Health Week Year 1 27/6/16-1/7/16
Drink milk and water- helps teeth and bones get strong Exercise to get energy- moving around Eat fruit and vegetables We are still aloud chocolate and sweets Be friends with people Stay clean Wash hands to get rid of germs What we already know
We really enjoyed Mrs Mason and Freya coming in to tell us all about diabetes. We learnt: Part of the body needs help to work- pancreas Freya and others with diabetes have a box attached to her to give her energy Has to have help getting energy and getting rid of energy Diabetes Talk
We had a visit from the school nurses who read us a great story about a teddy going out in the sun. We had to listen to the story and think about what the teddy would need when he is outside. We remembered the 5 key parts to sun safety: Sun cream, T-shirt, Water, Shade and Sun hat Sun Safety
Year 1 had a visit from YMCA to make fruit kababs. We had to think about what was healthy to eat and then choose our favourite fruits to put onto our kababs. We really enjoyed being able to eat all of them after! Fruit Kababs
We started off the day with football matches against each other. We played in our house teams and had to work together as teams to try and win the matches. In the afternoon we had a cross country race around the playground track with Year2. We enjoyed cheering on our friends as we ran around. Football and Exercise
Healthy Lunchboxes
Healthy Lifestyle Staying Clean Drinking water and milk Eating fruit and vegetables Exercising
Everyone was very excited on Sports Day. We each completed the flat race and then either the egg and spoon race or the obstacle race. We enjoyed cheering our teams on trying our best in the races. We were excited when YMCA came in to play sports games with us while we were waiting. Sports Day
Reception enjoyed the Healthy Hearts talk where they had to think about what we do to make sure we stay healthy. We had to think about what happens to our bodies when we do exercise and eat healthy foods. We were very interested in looking at the different models that were brought in and thinking about what the inside of our bodies looked like. Healthy Hearts with Reception