ACP Practicum Orientation Let the process begin!
Dr. Ann Riley, Field Education Coordinator Pam Sanford, MSW, LCSW, Faculty Liaison Linda Smith, MSW, CWPEP Coordinator Levi Heperi, Field Education Support Specialist Elizabeth Hicks, Grad. Assist. for Field office
Top Ten Things to Know about Getting ACP Practicum Started 1. What is the purpose of the ACP practicum? 2. When is practicum & what courses do I enroll in? 3. How many practicum hours are required? 4. What are my choices for a practicum placement? 5. How does the placement process work & what is the timeline? 6. How do I apply for practicum? 7. What’s the purpose of the Individual Planning Session? 8. How do I find a placement? 9. What do I need to know about interviewing? 10. Can I get paid for practicum & what will my schedule be? No worries! The Field office is here to help!
1. ACP Practicum Purpose Field Education: Practicum integrates coursework with real life field experience in an agency setting with real clients, bringing together essential knowledge, values & skills. Practicum is the “signature pedagogy” for social work professional competency development. At the Concentration level, the focus is on Advanced Practice. Building on the generalist foundation experience, students completing the Administration & Community Practice practicum experience social work practice settings and roles that emphasize change efforts with groups, organizations & communities. Authentic learning opportunities connect field and classroom activities.
2. ACP Practicum Format & Enrollment CONCURRENT Fall/Spring: Fall: SWK 5836 ACP Practicum III - 6 hours credit Spring: SWK 5846 ACP Practicum IV - 6 hours credit Course credit over two semesters = 12 hours total Once all orientation requirements are complete, students will be given an override for practicum enrollment. It will help to know your schedule when you conduct interviews.
3. Practicum Hours: by Weekly, Semester, Total Weekly: 18 – 20 hours per week required Semester: 16 weeks required //275 hour minimum Total: = 550 total minimum Hour Examples: 18 – 20 hours per week x 32 weeks. [16 weeks (Fall) + 16 weeks (Spring) = 32 weeks] Notice: 20 hours x 15 weeks worth =300 – nice 18 hours x 15 weeks worth =270 – problem!
4. ACP Practicum Agencies Agencies are assessed as appropriate for each cohort level; Are retained under contract for the purpose of practicum; Offered to students primarily in the Norman/OKC metro; But also located for those residing beyond a 50 mile radius. Keep in mind that agencies are ever evolving! Children, Youth & Family services Corrections/Victim’s programs Counseling, Mental Health & Substance Abuse agencies DHS services ~ Child Welfare, Permanency Planning Disability Services ~ Adults & Children Gerontology/Older Adult programs Healthcare settings ~ Hospitals, Clinics and Hospice Homelessness services LGBTQ services School-based social work services Veterans ~ VA Centers, Support Services
5. Practicum Placement Process Three phases: 1) Planning for your placement 2) Interviewing at placements 3) Securing your placement STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET ALL PRACTICUM DEADLINES Communication is the key! Handout: ACP Practicum Calendar ~~This will be your guide for the year~~ Website: Education/Practicum Calendars
6. Applying for Practicum Phase I: Planning – for ALL students Since you are here today ~ Next: Online Video Training Links will be sent to your OU for completion Subject: PRACTICUM – (for all field correspondence) 1) Basic Practicum Orientation Overview (~30 mins) 2) Applying for Practicum through IPT (~6 mins) (Intern Placement Tracking is our practicum platform) 3) Google Forms Quiz must be completed Note: Updated professional Resume is required! See website: Education /Norman Forms & Reference Materials/ Resume sample
Information Sharing Policy Information Sharing (Field Manual, p ) Practicum Application – Information Sharing items Remember: Social work is a Professional Program
7. Individual Planning Sessions Then: Individual Planning Session – Sign up today! Field Office, room 215. Discuss you needs & option ideas. Participation in the individual planning session is a crucial step of the placement planning process. All students meet with field office staff (OKDHS and CWPEP students are with Linda Smith) to review their application, resume, needs, interests & goals. This aids the field office staff in determining recommended site options for the student. Sign Up Today! (30 minutes) July 5 – 8, 2016 Morning, noon, & afternoon appointments are available
8. Finding a Placement Phase II: Interviewing Students do not ‘find’ a placement on their own Field office considers individual student needs & interests, plus agency availability, & cohort needs overall Students will receive two referrals from the Field office Field office manages the competition by screening & referring students to the field instructor/agencies Best fit is then up to you and the agency to determine
9. Interviewing for Practicum Phase II: Interviewing cont’d Education/Norman Forms & Reference Materials Student Performance Policy Pre-Placement Interview Information Student Placement Form Practicum Readiness Self-Assessment Checklist Complete for strengths + areas for growth & overall Use self-assessment info on practicum application Share self-assessment info - Indv Planning Session
Employment-Based Practicum Proposal (EBPP): See -- Field Education Manual (p ) & online orientation training Top Points Must represent new learning different from job responsibilities Must have different Field Instructor from job Supervisor Student must negotiate the practicum/employment placement Final approval determined by the Field Education Coordinator Application process To apply, additional application documents are required for the EBPP: Practicum Application Part III – located on website + Two Job Descriptions: current position & proposed practicum position + Recent Job Performance Review + A schedule reflecting work, school & practicum For your protection: Proposals are carefully and thoroughly reviewed.
Practicum begins on site: The Week of August 22, 2016 Students negotiate weekly schedule with the site. Field Training is required for you & your Field Instructor Required Training in the new hybrid format Online + Friday, Sept. 2, 2016 ~ 2:00 – 4:00 (3 hours total) Location: Zarrow Hall, Community Room
(We hope you’re excited. We are!!)