Equality Indicators Victoria Lawson
Equality Indicators Tool designed to measure progress towards equality over time across six broad domains Tracks outcomes for those most likely to experience inequality on a given issue EQUALITY
Who Experiences Inequality? 1. Children under Immigrants 3. Individuals currently in jail or on probation 4. Individuals living in poverty 5. Individuals with a physical or intellectual disability 6. Individuals with less than a high school diploma 7. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals (LGBTQ) 8. Racial and ethnic minorities 9. Religious minorities 10. Seniors 65 and older 11. Single parents 12. Women Though there are more…
Structure of Equality Indicators Four levels 1 Framework (6 themes) 6 Themes (4 topics per theme) 24 Topics (4 indicators per topic) 96 Individual Indicators
Equality Certification How do you develop within a community without damaging it? Inherent tension between developers and communities Project-based guidelines based on equality criteria Meeting community needs/improving the local community Benefitting disadvantaged groups LEED, Enterprise, Active Design Guidelines and others can be used as a model
Affordable and/or Supportive Housing: Aim for true affordability for neighborhood residents Provide rental and ownership models Provide housing for disadvantaged groups (homeless, veterans, etc.) Provide housing and financial services for local residents to mitigate displacement Employment and Procurement: Select developers, designers, contractors, suppliers, and commercial tenants that demonstrate a commitment to equality in their business practices Employ or procure goods and services from contractors that employ individuals from disadvantaged groups Guidelines Framework
Development Process: Partner with a neighborhood organization Conduct a community needs assessment Hold community meetings, design charrettes, visioning workshops, etc. Ensure all outreach and communication is accessible and continues post-construction Designated Space: Provide space for a program or service that meets a demonstrated need (e.g., community meeting space, day care facility, grocery store) Reserve retail space for an existing local or Minority or Women-Owned Business Design Standards: Active Design; LEED; Enterprise; Universal Design Guidelines Framework
Single parents: A day care for neighborhood residents and employees of the building Immigrants: Multi-lingual signage or space for ESL classes Individuals in the criminal justice system: Hire businesses that employ formerly incarcerated individuals, either for construction or as building tenants Individuals with disabilities: Apply Universal Design principles and ensure equal access LGBTQ individuals: Gender neutral bathrooms for commercial developments Individuals living in poverty: Affordable housing, local hiring, workforce development center Sample Guidelines by Disadvantaged Group
Government Agencies Whose Voices Need To Be Heard? Equality Certification Community & Advocacy Groups Developers Labor Unions Researchers & Policy Groups Architects & Designers