Understanding our Environment Page 5
A. What is Environmental Science? 1. Study of the environment that includes the physical, biological, and social sciences.
A. What is Environmental Science? 2. Goals – Use of natural resources – Learn how we affect the environment
A. What is Environmental Science? 3. Fields of Study – Biology (Study of living things) – Chemistry (Study of chemicals/interactions) – Earth Science (Study of non-living systems)
A. What is Environmental Science? 4. It is Important because it teaches us to maintain a healthy and productive society.
QUICK LAB! 1. You and a partner will receive a bag with objects inside. 2. You will work separately, without discussing, at first and classify each object into 1 of 2 categories: Renewable or Non- Renewable. 3. When you are both done, you will compare answers. Discuss WHY you answered the way you did.
ObjectSourceRenewable/ Non-Renewable
Post-Questions 1. Why are resources like air and water considered at risk when they are renewable? Due to so much pollution, sources of CLEAN air and water are more difficult to find. 2. Select one resource and hypothesize what side effects might happen if that resource goes away.
B. What are Main problems? 1. Resource Depletion – Natural Resources are any material used by humans. Renewable- can be replaced Non-renewable- can’t be replaced Depleted- Many of the resources have been used up.
B. What are Main problems? 2. Pollution- undesired change in air/water/soil that negatively affects living organisms.
B. What are Main problems? 3. Loss of Biodiversity – # and variety of species living in an area – Many species are extinct today Ex: Tasmanian Tiger extinct in 1986