Welcome to Earth and Space Science Please find your assigned seat
Mr. Summers… What I teach… What I study… Things I like to do… Earth & Space Science, and Principles of Flight “How did guys like the one on the left defeat guys like the one in the center?” Scuba (that’s me diving in Hawaii), golf, hiking, shooting.
Names! 1.Collect a piece of paper and fold it into thirds 2. Write your first name large so I can read it from the front of the room 3. Place it on your desk so I can see it
Names! Introduce yourself to the class by telling us your name and your favorite subject. By the end of next week you will need to know everyone’s name at your table. Keep your name tag for the first two weeks!
Birthday’s Choose a card Write: – Your name – Period – Birthday (or half birthday if you have a summer birthday) EX: June 18 th birthday is after school gets out so we will celebrate Dec. 18 th Write: Dec. 18 th (June 18 th ) Put in INBOX when done.
This year What we will be learning?
This year What you need to learn? The Daily 5 – Science book – Catastrophic Events starting 9/12 – Science Notebook – Pencil – Correcting pen – Planner
Science Notebooks 1.Required this year. You must have one every day. These were given to you on the back to school day by the bookkeeper – Mr. West. 2.Take out your science notebook. 3.On the back of your science notebook write legibly with a sharpie: Your full name Earth and Space Science Period ___ Summers
Diana Prince Earth & Space Science Period ____ Summers Name: Class: Period: Teacher: Back Cover
Homework Tonight’s homework – Safety Contract and QUIZ (9/6) – Syllabus on-line form (9/6) – Science notebook (9/2) if you don’t have one
All About You Put ONE dot on the graph showing your learning vs enthusiasm for science right now. Explain why you put your dot where you did. NO TEACHERS’ NAMES
Goal for Science
My Science Goal “Help students improve their learning, their enthusiasm towards learning, and their ability to understand and improve their world”
Safety Contract & Quiz Tomorrow will be our safety day. Take home your contract & get it signed tonight. Print your name now.
Syllabus tape in on inside of back cover 1.Remove staple 2.Use small pieces of tape along one edge so you can turn the page and read the back (like a book) 3.Always use clear tape 4.Tape neatly and straight
Mr. Summers’ Website Click HERE to access course syllabus
Mr. Summers’ Website Click HERE to access the verification form AFTER reading the course syllabus
Google Form
Mr. Summers’ Website Click HERE to access course materials and shared resources
Earth and Space Science Common Content
Class Calendar
Any time you need a class document, you can print it from the website calendar. Click on the bold blue words to open a document
Make sure you download the assignment so the formatting is correct
HW: Safety Contract and TEST (9/6) Syllabus on-line form (9/6) Science notebook (9/2) if you don’t have one Reminder
Do Now9/2 1.If your safety contract is signed, place it in the INBOX for your period 2.Put your name tags out on your desk. 3.Get to know table group: Share your name and your favorite ice cream flavor.
This year What we will be learning?
Classroom Bathroom – No exceptions to the 15/10 rule – Hand signal – Take a pass and record in your planner STAR – Sit up Straight – Track the Speaker – Ask and Answer Questions – Respect yourself and those around you
What was that again? What is the symbol to go to the bathroom? What do you need to bring to class every day? What does STAR stand for?
Planner 1.Required this year. You must have every day. 2.Write your name legibly in the front of your planner. 3.The first day of each week we will write down the entire week’s homework. 4.You will receive a stamp after Friday of each week after writing in the assignments. 5.Copy down this week’s homework in your planner and leave it out for me to stamp.
In and out box INBOX – Turn in assignments to teacher OUTBOX – Assignments to go back to students
Start of Class 1.You need to be in your seat WORKING when the bell rings. Otherwise you may be marked as TARDY. 2.Come in and take your seat 3.Take out your materials and homework 4.Start the Do Now for the day.
Safety Contract 1.White copy is due TUESDAY signed by you and a parent 2.If it was already signed, it should be in the INBOX now 3.Neon copy will go in the back of your notebook to refer to all year.
Safety Contract tape in on page Use small pieces of tape along one edge so you can turn the page and read the back (like a book) 2.Always use clear tape 3.Tape neatly and straight
200 Syllabus Safety Contract
Safety Test The test is Tuesday You need to get 100% before you can do labs in science. The test is based only on what is on the safety contract. That is all you have to study.
Safety Scavenger Hunt In your table groups, you need to find all items described on the sheet. Clearly label them on the map on the back of your safety contract.
Fire blanket Teacher Island Fire extinguisher Eye wash Exits Fume hood shower Waste disposal Emergency shut off Broken Glass Bucket Big Red Button – Turns off Power to Room Frist Aid
HW: Safety test Tuesday (9/6) Safety contracts due Tuesday (9/6) On-line Syllabus verification form due Tuesday (9/6) PUSH IN YOUR CHAIR, please. Reminder