Transfer of know-how on sustainable buildings from NORWY to POLAND Warsaw University of Technology: Dr Aleksander Panek Norwegian University of Science and Technology Prof. Øyvind Aschehoug
Cooperation between WUT and NTNU During the last 15 years Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim have established 3 interdisciplinary research projects related to sustainability of buildings: “SURE-BUILD – Sustainable Redevelopment of Buildings in Poland” ( ), “STEP – Sustainable Thermo-modernization of Public buildings” ( ) “KOD nZEB” Thermo-modernization of two chosen Public Buildings according to nZEB Standards ( ).
Project SUREBUILD ( ) The goals defined in 2002 were very general: Support to scientific cooperation in the areas of specific importance for both countries, Norway and Poland Promoting the idea of sustainable development in light of ratification of the Kyoto protocol Recognition of the countries’ markets for future economic cooperation in the building sector.
Case study Primary School Zgierz New gymnasium New multimedia library Atrium Changes in space utilization School in 2002 Visualization
Model 5R1C EN Project STEP ( ) The general objective : To provide scientific and research support for improving the energy performance of public buildings in Poland. Energy Simulation Tool
What are the most important limitations that affect successful transfer of Know-How between Norway and Poland?
Comparison of the economies The ratio of GDP per Capita for Norway and Poland has distinctly decreased from more than 16 in 1990 to nearly 7 in According to Eurostat Data the purchasing power parity ratio for 2014 was around 2,6. Source:
Indexes of sustainability Human Development Index 2014: Norway 0, st place Poland 0, th place Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) Source: Environmental Sustainability Index 2005, Benchmarking National Environmental Stewardship
Size of building sectors NorwayPoland Building stock area – total [m2]456 mln1650 mln Building stock area – public utility buildings [m2]123 mln431 mln NorwayPoland Offices19,53%25,07% Educational buildings15,87%28,79% Hospitals8,38%,2,90% Hotels & restaurants4,97%12,09% Sport facilities?4,00%, Wholesale and retail trade30,51%27,15% Other types20,75%2,38% Source: BPIE The Buildings Performance Institute Europe
Energy mix and primary energy factors No.Energy supply methodType of energy or energy carrier wiwi 1 Local generation of energy in the building Oil 1,10 2Natural gas 3LPG 4Hard coal 5Brown coal 6 District heat from cogeneration Hard coal or natural gas*) 0,80 7Biomass, biogas 0,15 8 District heat from local heat station Hard coal 1,30 9Natural gas or oil 1,20 10 The electricity network system Electricity 3,00 11 Local renewable energy sources Sun 0,00 12Wind 13Geothermal energy 14Biomass 0,20 15Biogas 0,50 16*) In case of lack of data on production of heat in cogeneration w i =1,20. Energy use in buildings in Norway is very strongly dependent on electricity, so conversion factors for different energy sources are not used. Primary energy factors used in Poland Source: Polish Ministry of Infrastructure and Development
Project KOD nZEB The goals: Improvement of knowledge of Polish experts/engineers in the field of nearly zero-energy buildings technologies, Transfer of know-how from Norway to Poland with an analysis of applicability of the solutions in Polish conditions, Verification of the developed concepts on two real public utility buildings (preparation of functional and utilization programs for modernization to nZEB standard), Development of the models for optimal financing of building modernization to nZEB standards.
Definition of nZEB Dormitory Muszelka Existing state Planned Polish nZEB definition Recommenda tion BPIE KODnZEB approach ZEB Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology Primary energy use [kWh/m 2 /year]
Dormitory Muszelka Concepts & drafts Constructed in 1956
Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology Concepts & drafts Constructed in 70ties of XX century
Conclusions The analysis presented in the paper indicates that the problems do not occur at the academic level. The problems multiply rapidly in the phase of practical implementation. This is related primarily to the following factors observed in Poland: The substantial difference of national prosperity, The low level acceptance of the idea of sustainable development expressed by authorities and ordinary citizens, Size of the construction sector and poor technical condition of buildings, Limited access to mechanisms supporting the process of construction and sustainable modernization of buildings, The specificity of the energy mix of Poland (very strong dependence of the economy on coal) especially taking into account that Norway has very large share of electric energy produced by hydro power plants, A method of aggregating the energy consumption of different carriers.
This research was performed with the financial support of EEA Financial Mechanism – Operational Program PL04 “Saving energy and promoting renewable energy source” within the framework of the“ project: “Thermo-modernization of two chosen Public Buildings according to nZEB Standards”. Through the funds EEA and Norwegian funds, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway contribute to reducing social and economic inequality and strengthening bilateral relations with beneficiary countries in Europe. These three countries closely cooperate with the EC on the basis of the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA Agreement). Thank you!