Section Title Small things School Assembly
Mental Health All of us have mental health and, like our bodies, our minds can become unwell. 1 in 10 young people will experience a mental health problem. These include depression, anxiety disorder, eating disorders, psychosis or bipolar disorder. It’s important to talk about mental health and get help early if things don’t feel right, just like we would for our physical health.
Time to Change Time to Change is a nationwide movement to get people talking about mental health. No one should feel ashamed about having a mental health problem, they wouldn’t if they had a broken leg. Supporting someone with a mental health problem, just like supporting someone with a broken leg, can make a big difference to how they feel. And it’s really easy! Time to Change campaigners have produced an animation to give us some examples of the small things which can make a big difference.
Make a difference ??
A big difference “I love it when people show they are thinking of me by sending me messages via SMS or facebook. A hug or a tap on the shoulder it all helps.” Ed “As someone who struggles with my body image, a good listener makes me feel heard. Makes me feel like I do indeed matter and I'm more than my appearance.” Peter “When I was hospitalised with depression my friends gave me envelopes to open each day containing jokes, photos and/or chocolate. I'm so grateful because it made me feel loved despite feeling so awful.” Deborah
Section Title Thank You