Safety Roadmap Presented By: Mark Jordan
Agenda Civica CMI Product Family Safety Products Product Development Life Cycle
Agenda Product Review Compatibility Future Product Development
Agenda Questions & Answers Closing
Civica CMI Product Family
Safety Products Authority CAD Authority Mobile Authority RedHawk
Safety Products Authority RMS Authority RMS Modules (Asset, Wants, Property, Booking, Training, etc.) Authority Jail
Product Review Authority CAD Authority Mobile Authority Redhawk Authority RMS Authority Jail
Authority CAD FeatureDescription LocationAbility to track location of each unit on a call SearchAbility to search by phone numbers Spell CheckAdd spell check to narrative fields Bulletin BoardPlace to pass on information electronically Ambulance RotationRotation for ambulance dispatching like tow truck rotation Generic RotationAllow for customized tracking of any rotation type list (DEER, Call Out, etc.) Next Gen and 911New functionality for NG911. Tight interface with WestTel
Authority Mobile FeatureDescription AMS LockupResolved issue with AMS lockups. Changed out communications methods. Call DispositionAllow mobile users to select units to send report to RMS SearchResolved CAD search issues Panic AlarmAdd CFS # and location to panic pop-up message BOLOsAdd date so users can see how old the BOLO is
Authority RedHawk FeatureDescription Print Engine OverhaulChange print out to an HTML template to avoid cut off of text and flexibility Server based messagingAlleviate networking IP problem, add store and forward, new look
Authority RMS FeatureDescription NIBRS ValidationNIBRS validation fixes and improvements Crash ValidationCrash validation fixes and improvements SearchesSearch improvements Global SearchImproved global search (interactive history) Property EnhancementsDomain Login, Reporting, Label Printing change out, on rejections Matrix UpdateFixes to Prosecutors Interface for Matrix (Large files, UI changes) Master Name UpdateAcross the board MNI with maintenance and conversion
Authority Jail Released in April 2016 Auglaize County Sheriff’s Office in Production
Compatibility Client supported operating systems Windows 10 Windows 8 Windows 7 Windows Vista
Compatibility Server supported operating systems Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2005 Windows SQL Server 2012 Windows SQL Server 2008/R2 Windows SQL Server 2005
Product roadmap summary Authority CAD Roadmap Key DeliverablesQ4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 Digital Mobile Integration Analytics Cloud Automation Compliance & Enhancements NG 911 Call handling Alert tab, BOLO, Spell check
Authority CAD FeatureDescription Next Gen 911Integrated call handling as part of CAD Alert TabAlert contact tabs flash a different color based on the type and add audible warning CommentAdd comment(s) from the CFS Details screen of a closed call Search for BOLOWhen entering a vehicle, in vehicle tab or in the search screen, then search the plate for a BOLO
Authority CAD FeatureDescription Command LineExpand the command line functionality to include additional options Available UnitsSplit the available by type Spell CheckAdd spell check to text entry fields Signal codeSupport type ahead on drop downs
Product roadmap summary Authority Mobile Roadmap Key DeliverablesQ4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 Digital Mobile Integration Analytics Cloud Automation Compliance & Enhancements Intersections, call information
Authority Mobile FeatureDescription EnhancementsIntersection entry improvements View caller address Type ahead in drop down boxes
Product roadmap summary Authority RedHawk Roadmap Key DeliverablesQ4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 Digital Mobile Integration Analytics Cloud Automation Compliance & Enhancements Receive admin messages, BOLO Mobile R & D
Authority RedHawk FeatureDescription R & DMobile Platforms (IOS, Android, HTML5, Voice) Admin MessagesReceive admin messages, BOLO etc. CCHRun CCH requests
Product roadmap summary Authority RMS Roadmap Key DeliverablesQ4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 Digital Mobile Integration Analytics Cloud Automation Compliance & Enhancements narrative history, lock form add documents, ESD v6 NIBRS Updates
Authority RMS FeatureDescription enhancementsFixes and updates for NIBRS data collection and submission Narrative history Add documents without reopening the case Lock a single form, images, document or any other type of form
Authority RMS FeatureDescription enhancementsEasy Street Draw v6 support Copy geo base data from CAD
Product roadmap summary Authority Jail Roadmap Key DeliverablesQ4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 Digital Mobile Integration Analytics Cloud Automation Compliance & Enhancements Medical 3 rd party interfaces
Authority Jail FeatureDescription Medical ModuleTracking and Reporting for Medical Staff 3 rd Party Interfaces Commissary, Justice Webs, AFIS, as needed
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