ENVIRONMENTAL RECYCLING SYSTEMS
Contact Us Japan Environment Recycling Systems Inc., NOSAI Bldg, 4F,19,Ichibanchi, Chiyoda,Tokyo, , JAPAN Tel I Fax JAPAN ENVIRONMENTAL RECYCLING SYSTEMS INC.