Chapter 4 Guide Technology and Food
The Scientific Side of Food Science is the study of the physical world at all levels, including findings and knowledge that results for such studies. Technology is the practical application of scientific knowledge.
The Scientific Side of Food The relationship between food, science and technology goes back about half a million years. Food science is the study of food and its preparation.
Expanding the Food Supply Food Production: In the past methods of food production were simple. You would see animal power, human labor, and handmade tools. Mishaps could spell hardship, whether hurricane, chicken flu, or infestation of potato beetles.
Expanding Food Supply Food Processing and Distribution Today’s engineering, farming, is more efficient. A single piece of machinery does the work of a dozen farmhands. At harvest time a huge combine rolls up and down the field, simultaneously picking, threshing, and cleaning the grain. A grain elevator system measures yield from each acre. The farmer can pinpoint less productive areas using a GPS and then treat as needed. Climatologists can also better predict weather patterns and reduce risk of some food production.
Food Processing and Distribution A typical supermarket carries 20,000 different items. Scientists work with ingredients and processes to develop new foods or better ones.
New Food Choices A manufactured food: product developed as a substitute for another food. Analogs: are foods made to imitate actual foods Formed Foods: inexpensive source and processed to look like more expensive foods Egg substitutes: made from egg whites and other ingredients
Packaging Modified Atmosphere Packaging: mixture of carbon dioxide, oxygen, and nitrogen is inserted into the packaging before sealing to slow bacterial growth. Aseptic Packages: consist of layers of plastic, paperboard, and aluminum foil. Also called “juice boxes”. Retort Packages: flexible packages also made of aluminum foil and plastic film.
Genetic Engineering Genetic Engineering: genes are removed from one organism, such as plant, animal, or microorganism, and transferred to another one.
Genetic Engineering Advantages: ◦ Large food supply because more crops survive pest and weed damage and because poor soil can be used as farmland. World hunger would be lessened. Disadvantages: ◦ Possible health problems, allergic reactions. Foreign genes introduced could create new toxins.
Genetic Engineering Advantages: ◦ Improved nutrition and taste of some foods. Substances that cause allergies might be removed. Disadvantages: ◦ Potential threat to the environment and food supply.
Genetic Engineering Advantages: ◦ Greater resistance to spoilage. Disadvantages: ◦ Creation of super weeds that resist herbicides. Insects feeding on these plants could become immune to pesticides.
Genetic Engineering Advantages: ◦ Reduced use of pesticides as a benefit to the environment. Plants can ward off pests that attack them. Disadvantages: ◦ Inability of developing countries to buy the very expensive seeds.
Genetic Engineering Advantages: ◦ New and better varieties of food.
Cloning Cloning: is a creating a genetic copy of an organism. Advocates believe cloning will expand and improve food supply and prevent hunger as populations increase. Critics point out that it could destroy the biodiversity of a species
Better Nutrition in Foods Enrichment: restores nutrients that were lost in processing to near original levels. The iron and B vitamins found in whole grains are returned to breakfast cereals, white bread, and other foods made with refined grains. Fortification: adds a nutrient that is not normally found in a food.
Functional Foods Functional Foods are: those that provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition. Functional foods fit into the following 4 categories: 1.Natural Whole Foods. Grapes, broccoli, salmon, garlic and oats) 2.Enhanced Foods 3.New Food Products 4.Foods Created by Science
Functional Foods Functional foods are one of the fastest growing markets in US food sales. There are currently no special regulations governing them. They must only meet the FDA rules for food and supplements. Functional foods are a natural fit into a healthful diet. Functional foods are also known as designer foods. They are in need of long term study to determine safe use. Eating several foods that contain the same nutrient may be harmful.
Nutrition Research So far researches have discovered about 40 nutrients so far. Researchers also analyze the nutrient’s chemical formula so that it can be manufactured.
Ergonomics Ergonomics: study of ways to make space and equipment easier and more comfortable to use. Ergonomics is essential in designing kitchens, appliances, and cookware that minimize strain on muscles, bones and joints.
Ergonomics Some examples or ergonomically designed items include: ◦ Countertops that can be adjusted based on height. ◦ Handles of tools to fit hand. Work simplification is an important part of ergonomics and finds the most efficient way to get a job done.
IMPROVING MEAL PREPARATION Cooking techniques : food react chemically and physically when they are heated, chilled, chopped or mixed. Understanding these ingredients and preparation methods yield the best recipe. Appliances: simplify the process in the kitchen, become more energy efficient, save time. Personal Computers: conveniently store recipes, create menus, and organize shopping lists.