LBRA 1191
Instructor: Ms. Gwen Richard Office: Northline Library Telephone: Office Hours: After class and by appointment Web page:
By the end of the semester, the student who passes with a final grade of “C” or above should be able to: 1. Know where to look for needed information. 2. Distinguish among important kinds of information and information sources 3. Use appropriate tools and methods to find, manipulate, and communicate information 4. Effectively evaluate information and sources of information
Determine the extent of information needed Access the information effectively and efficiently Evaluate information and its sources critically Use appropriate tools and methods to find, manipulate, and communicate information Describe important economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information Access and use information ethically and legally (ACRL Standards 2000)
Bring a USB drive to class to save your work. Create & build upon an annotated bibliography based on your exploration of an assigned topic, to be due near the end of the semester. Submit the three required assignments. Give a 5-minute class presentation on your research near the end of the semester.
Turn in assignments at the beginning of the class on the date they are due. Late assignments must be turned in at the next class period and will have one grade point deducted if prior approval has not been given. No make-up for exams.
RequirementsPoints 3 Graded Assignments200 (40%) Annotated Bibliography150 (30%) Classroom Presentation 50 (10%) Final Exam100 (20%) TOTAL500 (100%)
A( pts)Exceptional research B ( pts)Above average quality C( pts)Average D( pts)Below average work F(299 pts or less)Failing work Evidence of plagiarism or cheating in any form is to be graded “F”
Contribute to an environment conducive to learning for all students Respect the opinions of others Be responsible for your own learning Know when assignments are due Silence all devices such as phones, music Texting will be viewed as talking on the phone
Attend class regularly and on time Attendance checked at the beginning of class, after that, you must check with me after class If more than 10 minutes late, you may not be permitted to disrupt class Leaving early may be counted similar to tardiness
You are responsible for material covered during your absence If you miss more than 12.5% of classes (2 classes for this class) you will be subject to administrative withdrawal (DROPPED) If you choose to drop, it is your responsibility to fill out necessary forms with Registration. Failure to do so may result in a F for the class.
ADA/Disability Support Services for accommodations for a documented disability
Oct 26 Syllabus and Class overview/ Choose topic Nov 02 Assignment 1 (in-class)/Searching the Catalog Nov 09 Periodicals & Databases/Begin Assignment-2 Nov 16 Assignment 2 due / Databases & Web Searching Nov 23 First Draft of Bibliography due/ Web Searching Nov 30 Assignment 3 (in-class)/ Other sources Dec 07 Completed Bibliography due & Class Presentations! Dec 14 Final Exam