Gifted and Talented Parent Kick-Off Meeting October 12, 2016
Introductions Lynne Studdert-Extended Learning Teacher (ELT) Donna Fife-Principal Cassie Pfeifer-Assistant Principal Diane Sconzo- District GT Coordinator (New)
State Goal for GT Students Students who participate in services designed for gifted students will demonstrate skills in self-directed learning, thinking, research, and communication as evidenced by the development of innovative products and performance that reflect individuality and creativity and are advanced in relation to students of similar age, experience, or environment. * Independent Investigation Method (IIM) - NEW
GT Program Delivery ❏ The Humble ISD G/T Program is a 5-day a week program. Students are clustered into classes with a teacher, who has met the state G/T training requirements. ➢ 30-hour course ➢ Annual 6-hour update ❏ Classroom teachers provide differentiated instruction in the core subjects. ❏ ELT (Ms. Studdert) pulls students weekly for research instruction, independent project, group activities, etc. ❏ Students participate in G/T Expo, which highlights their completed independent project. ❏ Kindergarten G/T services begin by March 1, ❏ Middle and High School G/T students receive their services through the delivery of differentiated instruction via Advanced Academics (preAP / AP / Dual Credit / preIB / IB).
Communication ❖ Monthly GT Connect ❖ My webpage: ❖ Eagles Eye: Weekly EGE newsletter ❖ Humble ISD’s Advanced Academics webpage: ❖ Remind 101 Text to ➢ 5th ➢ 4th ➢ 3rd ➢ 2nd ➢ 1st
GT Independant Project T exas Performance Standards Project (TPSP) – our 2nd year TPSP Information for Parents Brochure Purpose: TPSP is to capture the high levels of academic performance of gifted/talented students through independent research. Program Summary: TPSP is designed to help districts reach the state goal for G/T students. TPSP offers appropriate rigor and relevance for all students through its instruction in research skills and opportunities for students to explore in depth their interest. Curriculum: TPSP offers two or more interdisciplinary units called tasks (a.k.a. their projects). Aligned with TEKS, each task has guided instruction and opportunities for independent research in multiple content areas
GT TPSP Projects GradeProject 1stDo Your Part for Art Students will explore different artists and time periods and then create their own masterpiece. 2ndWho’s Who: A Study of Biography Students will chose a famous person to research and discover how they used their gifts and talents to overcome challenges. 3rdBuilding a Business: Toys and Games Students will research the toy and game industry and then create their own toy and plan for marketing it. 4thInnovation Celebration Students will gain an understanding of the process of innovation and then create their own unique innovation. 5thPursuit of Passion Students will research a topic of their choice studying its history and incorporating their own personal interest in the topic.
GT Expo ★ G/T project assignments will be provided/communicated to students, parents, and content area teachers via , and on my website. ★ Students will be responsible to complete their G/T independent project with the guidance of the ELT (Ms. Studdert), classroom teacher, and parent. ★ Students will use their school Google accounts to complete some of their assignments. ★ Final product will be completed at home. ★ G/T students will participate in a G/T Expo in the Spring.
Additional Opportunities OpportunityK12345Contact Science FairXXXXXXMelissa Ling Spelling BeeXXXXLynne Studdert Destination Imagination xxLynne Studdert EcobotsXXMary Ruggles/Jarret McKeague Math OlympiadsXXCarol Embrey Science OlympiadsXNikki Jones
Questions??? Thank you for coming!!