Welcome to National 5 History
What do You need? A willingness to learn A positive attitude
General information The National 5 History Course develops a range of skills including the ability to apply a historical perspective and to comment on historical sources in a range of contexts. Learners gain a knowledge and understanding of the factors contributing to, and the impact of, historical events. They also develop the skills of investigating historical events and forming views, and of explaining historical events and drawing conclusions.
The course is made up of 3 units with unit assessments Assignment SQA exam
Unit 1: European and World Free at Last Unit 1: European and World Free at Last? Civil Rights in the USA, 1918-1968 Pupils will investigate: The ‘Open Door’ policy and immigration, to 1928 ‘Separate but Equal’, to 1939 Civil Rights Campaigns, 1945-1968 The ghettos and Black American radicalism
Unit 2: Scotland Migration and Empire, 1830-1939 Pupils will study: Immigration to Scotland, 1830s- 1939 The experience of immigrants to Scotland, 1830s-1939 Scottish emigration, 1830s-1939 The experience of Scots abroad, 1830s-1939
Unit 3 Britain: The Atlantic Slave Trade, 1770-1807 Pupils will study: Britain’s links with the Caribbean The Triangular Trade The captives’ experience and slave resistance The Abolitionist campaigns
Assessments Pupils will be assessed in each unit, they will have to show minimum competency in the unit outcomes. This will be marked by the teacher. The Assignment which comprises 25% of the pupils’ final mark. This is externally marked by SQA. For the Assignment, candidates must select a topic from the course. They will carry out independent research by applying historical skills and drawing on knowledge and understanding to collect evidence, organise information, and present their findings. Pupils will write their Assignment under exam conditions in 1 hour. Sit the SQA exam on Tuesday 9th May 2017. The exam comprises 75% of the final mark
Progression? Higher History, Modern Studies, RMPS Also a good grounding for similar literary subjects.
Useful links: http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/subjects/ztyfr8 2 http://scholar.hw.ac.uk/ http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/nationalqu alifications/subjects/history.asp http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/topics/z8phvc w