Introduction: Bhutan
Country Information Location : Sandwiched between India and China Size : 38,394 1 square kilometers Population : 0.650m 79% : subsistence farming 1960 : Planned socio-economic development launched Languages : Dzongkha & English (official) Dzongkhags / Districts : 20 Gewogs / Blocks: 201
Level of Development Development philosophy: Gross National Happiness GDP per capita: USD 700 Human Development Index: 196 Life Expectancy: 61 Population growth rate: 2.5
Role of Education in the context of Development Education recognized both as a basic right and as a prerequisite for achieving wider social, cultural and economic goals. Reflected in Education Sector Strategy: Realizing Vision 2020
Data source & Quality Population and Housing Census of Bhutan 2005 Annual Education Statistics 2006 Bhutan Living Standard 2000, 2004 Household and Income Survey 2002 EMIS (under development)
Educational Development 1960: 11 schools with 400 students 2006: 512 schools with 1,53,911 NFE: 646 centers with students After Jomtien (1990) & Dakar (2000) EFA initiated EFA initiated Enrolment Ratio: GER primary 102.1% NER 79.4% NER basic 75% GER basic 84 Enrolment Ratio: GER primary 102.1% NER 79.4% NER basic 75% GER basic 84 Govt. stepped up initiatives and expansion Govt. stepped up initiatives and expansionUnreached: Access: Difficult terrain and widely dispersed population High unit cost of construction in remote areas
Education Structure Forms General Education: Monastic Education Non-formal Education General Structure: School education divided into 3 phases Phase I: 11 yr of basic education (PP-10) Phase I: 11 yr of basic education (PP-10) Phase II: 2 yrs of higher secondary education (11&12) Phase II: 2 yrs of higher secondary education (11&12) Phase III: 3 yrs of tertiary education (degree) Phase III: 3 yrs of tertiary education (degree) Primary education: 7yrs + Secondary: 4yrs Primary education: 7yrs + Secondary: 4yrs
Education Financing 1st Plan =9.4/107.1: 8.8% 2nd Plan =35.7/ 202.2:17.7% 3rd Plan =90.0/ 475.2:18.9% 4th Plan =134.6/ :12.2% 5th Plan =519.1/ :11.2% 6th Plan =778.8 / :8.1% 7th Plan =1738.0/ :11.1% 8th Plan=3292.7/ :9.4% 9 th Plan = /70000:14.5%
Educational Policy, Laws, and Legislation Basic education up to grade 10 is enunciated in the constitution of Bhutan as the fundamental right of every child. Free and demand driven as number of schools and classrooms increase depends on the enrolment of students. Inclusive and child friendly
Assessment of EFA coordination Position and address Responsibilities Secretary, MoE Coordinator Chief, PPD Member Technical coordinator National commission for UNESCO Member Secretary Director, DSE Member UBE Chair Director, Department of finance Member Director, Statistics division Member Chief, CAPSD Member Director, adult and higher education Member Literacy Chair Chief, HRD Member College of education Royal University of Bhutan Member, Quality Chair CERD / EMSSD / ECCD Member Department of youth and sports Member, Chair Life skills NCWC Member advisor UNICEF/UNFPA /WFP/UNESCO Local partners and members
EFA National Action Plan (Draft) EFA goals integrated in the National Education Plan (9 th & 10 th Plan) Development of strategy for MDA in process No separate budget for EFA, MDA Actions to be taken -Technical working group to be formed
Prepare Work plan and time schedule EFA Info (Support from Regional Team) –Jan 2007 Support from local partners (UNICEF, NSO, country Dev Info focal point, Dept of planning) Adapt and customize templates to fit with local contexts Set up a EFA data team to collect, compile and analyze input to the EFA MDA report Identify the sources of data relevant to EFA Prepare appropriate analysis Identify disaggregated data across all EFA goals Identify disaggregated data across all EFA goals Identify studies, surveys, reports or other ways in which each goal could be evaluated Identify studies, surveys, reports or other ways in which each goal could be evaluated Identify challenges, gaps and disparities for each goal and target group Identify challenges, gaps and disparities for each goal and target group
Issues Unavailability of data Need to explore more on which data will be available especially data from surveys and studies Require in-depth analysis of data from surveys which required strong expertise in statistical package and data analysis Inadequate human resources to collect all information required Some cases, requires additional and new surveys and studies Requires more training and support for Data analysis
Analysis of six Goals ECCD Policy on ECCD (Draft) Private Domain Urban Areas Challenges to identify & build upon existing child rearing & socialization practice which contributes positively to the growth & development of young children in line with traditional home life.
To benefit positively from the increasing availability of new media, including radio, television and the internet Meeting the ECCD needs within a finite resource package for the Education Sector
UPE/UBE To enroll & retain children who, for various reasons, have been unable to enter school. These include those living in remote parts of the country, children with disability, children facing learning difficulties, & those requiring other forms of special care & attention
Retain those who enroll The expansion of primary Education & growth in other sub-sector in education will add pressure on limited resource Teacher shortage Upgrading the professional competencies of the existing teaching force
Life skills & life long learning Designing & Planning a comprehensive model of technical and vocational education program which matches the needs of the employers and is sufficiently attractive for the students Systematic improvement of the standard and quality of training
The attitude and expectation of school leavers who considers working with hands as being menial and demeaning Availability of sufficient resources to both improve quality of training and to expand training capacity
Gender The enrolment of girls in general education is about 50% The enrolment of girls in general education is about 50% Only at Higher secondary level there is observable gender imbalance Only at Higher secondary level there is observable gender imbalance Gender issues mainstreamed in the national plan Gender issues mainstreamed in the national planLiteracy Adult literacy rate: 59.6% Adult literacy rate: 59.6% Less male participation in NFE programme Less male participation in NFE programme
Quality of Education 10 member independent review commission formed 10 member independent review commission formed Quality of teachers by CERD Quality of teachers by CERD Quality of Education monitoring decentralized to Dzongkhag Quality of Education monitoring decentralized to Dzongkhag