Mrs. Kurth’s Classroom News Mrs. Kurth’s Classroom News October 17 th – 19 th, 2016
Mrs. Kurth’s Classroom News Here is how you can find the first grade links: grade grade Here is how you can find our blog: grade/mrs-kurth/mrs-kurths-1st-grade- class?ltemplate=view&lcommtypeid=7 grade/mrs-kurth/mrs-kurths-1st-grade- class?ltemplate=view&lcommtypeid=7
Dates to Save: October17 th, 18 th : Conferences and book fair October 19 th : Unity Day – wear orange October 20 th and 21 st : No School - MEA October 24 th : Cherrydale Fundraisers due October 28 th : Halloween Party (12:45 and Parade 1:45) Pick up Book Character pumpkins after the parade. October 28 th : Tiger Hop Fundraiser – DES cafeteria 6-8pm)
Mrs. Kurth’s Schedule Day of the Week Digita l Day SpecialistTeacherImportant Reminders Monday3MusicMrs. Sanderson Tuesday4PEMr. WhirleyWear Tennis Shoes Wednesday5Computer and Media Mrs. Kurth (Comp.) Mrs. Verhey (Media) No Computer due to Fast Test Thursday1MusicMrs. Sanderson Friday2PE and Computer Mr. Whirley (PE) Mrs. Kurth (Comp.) Wear Tennis Shoes No Computer due to Fast Test
I am not sending out an October book order due to the amazing book fair we have going on now at school. However, I am going to send a book gift certificate that you can use to order $10 in online books and then get a $5 book free. The certificates expire at the end of the month so I wanted to get them out to you asap. If you would like to place an online order please go to and use our classroom code GX88Q to order from any catalog. To redeem the certificate you will enter the coupon code and then chose a free book. Happy Book Shopping! Book Gift Certificate
Wow! What creativity I’ve seen so far! There’s still time if you’d like to send one in! Please plan on picking up your pumpkins up after the Halloween parade. You are also welcome to pick it up early and submit it to the Delano State Bank pumpkin contest if you would like. If you are not able to join us for the parade, please make arrangements to pick up your child’s pumpkin. Book Character Pumpkins (Optional)
The kids will be taking their first reading test this week for the end of Unit 1. The spelling sheet and word list was sent on Friday, October 14th. The words can also be found on this newsletter. The spelling test will be Wednesday, October 19th. Reading Test
Book Bags will not be going home this weekend A book BINGO challenge WILL go home If your child completes a Bingo, he/she can return the sheet for a special reward. Those who complete the entire page (blackout) will have the chance to eat lunch in the classroom as a reward for all of the great effort! Reading Challenge
Halloween party Friday, October 28th from 12:45-1:45. School parade 1:45. Parade route: out the kdg. Doors, across the front of the school, and back in the game entrance doors. Students are welcome to wear costumes during our party/parade. Costumes should not display blood, gore, or violence. Please send your child’s costume in a labeled bag. It is a good idea to label all the parts of the costume as well.
October We will celebrate your child’s birthday here at school If you decide to send store bought treats or goodies please send 25 of them. If it's a weekend day we will celebrate the Friday before or Monday after. We will also celebrate ½ birthdays. If this doesn’t work for you we can celebrate it in May. Please let me know which day you will choose if it falls on the weekend or holiday break. 9 th : Lily 30 th : Thora
Upcoming Academics: Upcoming Academics:
Review week Now that we have completed our first 5 story units, we will have our Unit 1 Assessment. Word Wall Words: Unit 1 words (use your word cards on a ring to practice/review) Comprehension Strategy: comprehension assessment Phonics: short vowels assessment Writing: write about a time you learned something new – add a label to your picture
Spelling Words: good, with, here, friend, you, what, they, my, have, We also write a sentence with some of these words in them. Keep reviewing words that were wrong on previous test = they will also continue to be a part of the sentences on the spelling test
Phonics Assessment: In unit 1 we learned about short vowel sounds. Words with one vowel in them typically have a short vowel sounds. (cvc = consonant/vowel/consonant – ex. cat). We will be assessing this idea with a written test as well as an oral assessment. Written Test: These words will be similar to the spelling words we have had in this first unit. Typically they are rhyming words. Oral Test: Students will read a list of words following this pattern in addition to non-sense words (parts of words following the cvc pattern) -Below is a rubric we use to assess the oral phonics: 1…needs help on almost every word. Has difficulty blending beginning, middle, and ending sounds. 2…needs help on several words. Has difficulty blending the sounds, but is able to “catch on” after lots of modeling. 3…average. Able to read the majority of the words, but needs some help when switching from one word to the next. (different vowel sound, cluster, digraph, etc.) 4…able to read words easily. Can switch from word to word without help. 5…Excelling. Able to read the words very quickly. Can switch from word to word without hesitating.
Skills in Unit 2: Solving number stories Finding the value of pennies and nickels Telling time to nearest hour Count by 5’s to 100 Count by 10’s to 100 Count by 2’s to 50 Count backwards from 30 Count up and back on a # grid At home you can: Count by 2s, 5s, 10s Count backwards Practice time to the hour Count pennies and nickels Exchange pennies for nickels Monday : Unit 2 assessment Tuesday : Unit 2 assessment Wednesday : Math Exploration Thursday : No School Friday No School Homelinks ((Homework Sheet) will go home Tuesday this week
Word of the Week Extra : Each week, your child can receive a sticker for their sticker book by writing down our special word/phrase of the week along with a parent signature. This word helps me to know that you have seen the newsletter! They love stickers! Word of the week: MEA break
Homework Plan Here is what we expect to have for homework this year: Mondays : Spelling words will come home. Practice these words to be ready for the spelling test on Friday. There are word wall words on the back for practice reading and writing. There is not a WEEKLY test for this. This sheet stays at home for review throughout the week. Tuesdays and Thursdays: Math homework will be sent home. Please return them the following day. Fridays: Book Bags and Family journals sent home Read the stories of the week Read the other books in the bag Practice the word wall word lists
Word Wall Word Lists Practice the words that correspond to the story we are reading for the week. Continue to practice previous weeks. If these words are already simple feel free to continue on to future words.
Family Journals Every Friday, your child will bring home their Family Journal. Families are asked to read what your child wrote and write a letter back to your child on the next page. On Monday, students will receive a sticker if they have returned their Journal with a letter written to them. It is a great way for students to practice their writing skills and families to stay connected with the activities going on in first grade!
Conferences Conference sign ups are available on our website through Sign-Up Genius. If you haven’t already, please click on the Fall Conferences or Winter Conferences link to direct you to the page to sign up. Please let me know if you have questions. Fall Conference Link: Winter Conference Link:
1 st Grade Music The music program is using a curriculum called Quaver. With this new curriculum comes an online resource/activity center. Be sure to check out Mrs. Sanderson’s website for videos, games and the link and code to Quaver Music. Mrs. Sanderson's Music Website
Contact Information Angie Kurth 1 st GradeTeacher – rm ext Classroom Website/Blog: y-school/gradesstaff/first-grade/mrs-kurth