Step 1: Get the BIG PICTURE. What is the purpose of the assignment/research writing? To learn about a topic and present what you’ve learned in a logical, well-organized, cited essay How do you go about learning about the topic? Read a variety of sources and take notes.
How do your get the big picture? Use “big picture” sources like textbooks, online encyclopedias, etc. to find some keywords to use in your search. Develop a basic outline of topics for research. Develop research questions for each section. The research questions will help you figure out what information to use for notes. You are looking for the answers to your questions.
Assignment Read the instructions and provided sample outline for the paper. Develop research questions for each section of the outline and write them with the keywords in your 5- subject notebook.
Step 2: Gather reliable sources. Where should you look? Reference section (books), online databases, online How can you determine if a source is reliable? Use the following criteria: Who is the author and what makes them a credible source? Who is the publisher or sponsor of the site? Are they credible? How recent is the information? Can the information be corroborated in other sources? Is the site/sponsor/publisher biased? Is there a detectible agenda?
Remember, you need to read your sources! Reading the sources helps you gain good understanding of the topic and be able to pull information together. You MUST print online sources and read and highlight important information that answers research questions. This will make the note-taking process more efficient and help you learn about the topic and be able to write about it.
Assignment Source reliability Kahoot.it Source Reliability Quiz
Step 3 – Create source cards The purpose of source cards is to provide you with the necessary information to complete in-text citations and the works cited page in an efficient, organized way. Purdue OWL MLA resourcePurdue OWL MLA resource Source # Book sources Author’s last name, first name. Title of book. City of publication: publisher, copyright date. Print.
Source # Typical information for internet sites Author’s last name, first name. “Title of article.” Title of website. Publisher/ sponsor of website. Copyright or date last updated/posted. Web. Date of access (day month year).
All information for book sources can be found on the title page or back of the title page of the book. Most information for internet sources can be found on the web page, but some may not be available. You just skip those, but the lack of information should cause you to question the source reliability. Most internet databases provide the citation information at the end of the article. All you have to do is copy it. Make a source card as soon as you decide a source is useful to you.
Assignment Create a source card for each of the sources provided. You will need to memorize the information usually needed for book and internet sources for a quiz. Understand that there is some variation. If you choose a source that is not completely standard, you must use the MLA handbook (or similar source like Purdue OWL website) to determine what source information is needed. Purdue OWL websitePurdue OWL website
Step 4 – Read and highlight information that answers your research questions. When you are determining if a source would be useful, scan looking for answers to your research questions. If a source looks useful, print it or copy it (if a book). Then you must READ it more carefully taking time to highlight/underline the information you find useful for answering research questions.
Assignment Read the provided article and highlight information that answers the following research questions:
Step 5 – Create notecards. Using the information you highlighted in the printed sources, create notecards that either paraphrase, summarize, or directly quote the useful information. Be sure to include a variety (paraphrase, summary, quote). Do NOT just quote. Be sure to put quotation marks around quotes. Be sure to properly label cards. This will help you later with the outline and writing of the paper (in- text citations and organization).
Sample note card Topic (should correspond to outline) Source # Write note here. It can be complete sentences or phrases. Some people choose to write bulleted points. Don’t forget to put direct quotes in quotation marks. Pg. # If it is a note from a book source, be sure to include the page number at the bottom.
Quoting You want to choose quotes wisely. It does not have to be dialogue (something someone is saying). Choose something you couldn’t say another way - opinions, insights, descriptions, etc. Do not quote basic facts like dates, birth/death, family, etc. Keep in mind that you might want to use a quote in your introduction, so be on the look-out for something that might work.
Assignment Turn the information you highlighted in the previous assignment into properly labeled note cards. Paraphrase one, summarize one, and choose something to quote directly.
Assignment Prepare notecards by labeling 4 notecards/outline topic and research questions. This will help you keep tabs on your progress so you know what you still need information about. You need at least 4-5 notecards/outline capital letter topic. Each capital letter on the outline represents a paragraph in your essay.
Step 6 – Evaluate your research and take steps to fill in gaps. Use your outline and research questions to determine what sources your might still need. Do you have enough information (about 4-5 cards) per topic to fill paragraphs? Have you answered your research questions? Do you have the right information to fulfil the purpose of the assignment?
Step 7 – Organize your notecards. Using the labels you wrote on your cards, organize in the logical order of your outline.
Step 8 – Fill in details onto your outline. Plug the information on your cards into your outline. Adjust the outline as needed. You can use sentences or basic summary phrases.
Step 9 – Write a rough draft. Keep your cards organized by the outline. Follow your outline. Begin with a well-connect attention grabber and thesis. Write the information from your cards into cohesive, well-connected paragraphs Use the rubric as a guide. Be sure to include properly formatted in-text citations.
Assignment Read through the sample and highlight each in-text citation taking note of how they are formatted. Find the corresponding source on the works cited page.
Step 10 – Write the works cited page Organize your source cards into alphabetical order based on the first item listed on the card. Double check that each source was used in your paper. Type all information on the card into the Works Cited page. Remember, the source must be cited in the paper to appear on the works cited page. Be sure all sources cited in the paper appear on the works cited list!!!
Step 11- revise and edit Use my comments, revision checklists, etc. to make revisions. Write your revisions right on your rough draft. Consult the rubric to look for anything you might be missing or need to improve. You should make at least 10 revisions to your paper!
Step 12 – Finalize your paper Type revisions into your paper and double check against the requirements before printing your final paper. Be sure you’ve made a title page and met all requirements – use rubric!