Wow, Cool, and Oh So FREE! Sharon Bolan, Library Media Specialist/ITRT Central High School
Amazing Maps Create large wall maps or individual one-page maps FREE from Your Child Learns!
WigFlip Auto Motivator – Start with a picture from their gallery or one of your own. Create a motivational poster, card or bookmark. Save the jpeg image to your computer or have them create a full poster for you.
Jottit Create your own FREE site in minutes! Great for posting homework, advertising an upcoming event, or discussion post site for a particular topic! See an example!
Voki Create a FREE personalized speaking avatar to add to your blogs and websites.
Telling Time Game & Toothpick Puzzle Telling Time Game - web/games/BangOnTime/clockwordres.html - Telling time game that can be adjusted for different levels. web/games/BangOnTime/clockwordres.html Toothpick Puzzle - ult.html - Examine geometry first hand by using this web activity to solve the problem of creating five squares by arranging twelve toothpicks. ult.html
Open Office Completely FREE, OpenOffice is a productivity program that is extremely similar to the Microsoft Office Suite! This alternative to the Office suite is suitable for students who are in need of word processing programs at home. Program is available on your CD!
4teachers 4Teachers helps educators integrate technology into your classroom by offering a variety of FREE online tools and resources. Rubistar TrackStar
You Try it! Interactive Activities from PBS. My favorite is Technology at Home
Audacity Audacity is a FREE open source program for recording and editing sounds! Program is available on the CD!
TypeIt Type accent marks, diacritics and other characters online
Spelling City Enter your own spelling words and have students practice with printable or online games. Students can even take a spelling test online! Very Easy, Very FREE, Very Cool!
SlideBoom Upload and store 100 PowerPoint presentations for FREE!
The Ruler Game Test your skills at reading a ruler. See the ruler preferences to the right. The faster you are the higher your score!
PortaPortal Bookmark your sites and allow guest access to students and teachers
Animoto Create short 30 second videos using your own photographs and embed them into most websites!
VisuWords FREE online graphical dictionary
Be Funky Upload your pictures and BE FUNKY with them for FREE!
Wordle Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. (from
Imagination Cubed & Incompetech Collaborate artistically with students/teachers Copyright friendly music to add to PowerPoints and movies -
Free Rice Practice Math, Art, Geography, Vocabulary, Languages, Chemistry, and English while helping to eliminate world hunger!
Blabberize Create a fun interactive image to add to websites
Yucky Science & EdHeads & I Was Wondering Gross science explanations Activate your mind with Interactive activities I Was Wondering -
Learn to Type Practice typing skills with this interactive practice activity. uestBook&showall=9999 uestBook&showall=9999
Optical Illusions A collection of cool Optical Illusions razy_illusions.htmhttp:// razy_illusions.htm
NoodleTools s/information/5locate/adviceengine.html s/information/5locate/adviceengine.html Choose the best search for your information needs!
Etherpad Collaborate in real time on a word processing document. Just start a pad and invite your friends!
Chick Coup & Find it VA Practice beginning sounds for very young students s/chickenCoop.htmlhttp:// s/chickenCoop.html Find it VA - bin/main.cgihttp:// bin/main.cgi
Shodor Interactive Math & Big Huge Labs Big Huge Labs helps you do a lot of fun creative stuff with your digital photographs.
Advanced Survey & Pics4learning Create surveys to share with students/parents Pics4Learning – Copyright friendly pictures -
PowerPoint Activities Hardin County teachers in Kentucky created a wide range of PowerPoint games and activities. All links are well organized and easy to download. es.htm Other PP sites: Pete’s PP Station
Hero Machine & Science Buddies Hero Machine - hine2/heromachine2.asp Have fun with this site making your own animated hero! hine2/heromachine2.asp Science Buddies -
Read Write Think Verizon Thinkfinity offers thousands of free K-12 educational resources across seven disciplines for use in and out of school.
Scratch Create and share your own interactive stories, games, music, and art
Jamestown Online Adventure Take the Jamestown survivor challenge.
Authentic History Authentic History Center The Authentic History Center is comprised of artifacts and sounds from American popular culture. It was created to teach that the everyday objects in society have authentic historical value and reflect the social consciousness of the era that produced them.
Encyclo – Media A free video encyclopedia that covers a wide range of topics. Embed the video clips into web pages or stream videos live.
Prongo Math Games Cool Math games for younger grades is a simple and free web application that lets you brainstorm online. Create a personal workspace for you and your students. Share documents, photos, notes and more with select groups of participants.
Contact me! Sharon Bolan –