A company specialising in facilitation, stakeholder engagement, research, evaluation and training. Icarus work across a number of sectors, including the natural environment. We have been part of the Environment Agency’s Stakeholder and Engagement Framework since Our role in the process is to ensure all involved have the chance to do their best thinking to collectively create an effective Catchment Plan.
Please see handout
Each of the 4 Working Groups has a dedicated initial workshop The Environment Agency is committed to resourcing and supporting the 4 groups There is the potential for each group to meet on other occasions between today and August 20 th Each group brings it’s work to a further Workshop session on August 20th
The people and organisations that have come together to create the Calderdale Catchment Plan will work using the following guiding principles: Clarity and transparency All aspects of the engagement process, timetable for planning and arrangements for making decisions will be set out clearly and made available to all who have an interest in contributing to the Catchment Plan. Open and shared communication All involved in the process of developing the Catchment Plan will share information openly with other stakeholders to the engagement process. Informed, evidenced based, choices The Catchment Plan, and the choices made within it, will be based on the best quality information and evidence about what works in flood and water management.
An inclusive and collaborative process The process of planning and decision-making will be one which offers all involved the opportunity to contribute and the information on which to make those contributions. Well resourced The people and organisations involved in the Catchment Planning process will each contribute time, knowledge and resources to ensure the process is sufficiently resourced. Clarity over roles and responsibilities The contributions of each working group within the process and the Catchment Plan will be set out clearly and available to all who have an interest in contributing to, or delivering, the Catchment Plan.
Allow me to keep you to time and to task Please make your contributions constructive Be respectful of other’s knowledge and experience Keep a focus on Community Resilience Be as clear as possible
By the end of the workshop we will have: Identified the issues relevant to Community Resilience that require actions within the Catchment Plan Drafted actions to address those issues for consideration within the Catchment Plan Prioritised actions Identified further work / sessions of this group, if needed Considered who will report the work of this group on August 20th
“Starting with what’s strong to address what’s wrong.” - Cormac Russell, Nurture Development
Using the notes from the workshop of June 18 th, the following themes emerge: Preparedness and planning for floods Flood warning Incident response Community infrastructure resilience and recovery Household / domestic resilience and recovery Business resilience and recovery Addressing health impacts (physical, emotional) Supporting vulnerable people and groups And… three underpinning themes… Communication Information Community organisation / networking
In small groups, please list the issues within each theme that require actions within the Catchment Plan Do not begin writing actions at this stage Record the issues on the cards and add them to the relevant flipchart for each theme Please be as clear as possible what the issue is Please ensure you consider information, communication and community organisation in each theme
In small groups, please draft specific actions for each issue for consideration within the Catchment Plan Record the actions on the cards provided ThemeIssue Action: Who leads? Who else is involved? What resources are needed? When will this happen?
A good action will be: Specific (clear about what needs to be done) Measurable (we will know when we have done it) Achievable (can be done within known resources) Realistic (is within the scope of those involved to make it happen) Timebound (there is a date for completion)
Consider each action in terms of –The potential it has to increase resilience –How easy or difficult it will be to achieve Place each action on the grid for the relevent theme
What are the next tasks for this group over the next few weeks (until Aug 20 th )? Does this group need to meet again? Who needs / wishes to be involved? Is there any further information needed, and can this be made available? What support will the group need? What is the best way to work together?