Amy Lalime- Parent Volunteer Cindy Moore- Parent Volunteer Doris Monfil- Reading Specialist Kim Prettyman- Reading Specialist Suzanne Shopmyer- Library Media Specialist Who are we?
WHAT IS THE 1000 BOOK PROGRAM? To have quality literature readily available for preschoolers and their families so that each child will have heard 1000 stories before he or she comes to school To help children develop a lifetime bond with reading and books To foster a positive connection between home and school It is a reading program for preschool children and their families whose aims are:
WHY DO WE HAVE THIS PROGRAM? Research has shown that “the single most important activity for building the knowledge required for eventual success in reading is reading aloud to children. This is especially so during the preschool years.” (Becoming a Nation of Readers, 1984) We, at Craig School, want to help parents promote reading in their homes by providing a free and easy method of obtaining quality literature.
HOW CAN FAMILIES PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROGRAM? All you have to do to get started is to fill out the top part of one of the RECORD KEEPING sheets (you can fill it out tonight-or come to the library!) The sheets are BLUE and should be in front of you!
Then, select a bag from the wall. You DO NOT have to pick bags in number order! You can start with #39 if you want!! NOTE:
Then you come here… Record Keeping BLUE Binder Sign Out
Remove the number card for the bag you are taking out. Print your child’s name and the current date on the card. Place the card back behind the number which corresponds to the number on the bag you are borrowing.
Here’s what’s in the bag! There are 10 books in the main zipper pocket. The back zipper pocket has the Sign Out Guidelines with a list of the books (on the back) that are in the bag and a reading tip.
Read and enjoy the books in the bag with your child at home.
Please return the bag within 2 weeks. Check the book list in the back zipper pocket to be sure you have collected ALL the books for that bag!!
If, by accident, a book becomes misplaced or damaged, please return the bag to the library. This will help us promptly repair the damage and place the bag back into circulation!
Before hanging the bag back on the wall, remove the card from the SIGN OUT box and cross off your name. Please place the card back into the box in its proper place. Then hang the bag back on the wall (in order please!)
Next, find your child’s RECORD KEEPING sheet in the BLUE Binder. Write the date you are returning the bag next to the number that corresponds with the bag you used. ALSO! Mark off one of the tally marks towards the incentive (in numerical order).
When you complete a bag, you can mark your progress with your child at home on the 1000 Book Kid poster with the stickers we provide.
Any time that the school is open! Weekdays (usually) from 7:30 am to 6 pm. In the summer during weekly library hours. When can you exchange bags?
Incentives -THIS IS NEW!! At 25 bags (250 books) - a reading award to use as a bookmark At 50 bags (500 books) - a reading pin to wear At 75 bags (750 books) - a 1000 Book Kid T- Shirt At 100 bags (1000 books)- a engraved trophy We are trying something NEW and we hope you and your child enjoy it!!
Your child completes the program when s/he reaches 1000 books (100 bags). At that time, you can notify a Craig School 1000 Book Kid representative and we will get an engraved trophy and put them on the list for the 1000 book kid ceremony. 750 Book Incentive1000 Book Incentive!
You may wish to support the 1000 Book Kid program by purchasing the following: An Adult T-shirt for $10 More to Come Tote Bags! Lanyards! Bumper Stickers! Contact a Craig School 1000 Book Kid representative! ALL proceeds go towards funding this program! Please let us know if you are interested!
Donations If you feel this is an excellent program and you want to contribute, we are always looking for donations. You can donate books or bags in memory or in honor of a person or family. $5 for a soft cover book $10 for a hard cover book $25 for a bag Ask a representative for a form!
Thank You Parents and Preschoolers!!! And that’s how you participate in the Craig School 1000 Book Kid program. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to get this program started! Special thanks for financial support go to the Craig School PTO, many local business sponsors, and everyone in the Craig School community who made contributions to the program.