Spring curriculum meeting 8 th January 2015
ReadingWritingSpelling/Punctuation/ Grammar Reading continues to be a key focus. Comprehensions Guided reading 1:1 reading - where applicable ERIC Our class book will be: Journey to the river sea by Eva Ibbotson Home reading This term will comprise: Stories with flashback Narrative form and technique Formal and impersonal compositions Journalistic writing Targeted starters Early morning activities Weekly spellings Spelling interventions where applicable Vocabulary work through - Articulate, Scrabble, Dictionary games As well as specific teachings within daily English lessons.
The maths curriculum - place value, all four operations, fractions, percentages, measurement and shape, time, data handling, simple algebra, and application/problem solving Jaguar Maths in motion: The software recreates the thrills and spills of high speed motor racing and the races feature drivers from all over the world; they are REAL people! Each driver gets to design and set up their own racing car using a mixture of basic maths skills and personal decision making. The rules are easy... get the maths right, make the correct decisions and then you stand a chance of winning a race get your maths wrong and you run the risk of crashing your car, blowing up the engine or not even make it to the starting line! Sumdog Mathable
Living things and their habitats Look at the history of classification of living things from Aristotle to the present day. Study the binomial system introduced by Linnaeus & the 7 levels of classification used today. Understand why classification is important & use & create classification keys. Electricity Begin with revision of simple circuits & then lots of hands on experience with symbols, diagrams & incomplete circuits. Two enquiries about the length of wire in a circuit & the use of cells. Compare series & parallel circuits.
A rich geography topic Developing children’s atlas skills, General knowledge, Life and journey of a river Social and historical importance of the main rivers of the world The River Chess association – rearing brown trout from eggs Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Social responsibility the list goes on! Trip to release their trout – cost covered in main by the cake sale – THANKS Art will be inspired from the mountain aspect of the topic and children will be developing their painting skills.
The new scheme of work suggests ‘big’ questions for the children to discuss through a series of carefully scaffolded lessons which allow them to explore possible answers, debate and sometimes challenge their views but definitely NOT about indoctrinating. Do clothes express beliefs? Is the resurrection important to Christians?
The Make a Difference Challenge demonstrates Go-Givers in action! It is a child-led citizenship project for KS2 that supports pupils in identifying, researching and addressing a cause or concern that they want to do something about by developing an awareness raising campaign, fundraising or taking direct action. It presents an opportunity for children to take the lead in making a difference to their communities. Legal Eagles – an ex-magistrate has been invited into school to meet with year 5 and 6 to give them an overview of our judicial system. This promises to be a fun afternoon with lots of child involvement. So don’t panic when they come home saying their teachers have been talking about the BAR!
29 th June – 3 rd July Initial deposit required by today to secure place on trip Staying at Shanklin Osborne House Carisbrooke Castle Robin Hill Country park Chine walk Needles and sands visit Interactive theatre experience DISCO
YOUR TURN: What works what doesn’t?