Agenda Overview of UN Women’s priorities and the Regional Program Men and Women for Gender Equality (10 minutes) Summary of TOR and expected deliverables (10 minutes) Background on relevant Global Campaigns and sample works (10 minutes) Open Floor and Q&A (30 minutes)
The main role of UN Women To support inter-governmental bodies, such as the Commission on the Status of Women, in their formulation of policies, global standards and norms on gender equality and women’s empowerment To help Member States to implement these standards, provide suitable technical and financial support to those countries that request it, and to forge effective partnerships with civil society. To lead and coordinate the UN system’s work on gender equality as well as promote accountability, including through regular monitoring of system-wide progress.
UN Women’s priorities Leadership and Political Participation Women lead and participate in decisions making at all levels Economic Empowerment Women, especially the poorest and most excluded are economically empowered and benefit from development Ending Violence against Women and Girls Women and girls lead a life free from violence Peace and Security Peace and security and humanitarian action are shaped by women’s leadership and participation. Governance and national Planning Governance and national planning fully reflects accountability for gender equality commitments and and priorities
Men and Women for Gender Equality SIDA-funded regional program for the Arab States (2018). Focus countries: Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Palestine. With the overall goal to enhance gender equality in the region, the programme contributes towards: Understand the root causes of gender inequality in order to develop evidence- based advocacy and awareness-raising tools; Strengthen the capacities and networks of GEWE civil society organizations, with a particular focus on the sustainability of new and emerging movements; Develop community-based solutions to promote gender equality based on innovative approaches and South-South exchanges.
Men and Women for Gender Equality Women and men in Arab societies are given equal rights and opportunities to live a life free of violence, and to engage, equally, as active citizens in their communities and countries Legislations and public policies address the roots causes of gender inequalities through evidence-based advocacy A strong civil society, including new and emerging movements, promotes gender equality at national and regional levels. Communities engage in developing solutions to promote gender equality based on innovative approaches and best practices.
TOR MILESTONES 1. Develop Branding Identity (including social media campaign) 2. Design and Execute Launch Event for the National Report (IMAGES survey + qualitative) 3./4. Comprehensive Plan and execution of community engagement public event in Cairo and two governorates (Delta and UE).
Global Campaigns He for She Men Care Men Engage
Sample Videos/ Campaigns 21/?autoplay_reason=all_page_organic_allowed&video_cont ainer_type=0&video_creator_product_type=0&app_id= /?autoplay_reason=all_page_organic_allowed&video_cont ainer_type=0&video_creator_product_type=0&app_id= / /?type= / /?type=3 / /?type= / /?type=3 / /?type= / /?type=3
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