Are you familiar with this movie?
Big Hero 6 FACTS The movie grossed over $546 million in worldwide box office It won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature It received nominations for the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film It won an Oscar for the best Animated Film
D ID YOU KNOW THAT A MOVIE STARTS AS A STORY WRITTEN ON PAPER ? Every story, book, song, movie, tv show, video game went through the…
W HAT IS THE WRITING PROCESS ? Prewrite Draft Revise Edit Publish
Pre-writing is a warm-up stage, where writers prepare to write. S TEP 1: P REWRITE
OR we can use technology!!! Get your ideas down on paper!!!
Put your padlet address here Think about words/phrases that you would use to describe a hero.
hero brave does the right thing helps others admired by others courageous faces danger watches over others
S TEP 2: D RAFT Writing a draft is when you put words on your paper. Draft 2 sentences of your own on padlet. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar….just get your ideas down.
Soldiers are brave and courageous. They go to far away places to protect us and our country.
S TEP 3: R EVISE SOUND Re-read your original draft and make it SOUND better. The writers of Big Hero 6 changed the setting from Japan to San Fransoyko.
Soldiers are brave and courageous. They go to far away places to protect us and our country. Talk with a partner…improve my details (add or delete). Look at vocabulary, word choice, content, organization, sentence structure. (add/take out/combine)
Think about the revisions you can make with your sentences. Then type your revised sentences on padlet. American soldiers are brave and courageous. These men and women go to far away places like Iraq to protect American citizens and our country.
S TEP 4: E DIT Check your work for: spelling capitalization grammar punctuation sentence structure LOOK Re-read your draft to make it LOOK better.
american soliders are brav and courageous these man and women go to to far away places like iraq to protect American Citizens our cuontry e e and EDIT your sentences on padlet.
S TEP 5: P UBLISH How many times have you found a mistake in a book you have read? Not very often! Your paper should be free of spelling and grammatical errors. It should be perfect or as close to perfect as you can make it and when it is then you are ready to share your work to the public! P UBLIC
American soldiers are brave and courageous. These men and women go to far away places like Iraq to protect American citizens and our country.