Peace Be Upon Him. "Christ" or "Jesus was one of the greatest Divine prophets; who brought a book and had many miracles. He was born in an extraordinary.


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Presentation transcript:

Peace Be Upon Him

"Christ" or "Jesus was one of the greatest Divine prophets; who brought a book and had many miracles. He was born in an extraordinary way and Quran speaks of it as miracles do to God's power. Our prophet (Mohammad) (P.B.U.H..) and God answered the Christians of Najran by saying that the birth of Christ is like the birth of Adam from dust and if the lack of father is the reason for being God's son;! Then Adam should be God's son too. Quran which is an attribute of God had said the story of Jesus birth on three verses in Aal-e-Imran chapter and twenty verses on Maryam's Chapter in order to fulfill the prophecy it has.

Quran introduces Jesus Christ with several specialties. Some of them were blessed to him and some were obtained to him. 1. The term of God: 2. His name: Jesus Christ the son of Mary 3. The sign of God and manifestation of divine blessings. 4. Speaking in the Cradle: 5. Spiritual impeccabilities: 6. The Possessor of Divine law: 7. He was one of Arch prophets 8. A prophet to wards the children of Israel. (Bani Israel)

What was the answer of prophet (PBUH) according to Quran to the Christians of Najrana bout the birth of Jesus(PBUH)? What is the mean of following verse of Quran according to lesson # 1? "Verily, this Holy Quran explains those Matters which children of Israel dispute about." According to the lesson # 3, Qur’an mention that Jesus is Kalimatullah –"The Word from Allah (swt)"-Please explain what means this phrase?

We studied the Quranic verses about the miraculous birth of Prophet Jesus(P.B.U.H..) in the first two lessons. May you point to the differences and similarities between Christian and Islamic view point about the story of Prophet Jesus birth?

The verses of the Holy Quran show that Jesus was one of the Holy prophets who had a divine law by his book. Naturally a prophet receives revelation. Let's ruminate the verses about this manner.

According to the lesson # 3, Qur’an mention that Jesus is Kalimatullah –"The Word from Allah (swt)“, Please explain what means this phrase?

He is introduced in verses as a "Messenger of God" or the "Messenger of Bani Israel. His book "bible" is mentioned in three places in Holy Quran. His divine laws seem to be a rectification of Torah. He approved the previous prophets and gave glad- tidings about the next prophet. He was selected to Judge between Bani-Israel - The children of Israel - arguments.

What are the Miracles and why the Miracles of Jesus (pbuh) are different from Moses (pbuh)’s Miracles? Is Jesus(pbuh) is a Messenger of or a prophet? Please prove your answer with a verse of Quran.

Jesus Christ; like other prophets had words to say and his people had some reactions against him. The holy Quran talks about it. the verses show the negative reaction of (Bani Israel) the children of Israel towards Jesus Christ. They rejected the Divine covenant. The evil behaviors of them prevented them from accepting the propaganda of the holy prophets. They decided to harm and kill Jesus Christ. The result of their enmity was that Jesus cursed them. There fore instead of peace and calm life they received war and enmity.

Why Jesus is called Nasarian (Jesus) sometimes? Who are talking about them in two bellow verses ? Those who disbelieved among the children of Israel were cursed by the tongue of Dawod (David) and Isa (Jesus) son of Maryam (Mary) that was because they disobeyed [Allah and the Messengers] and used to exercise transgression." (Al-Maedeh-78)

The holy Quran has introduced a group of men as a “Disciples”. Below are the verses considering the Disciples and well discuss them separately. 1. Separating believers from disbelievers 2. Asking for Heavenly food. The Names of Disciples The characteristics of Disciples in the Holy Quran The view points of the Bible about the Disciples Other characteristics of Disciples in the New Testament Captivity of Jesus Christ and the sweet sleep of Disciples What’s the truth about Heavenly Food?

Why the Holy Quran mentions the story of Disciples? What is approved with this prayer of Jesus? "O ’My lord, bless our food" What is the opinion of Islamic narration and sayings about Disciples?

Our prophet (Mohammad) (P.B.U.H..) and God answered the Christians of Najran by saying that: the birth of Christ is like the birth of …from …. What means Erhass? What is the difference between the meanings of “Ar-Rahman" and "Ar- Raheem? Was Jesus a messenger or a prophet? What are the characters of Jesus in the verses of the Holy Quran? What were the miracles of Jesus? Please write four negative reactions of (Bani Israel) the children of Israel towards Jesus Christ? Please write, what means the word “ Maeda” and why the Disciples asked for the Maeda? Why has started the verse (Al-Maeda – 116) with both ربنا and اللهم [ “Allah, our Creator and Nurturer”]?

The Jews wanted to kill him, but God protected His messenger, and they crucified someone else by mistake, God saved His messenger from the stubborn Jews raised him to Himself. Jesus was raised by God alive and he is alive now. The meaning of "" توفی has been explained. God saved Jesus Christ from unbelievers and raised him up by his body and soul, without getting killed by Jews.

How can you result, according to lesson # 9, that Jews claim about Jesus was wrong and the truth is rising up Jesus, not killing nor crucifying him?

What have you read or heard about their decision reason for killing Jesus (P.B.U.H...)?

In the Quranic viewpoint both groups - Christians and Jews- are accused of disobeying God (Of course the tone of Quran is different towards Christians than Jews). The divine laws guarantee the prosperity and happiness for its people at every period of time. Quran reminds, that the book which is sent down to Mohammad (P.B.U.H.. &h.f.); not only certifies the books (Bible and Torah) but also has some kind of overseeing on them. Quran reminds that the real people of scripture are those who study the Bible and Torah and obey it, and naturally they have respect for what God has sent them and glad tidings about Mohammad (P.B.U.H..&h.f.) are one of them. But unfortunately they refused to accept Quran.

"And if they had acted according to the Taurat (Torah) and the Injil (Bible) and that which was sent down to them from their Creator and Nurturer, they would have surely received sustenance [of good things] from the heaven and the earth. Of them are a group who are moderate, but many of them commit evil deeds." [Al-Maidah; 66]

In this lesson we will review, the theory “ Divinity of Jesus” which means “ the god of the universe”. The holy Quran brings some reasons to cancel this belief: An- Nisa; 172, Al-Maedeh, 17, Al-Maedeh; 75]. Also we review that by accepting the theory of trinity, the Christians got involved with some contradiction in their belief, in one hand they believe in monotheism and on the other hand they believe in trinity. The holy Quran clearly rejects this idea in following verses: An-Nisa; 171 ; Al-Maeda; 73, At-Tawbah; 31.

What are the Quran reasons for objecting this Christian’s belief that the Jesus(pbuh) is the son of God ?

You have heard or read about the return of Jesus (pbuh) and the events associated with his arrival, according to Islamic points of view.

Christians believe that Jesus and Mary called people to worship themselves; God arranged the conversation by Jesus own words so that people who were mislead; will hear the truth from Jesus himself in Resurrection day. He never invited people to worship anyone but God, his invitation was like other Messengers. They put Jesus and marry beside the divinity of God, like all other polytheist. Jesus truthful answers to God mean that; He not only did not say so but he had no right to say it. Because He is God's creature and Nurturer and Allah has not given him such right and if they got mislead; is their own fault and he is blameless.

In the name of Allah, the Most High Dear friends; Salaamon Alikom Quran says: "Did you say to men take me and my mother as Gods apart from Allah?“ Why the verse talks about the divinity of Mary?

Our prophet (Mohammad) (P.B.U.H.) and God answered the Christians of Najran by saying that : …. Christ mentioned three extremely important days: The day of our birth, the day of our death, and the day of our rise, because …. The term of God, the Christ’s external existence is one of God's genesis term, because his existence was.... Christ was one of Arch prophets. Arch prophet" means those prophets with…. The method of Jesus (P.B.U.H.)’s propaganda was…. Please compare The Characteristics of Disciples in the Holy Quran’s view and the view points of the Bible? What’s the truth about Heavenly Food? Ibn Kasser says: there are plenty of narrates from the Messenger Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) that Jesus will..... the Day of Resurrection. The third theory is divinity of Jesus; which means "the god of the universe”. The holy Quran brings some reasons to cancel this belief please write three of them here: