CS5205: Foundation in Programming Languages Type Reconstruction Type Variables and Susbtitutions Two View of Type Variables Constraint-Based Typing Unification Principal Types Let Polymorphism CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Type Variables and Substitutions In this lecture, we treat uninterpreted base types as type variables. A type X can stand for Nat ! Bool. We may need to substitute X by the desired type Nat ! Bool. A type substitution is a finite mapping from type variables to types. Example: s = [X a T, Y a U ] where dom(s) = {X, Y} range(s) = {T, U} CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Applying Substitutions to Types s (X) = T if (X a T) 2 s = X if X dom(s) s (Nat) = Nat s (Bool) = Bool s (T1 ! T2) = s T1 ! s T2 CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Applying Substitutions to Contexts/Terms Applying it to contexts: s (x1:T1,…,xn:Tn) = (x1: s T1,…,xn: s Tn) Applying it to terms by applying it to all its types. E.g : [X a Bool] (l x:X. x) = l x:Bool. x CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Composing Substitutions Apply g followed by s, as follows: s ± g = X a s(T) for each (X a T ) 2 g = X a T for each (X a T ) 2 s with X dom(g) CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Preservation under Type Substitution If ` t : T then s ` s t : s T for any type substitution s CS5205 Type Reconstruction
First View of Type Equation Solving Let t be a term with type variables, and let be a typing context with type variables. First View: For every s there exists a T such that s ` s t : s T . “Are all substitution instances of t well-typed?” This view leads to parametric polymorphism. CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Second View of Type Equation Solving Let t be a term with type variables, and let be a typing context with type variables. Second View: Is there a s such that there is a T whereby s ` s t : s T . “Is some substitution instance of t well-typed?” This view leads to type reconstruction. CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Type Reconstruction : The Problem Let t be a term and be a typing context. A solution for (, t) is a pair (s, T) such that s ` s t : s T CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Example Let = f:X, a:Y and t = f a Then the possible solutions for (, t) include: ([X a Y ! Nat], Nat) ([X a Y ! Z], Z) ([X a Y ! Z, Z a Nat ], Z) ([X a Y ! Nat ! Nat], Nat ! Nat) ([X a Nat ! Nat, Y a Nat ], Nat) CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Constraint-based Typing Constraint-based typing is an algorithm that computes for (, t) a set of constraints that must be satisfied by any solution for (, t). A constraint set C is a set of solutions {Si=Ti}i 2 1..n. A substitution s unifies an equation S=T if s S and s T are identical, namely s S ´ s T. A substitution unifies (or satisfies) a constraint set C if it unifies every equation in C . CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Constraint-based Typing We define a relation ` t : T |X C The term t has type T under assumptions whenever the constraint C are satisfied. X is used to track variables that are introduced along the way. CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Rules for Constraint-Based Typing x :T 2 ` x : T | {} (CT-Var) ` 0 : Nat | {} (CT-Zero) ` t : T |X C C’=C [ {T=Nat} ` succ t : Nat |X C’ (CT-Succ) ` t : T |X C C’=C [ {T=Nat} ` pred t : Nat |X C’ (CT-Pred) CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Rules for Constraint-Based Typing (CT-True) ` true : Bool | {} ` false : Bool | {} (CT-False) ` t : T |X C C’=C [ {T=Nat} ` iszero t : Bool |X C’ (CT-IsZero) ` t1 : T1 |X1 C1 ` t2 : T2 |X2 C2 ` t3 : T3 |X3 C3 C’=C1 [ C2 [C3 [ {T1=Bool, T2 =T3} X’=X1 [ X2 [ X3 ` if t1 then t2 else t3 : T2 |X’ C’ (CT-If) CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Rules for Constraint-Based Typing , x:T1 ` t2 : T2 |X C ` l x:T1 . t2 : T1 ! T2 |X C (CT-Abs) ` t1 : T1 |X1 C1 ` t2 : T2 |X2 C2 fresh V C’=C1 [ C2 [ {T1=T2 ! V} X’=X1 [ X2 [ {V} ` t1 t2 : V |X’ C’ (CT-App) Note that X1, X2 , FV(T2) , FV(T1) are disjoint. CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Constraint-based Typing (Solution) Suppose that ` t : T |X C A solution for (,t,S,C) is a pair (s,T) such that s satisfies C and s S=T. Note that is is OK to omit X from discussion as it is simply a set of locally introduced type variables. CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Properties of Constraint-based Typing Soundness: Suppose that ` t : T |X C . If (s,T) is a solution for (,t,S,C), then it is also a solution for (,t). That is s ` s t : s T . Completeness: Suppose that ` t : T |X C . If (s,T) is a solution for (,t) and dom(s) Å X={}, then there is a solution (s’,T) for (,t,S,C) such that s’ \X = s . Note that s \X is a substitution that is undefined for all variables in X, but otherwise behaves like s. CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Correctness of Constraint-based Typing Suppose ` t : T |X C . There is some solution for (,t) if and only if there is some solution for (,t,S,C) . Correctness = Soundness + Completeness CS5205 Type Reconstruction
More General Substitution A substitution s is more general (or less specific) than a substitution s’, written as s v s’ , if s’ = g ± s for some substitution g. For example: [X a V ! V, Y a W ! W] is less specific than [X a (Nat ! Nat) ! [(Nat ! Nat) , Y a Nat ! Nat] Take g = [V a Nat ! Nat, W a Nat ]. CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Principal Unifier A principal unifier for a constraint set C is a substitution s such that: s satisfies C, and for every s’ that satisfies C, we have s v s’. That is, s is the most general substitution that satisfies C. CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Examples What is the principal unifier of the following? {X=Nat, Y= X ! X} {X ! Y= Y ! Z, Z= U ! W} ) [X a Nat, Y a Nat ! Nat] ) [X a U ! W, Y a U ! W , Z a U ! W ] CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Unification Algorithm This derives principal unifier from a set of constraint unify(C) = if C={} then [] else let {S=T} [ C’=C in if S ´ T then unify(C’) else if S ´ X Æ X FV(T) then unify([X a T]C’) ± [X a T] else if T ´ X Æ X FV(S) then unify([X a S]C’) ± [X a S] else if S ´ S1 ! S2 Æ T ´ T1 ! T2 then unify(C’ [ {S1=T1, S2=T2}) else fail occurs check CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Unification Algorithm (Properties) Let C be an arbitrary constraint set. unify(C) terminates, either with fail or by returning a substitution. If unify(C)=s then s is a unifier for C. If d is a unifier for C, then unify(C)=s for some s such that s v d. CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Principal Types A principal solution for (,t,S,C), is a solution (s,T), such that, whenever (s’,T’) is a solution for (,t,S,C), we have s v s’. When (s,T) is a principal solution, we call T a principal type for t under . CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Unification Finds Principal Solution If (,t,S,C) has any solution, then it has a principal one. The unification algorithm can be used to determine whether (,t,S,C) has a solution and, if so, to calculate a principal solution. CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Let-Polymorphism (Motivation) Consider a function that applies the first argument twice to the second argument: l f. l a. f(f(a)) This function has few assumptions on f and a. Can we apply the function, whenever these conditions are met? CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Let-Polymorphism (Example) We can use let construct to capture more generic code: let double = l f. l a. f(f(a)) in … double (l x. succ(succ(x))) 1 … … double (l x. not(x)) false … However, what type should double have? CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Let-Polymorphism (Initial Idea) Provide type variable for double: let double = l f : X ! X. l a:X. f(f(a)) in … double (l x. succ(succ(x))) 1 … … double (l x. not(x)) false … However, the let typing rule : ` t1 : T1 , x:T1 ` t2 : T2 ` let x=t1 in t2 : T2 (T-Let) generates the following contradiction! X ! X = Nat ! Nat X ! X = Bool ! Bool CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Let-Polymorphism (Second Idea) Use implicitly annotated lambda abstraction: let double = l f . l a. f(f(a)) in … double (l x:Nat. succ(succ(x))) 1 … … double (l x:Bool. not(x)) false … Typing rule substitute all occurrences of double in body: ` [x a t1]t2 : T2 ` let x=t1 in t2 : T2 (T-LetPoly) Problems (i) what if x not used in t2 (ii) what if x occurs multiple times CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Let-Polymorphism (Problem 1) What if x is not used in t2? Modify the type rule: ` t1 : T1 ` [x a t1]t2 : T2 ` let x=t1 in t2 : T2 CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Let-Polymorphism (Problem 2) What if x occurs multiple times? Explicit substitution of each occurrence of variable may result in slow type-checking. Solution : use type schemes. Resulting implementations of type reconstruction run in practice in linear time. In theory, they are exponential as shown by Kfoury, Tiuryn and Urzyczyn (1990) since types can be exponential in size to program! CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Type Scheme for Let When type-checking let x=t1 in t2: Use the constraint typing rules to calculate a type S1 and a set C1 for t1. Use unification to find a most general solution to the constraint C1 and apply to S1 (and ) to obtain t1 as principal type T1. Generalise any variables remaining in T1. If X1..Xn are the remaining variables, we write 8 X1..Xn . T1 as the principal type scheme of t1. CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Problem with References Let-polymorphism does not work correctly with references: let r=ref (l x.x) in r:=(l x:Nat. succ x); (!r) true This results in run-time error even though it type-checks. Reason - mismatch between evaluation rule and type rule. Solution : use polymorphism only if the RHS of let is a value. CS5205 Type Reconstruction
Unification Algorithm (Background) Unification is due to J Alan Robinson (1971), and is widely used in computer science. Logic programming is based on unification over first-order terms. It is a generalization of our language of types. Unification is built-in. Occurs check is justified because we consider only finite types (ie. non-recursive types). CS5205 Type Reconstruction