Year 6 Autumn Term English: Fiction: Fantastic, Funny, Frightening: exploring genres Poetry: study of Ted Hughes and Benjamin Zephaniah Non-Fiction:


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Presentation transcript:

Year 6 Autumn Term English: Fiction: Fantastic, Funny, Frightening: exploring genres Poetry: study of Ted Hughes and Benjamin Zephaniah Non-Fiction: Instructional writing Non-chronological Reports Other: Nessy spelling (Weekly test) Penpals handwriting scheme Guided Group Reading: twice weekly Reading Carousel (including Comprehension skills) Mathematics: transfer mathematical skills to a variety of contexts and everyday situations. identify the appropriate steps and information needed to complete the task or reach a solution. select appropriate mathematics and techniques to use. select and use suitable instruments and units of measurement. choose an appropriate mental or written strategy and know when it is appropriate to use a calculator. estimate and visualise size when measuring and use the correct units. read and write numbers to 1 million and numbers to 3 decimal place multiply numbers and decimals by a multiple of 10. use understanding of simple fraction, decimal and percentage equivalences. calculate percentage quantities based on 10%. Science: Energy, Light and Sound We will be building and exploring series and parallel circuits. We will experiment using different components and investigate what happens as we add these to a variety of circuits. The final challenge will be to design a circuit for a burglar alarm to protect a house. Welsh: Trefnu Gweithgareddau (Arranging activities) We will be learning all the questions and sentence structures needed to arrange simple activities. For example: arranging times, places and who to go with. ICT: We are App planners Children will go through the basics of designing their very own app. They will then need to present their idea back to the class as a formal presentation (paired / group). Religious Education: Important people – exploring leaders in faith and in the community. Music: Roundabout - Exploring rounds in musical performances. History: Life in Wales during WW2 Pupils will be learning about life in Wales during WW2. They will be using a range of historical and literacy skills to help develop their learning. Photos and memorabilia of relatives from this era would be welcome for show and tell. P.E. and Games: Outdoor: hockey, football and netball Indoor – gymnastics and dance. Geography: Rivers: Pupils will be using a range of literacy and numeracy skills to help them explore local rivers. They will learn about the formation of rivers and the water cycle. Art and Design Technology: Art: People in Action. Pupils will be learning how to sketch movement. DT: Shelters. Pupils will design, make and evaluate their own shelter. Curriculum Overview Year 6 : PSE: SEAL – New Beginnings Values – Freedom Kiva anti bullying program taught fortnightly.

Year 6 Expectations Assessment - pupils will be formally assessed in Maths, English, Science and Welsh. All of the work the pupils produce will count toward the final teacher assessments. The pupils will also sit National tests in the Summer term. For additional support with these tests please ask and also visit: Homework - each week, pupils will be given 2 pieces of homework to complete at home. We also expect them to continue practicing times-tables and spellings. We would expect all children to be reading at home at least 3 times a week and these sessions recorded in their homework diaries. Children are always encouraged to research our history and geography topics at home. Uniform – school uniform is compulsory. All pupils need to be wearing a white shirt and school tie, school trousers or skirt and a school jumper. Suitable black shoes must also be worn.

General Information PE days – pupils will need both indoor and outdoor kit on Tuesday and a Thursday. Indoor kit should include a t-shirt and shorts. A tracksuit and trainers are needed for outdoor games. Water bottles – pupils are encouraged to have a water bottle in class to discourage pupils from leaving the class during lesson time. Jewellery – please ensure pupils are not wearing jewellery to school that they are not able to remove for PE and games sessions. Stud earrings will need to be covered with a plaster, which will need to be provided.

General Information Absences – children should not arrive at school until after 8:40am, as they are unsupervised before this time. Latecomers need to sign in at the main reception. If your children are absent, please call the school or provide a note explaining their absence. Holidays during term time will no longer be authorised by the school. School trips – children are encouraged to attend all educational trips which form part of their learning. Costs are kept to the minimum and all pupils are expected to contribute, as lack of funds can lead to trips being cancelled. We are always in need of parent volunteers. Class assemblies and concerts – the junior pupils will take part in a Christmas carol concert. Both classes will have their class assembly in the Autumn Term (dates TBC on newsletter). There will also be a leavers production in the Summer term.

General Information High school –transition activities begin to take place in the Summer term, including visits and parent meetings. You will receive information from the county, including information about applying for places in other schools, throughout the year. Please note we have firm transition links with Llanishen High and St Teilo’s high school. For enquiries about applying for a place in other high schools, please contact the high school. Sex Education – all pupils in the Junior school will now be studying sex education as part of the health and emotional wellbeing scheme of work. These sessions will take place in the Summer term and each year group will study 4 lessons. We follow a Cardiff County approved Sex and Relationships Education programme and are happy to discuss this with any parents if you have any questions.
