BirchStreet Recipe Management System Training PowerPoint
Recipe Management System Training Agenda 1.Application Overview 2.Creating Recipes 3.Viewing and Printing Recipes 4.Adding your own Ingredients to the Ingredient Library 5.Linking Free-Form Ingredients to the Ingredients Library 6.Confirming Allergens and Intolerances 7.Copying a Global Recipe to Create a Local Recipes
Recipe Management System Training Agenda 1.Application Overview – Logging In – Overview of Front Page Tabs – Help and Support Resources
Your Marriott EID code “marriott”
Your Marriott EID code “marriott”
The Recipe Tabs… Recipes: Search, View, Edit, Print and Create Recipes. Find Global and Property Level Recipes. Copy Recipes. (needed for this pilot)
The Recipe Tabs… Ingredient Library: Search and View Ingredients (Global and Property Level). Create new ingredients. Link ingredients to supplier items for costing and purchasing. (needed for this pilot) Free Form Ingredients: Free Form Ingredients are ingredients not yet linked to the Ingredient Library. Use this tab to view them and mass-link them to the library. (needed for this pilot)
The Recipe Tabs… There are other tabs available to work with Dishes, Menus, Recipe Costing, and the Ingredient Library. (not needed for the pilot)
Filter the Recipe Tab… Global Recipes – Created by Corporate F&B My Recipes – Created and Published by You My New Recipes – Your Work-In-Progress recipes All New Recipes – All Work-In-Progress recipes (Corporate and Local) This Properties Recipes – Created by users at your property All Recipes – All recipes you have access to (Corporate and Local)
Search for a recipe by name
Recipe Management System Training Agenda 1.Application Overview 2.Creating Recipes 3.Viewing and Printing Recipes 4.Adding your own Ingredients to the Ingredient Library 5.Linking Free-Form Ingredients to the Ingredients Library 6.Confirming Allergens and Intolerances 7.Copying a Global Recipe to Create a Local Recipes
Launches the Create Recipe Screen
List of Available Recipes Search Recipes by Name
Click the Plus or Minus signs to close or open the sections.
Serving Size is 1 Slice This recipe serves 8 people
This recipe yields 2 Cups
Select Categories
Calories for each ingredient (per serving) Click check box to save the line
Running Totals for the Recipe (per serving)
System accepts fractions
Calories for each ingredient (per serving) Fat grams for each ingredient (per serving) Running Totals for the Recipe (per serving) USDA Nutritional Label
Nutritional Facts sum from ingredient library (per serving) Allergens and Intolerances sum from ingredient library
Example: Missing IngredientExample: Sub-Recipe
Example: Missing Ingredient
If you can’t find an Library Ingredient to link to, you can still save it The free-form ingredient name will default. You can always make this more generic by typing in “pumpkin” for example
Totals turn Yellow to warn you that some ingredients are not being included in the nutritional calculation. Text turns RED indicating the ingredient is not linked to the library
In a later step, we will create a new Library Ingredient to link to our Free-Form Ingredient
Example: Missing Ingredient Sub-Recipe
Totals include sub-recipe nutritional data Click the Plus or Minus signs to close or open the sections.
Use the formatting tools to customize your text, add hyperlinks, or other features
Use the Critical Details to add additional details like plating instructions.
Nutritional, Allergens, & Intolerance information will automatically fill in after you save the recipe. This is based off the information contained in the Ingredient Library
Save your changes to see the nutritional information fill in.
Use the Attach Image button to include your main Recipe image.
Recipe Management System Training Agenda 1.Application Overview 2.Creating Recipes 3.Viewing and Printing Recipes 4.Adding your own Ingredients to the Ingredient Library 5.Linking Free-Form Ingredients to the Ingredients Library 6.Confirming Allergens and Intolerances 7.Copying a Global Recipe to Create a Local Recipes
Use the Print Recipe button to print your Recipe Card with Image
Your Ingredients will be displayed based on how you enter them Your preparation procedure will be displayed with formatting Your Allergen & Intolerance details will roll up from your ingredients. You will need to confirm this information in subsequent steps to remove the Yellow Caution note.
Use the Nutrition button to view your Nutrition Label You can review or print your Nutritional Information
Recipe Management System Training Agenda 1.Application Overview 2.Creating Recipes 3.Viewing and Printing Recipes 4.Adding your own Ingredients to the Ingredient Library 5.Linking Free-Form Ingredients to the Ingredients Library 6.Confirming Allergens and Intolerances 7.Copying a Global Recipe to Create a Local Recipes
The next step is to create new Library Ingredients
As a reminder, ingredients in RED are free-form ingredients. These will not have anything listed in the Library Ingredient field. Create new Library Ingredients to link them to.
Close the screen to return to the Front Page Tabs.
The Free Form Ingredients Tab is where you can add new Ingredients to the Ingredient Library
Ingredient Creation Tab shows nutrition, intolerance & allergen details
Enter your Library Ingredient Name, and any keywords that will help facilitate searching for the ingredient later
Leave the Status set to Common Leave the Publish flag checked so the ingredient will be searchable Select the Ingredient Classification from the drop down list Use the lookup if this should be a new USDA item to associate the USDA NDB Number Specify the Yield for the product
If this is a local ingredient instead of a corporate ingredient used across all hotels, ensure Global Ingredient is set to No You can include an initial Reference Cost to obtain recipe costing. However later ingredients will be linked to your local suppliers, automatically deriving the local hotel recipe cost
Review the nutritional information from the ingredient label
Complete the nutritional information section
Complete the Allergens and Intolerances information section and save your new Library Ingredient
Once your new Library Ingredient it’s time to return to the Recipe Creation screen to link it to your Free-Form Ingredient Close the screen to return to the Front Page Tabs.
Recipe Management System Training Agenda 1.Application Overview 2.Creating Recipes 3.Viewing and Printing Recipes 4.Adding your own Ingredients to the Ingredient Library 5.Linking Free-Form Ingredients to the Ingredients Library 6.Confirming Allergens and Intolerances 7.Copying a Global Recipe to Create a Local Recipes
Search for your Recipe on the Recipe Tab
Select This Property’s Recipes
Use the Search feature to search and find the recipe name Select your Recipe and click Edit Recipe
Now it’s time to link your Free-Form Ingredient with your newly added Library Ingredient so the recipe nutrition can be finalized Click edit to link the temp ingredient
You can now look up your newly added Library Ingredient Select your new Library Ingredient
Your new Library Ingredient will be linked to your Free-Form Ingredient. You should also confirm your UOM and Quantity. In this example you should select the quantity by the oz.
If your item is still in Red after you link your Free- Form Ingredient to a Library Ingredient, most likely you have selected a UOM for which the system can’t determine nutrients Click OK to close the detail section
The system can now calculate the Calories Totals will no longer be in Yellow when there are no more items in Red
The system can now calculate the Calories Before finishing up the recipe, review the rest of your ingredients
Any items in Orange will display when you use a UOM of “as needed” or other subjective UOM This is a visual cue to let you know your Recipe Card will not include the nutritional details for this ingredient. If you want it included, change the Quantity and UOM to 1 Tsp. You can always include the “as needed” in your Ingredient description.
Recipe Management System Training Agenda 1.Application Overview 2.Creating Recipes 3.Viewing and Printing Recipes 4.Adding your own Ingredients to the Ingredient Library 5.Linking Free-Form Ingredients to the Ingredients Library 6.Confirming Allergens and Intolerances 7.Copying a Global Recipe to Create a Local Recipes
Once you’re done reviewing your recipe, review the nutritional details one final time
Click the checkboxes to indicate you’ve confirmed the nutritional data and allergens
Recipe Management System Training Agenda 1.Application Overview 2.Creating Recipes 3.Viewing and Printing Recipes 4.Adding your own Ingredients to the Ingredient Library 5.Linking Free-Form Ingredients to the Ingredients Library 6.Confirming Allergens and Intolerances 7.Copying a Global Recipe to Create a Local Recipes
Use the Recipes Tab to search for Global Recipes. Copy them to make Hotel Recipes
Select Global Recipes
Use the Search feature to search and find the recipe name
Global Recipe indicator
Clear your search
Select My New Recipes
Enter your recipe name and click Go
You can now make changes to your recipe