Overview 2 What is Electronic Patient Reported Experience Measures (ePREMs)? What is Your Voice Matters: We are Listening? What type of questions are asked in Your Voice Matters? Why is Your Voice Matters important? Who is eligible to complete Your Voice Matters? How can you help? What will be done with the responses?
What is Electronic Patient Reported Experience Measures (ePREMs)? 3 ePREMs is a web based platform that captures information about the patient reported experience at point of care during the treatment phase of the cancer journey. ePREMs will host a validated tool called Your Voice Matters: We Are Listening to measure patient experience at point care (or close to real time).
What is Your Voice Matters? 4 It is a short set of questions that gives patients the chance to share feedback about their visit with us, so that we can improve. The questions in Your Voice Matters reflect patients’ experiences as they relate to each step of their visit, from: Contacting the centre with their questions Their arrival, and the interactions with reception or check-in; Meeting with their healthcare team; and How they felt when they left for the day. Patients will be able to share their perspective on each of these steps, and on their overall experience. Your Voice Matters is a separate tool from Your Symptoms Matter. Patients can complete both Your Symptoms Matter and Your Voice Matters on the same kiosk at their centre, but their Your Symptoms Matter scores will not affect the questions in Your Voice Matters. The information patients share in Your Voice Matters is confidential and will not be shared with their healthcare team.
What type of questions are asked in Your Voice Matters? 5 Your Voice Matters will not take more than 5 minutes to complete. Your Voice Matters is completed on-site at a centre on the day of the patient’s appointment, allowing for immediate feedback. Adult cancer patients in Ontario receiving treatment are invited to complete Your Voice Matters. Patients can complete Your Voice Matters in two different ways: At the kiosk located [insert location at cancer centre] just the same way a patient would log in to report on your symptoms when they arrive Tablet [insert if applicable to cancer centre]
Why is completing Your Voice Matters: We are Listening Important? 6 The questions on Your Voice Matters are important: Hearing about the patient’s most recent visit will help their care team understand what is important to them; and Will be used to improve the quality of our services and the care patients receive. It’s hard for us to know what the experience is like for patients unless they are able to tell us in a way that feels safe for them.
Who is rolling out ePREMs and Your Voice Matters? 7 Your cancer centre, in partnership with Cancer Care Ontario, is rolling out this initiative (insert wave roll out date).
Who is eligible to complete Your Voice Matters? 8 Adult patients in Ontario who are currently receiving cancer treatment at their local cancer centre or program. Family members, friends and caregivers who are supporting a loved one through the cancer system can help complete Your Voice Matters
What will be done with the responses? 9 The responses will be collected and used to improve existing patient experience services at your cancer centre. The responses will also help plan for new initiatives in the area of patient experience at the provincial level. All responses shared are confidential and will not impact the care patients receive.
How can I help support this initiative? 10 Raise awareness about the YVM both with patients and with your colleagues too Using the provided marketing tools: Patient facing video [region to play video if they feel it is helpful– see appendix] Healthcare Provider Facing Video [region to play video if they feel it is helpful– see appendix] Postcard, poster, standing banner, new patient folders poster and folders. Patient facing FAQ. Volunteer package [region to insert images of the poster, postcard, banner, if they feel visual would be helpful – see appendix] [region to insert tangible ways that audience can do this]
How will patient’s feedback be used to improve the patient experience? 11 The questions in Your Voice Matters are important because hearing about the patient experience will help care teams understand what is important to patients and will be used to improve the quality of care patients receive. Phase 1 of provincial deployment will begin with Your Voice Matters to measure the patient experience in outpatient oncology. Phase 2 will allow RCCs to add additional questionnaires based on your local needs. ePREMs is an electronic system for sites to use as they see fit to systematically capture additional information.
How can I help support this initiative? 12 Share Your Voice Matters with patients and encourage them to complete on a monthly basis Communicate that Your Voice Matters is a tool that will empower patients and enable important feedback to be shared with the centre in a confidential way
Who can I contact if I have questions about Your Voice Matters: We are Listening? 13 If you have any questions or comments please contact your local Person-Centred Care Lead at (insert site specifics here).
Questions? 14
Appendix 15
16 Marketing Materials (postcards, posters, banners and patient binder posters)
Marketing Materials (mirror decals, elevator wraps, folders) 17
Patient and Provider Videos 18 Patient Facing Video Click to watch patient video Click to watch provider video
Sharable Hub and Web ( 19 Sharable HubSharable Hub – Channel to Regions WebsiteWebsite: Channel to external audiences