D7.2 - Collection and processing of empirical data on multimodal human communications WP7 _24M _UNIBI Project FP7 – ICT MATHEMACS
Kaleidoscope Identification of levels
Kinematic analysis of human movements
A phase of motion during which the relative positions of some body parts remain unchanged along trajectories Temporal organization Movements are organized and perceived in blocks
A movement can be understood in terms of a hierarchy of scales and approximated by the sum of a minimal set of linear trajectories with given accuracy Approximation of trajectories in a pirouette by straight lines Approximation of trajectories in a pirouette by plain curves (2D)
LFHDRFHDLBHDRBHD C7 T10 CLAV LSHO RSHO RBAK RSHO STRN RELB RUPA RFRA RFIN RWRB LPSI RPSI RTHI RWRA LASIRASI LFIN LWRA RWRA LELB LUPA LFRA RKNE RKNELKNE LTHI RTIBLTIBRTIB RTOE RANK LANK LTOE RHEE LHEE Expert system for the movement quality assessment Modeling the optimal motion sequences by representing functional alignment of markers in the major scale
LFHDRFHDLBHDRBHD C7 T10 CLAV LSHO RSHO RBAK RSHO STRN RELB RUPA RFRA RFIN RWRB LPSI RPSI RTHI RWRA LASIRASI LFIN LWRA RWRA LELB LUPA LFRA RKNE RKNELKNE LTHI RTIBLTIBRTIB RTOE RANK LANK LTOE RHEE LHEE Expert system for the movement quality assessment The kinematic signal representing the shape changes (the velocity of shape changes) – Procrustes analysis ( A pre-processing of the kinematic data subtracting all Euclidean geometrical transformations (translations, dilatations, and mean rotations) that preserve the relative positions of markers ).
Movement analysis software developed: KAMCAD
The typical character of the movement ← the few major scales; The minor scales → individual movement traits; Such a functional separation of scales allows perceiving the movements categorically as the highly stylized figures of classical ballet. Towards an automated recognition of movements
→ Complexity of trajectories → → Complexity of shape changes →
Cognitive representations Head Right Foot Left Hand Left Elbow Participants sorted a list of concepts (in this case body parts) according to their functional relationship during the execution of the golf swing Mental representation dendrogram derived from SDA analysis. Links between cognitive and biomechanical levels of motor control
Dynamic creation of blocks in space –time Organization of spatio-temporal structure
Exploration–exploitation trade-off in a saltatory search behavior
How people organize their communications … in blocks of 10 minutes
Communication in organizations: a dynamic view (UNI VE + UNI BI) Data collection was carried out in June and July 2010 in two firms: H ‐ farm (a venture incubator:75 employees, 9 start-ups) and H ‐ art (in the media industry, 71 employees). We analyze communication schedules within an organization: a)The communication group size; b)The duration of communications; c)The duration of the interval between similar communications;
Communication events have neither characteristic sizes, …
min …nor characteristic durations This is a structure of communications (reflecting a structure of relationships) that is important.
Informative events are about 10 minutes Mutual information is a measure of how much knowing that X speaks would reduce uncertainty about Y expressed in the joint distribution of X and Y (summed over all pairs of collocutors)
Communication graphs: The nodes of the graphs represent individuals, and edges connecting them indicate non--‐zero probabilities of communication in the given duration.
Structure of communication graphs The most richly diverse structure is observed in the moderately connected communication graphs, but neither for the densely connected graphs (for the short communication duration), nor for loosely connected graphs (for long communication durations).
Study of communication graphs by random walks
Conclusion on identification of levels in movements data, movement perception, spatio-temporal searching, communication … etc.
Hypothetical Kuznets curve Kuznets’ hypothesis (1950s): Market forces first increase and then decrease economic inequality. Anti-Kuznets curve
Income (GDP per capita) Inequality (IPLC) Hypothetical Kuznets curve Kuznets’ hypothesis (1950s): Market forces first increase and then decrease economic inequality. Anti-Kuznets curve (1992’$)
Income (GDP per capita) Inequality (IPLC) Anti-Kuznets curve (1992’$) The global economy depends upon investments: When the rate of return on capital significantly exceeds the growth rate of the economy, then it logically follows that inherited wealth grows faster than output and income, so that inherited wealth will dominate wealth amassed from a lifetime’s labor by a wide margin, and the concentration of capital will attain extremely high levels.
Income (GDP per capita) Inequality (IPLC) Anti-Kuznets curve (1992’$) periods of requiring concentration and diffusion of capital.. If political system allows redistribution of extremely centralized capital, then … Otherwise, the system sticks … … economy growth stops … elites (children of) fall into hypercompetition, and instability comes. ▪ Hypercompetition in elites destabilizes states; ▪ Instabilities multiply polities;
The World Top Income database tells us that Rapidly rising inequality marks wars/conflicts/ instabilities; Global synchronization of inequality dynamics;
Polity IV: 7,563 governance configurations Regulation of chief executive recruitment Openness of Executive Recruitment Competitivene ss of Executive Recruitment Executive constrains Regulation of Participation Competitive ness of participation UnregulatedClosedUnregulated Unlimited Authority Unregulated Intermediate Multiple identity Repressed Transitional Dual executive designation Selection Slight to moderate limitations SectarianSuppressed Intermediate Restricted Factional Dual executive election Substantial limitations Transitional RegulatedOpen Dual hereditary/co mpetitive Intermediate RegulatedCompetitive Executive Parity + Interruption (foreign occupation) + Interregnum (anarchy) + Transitional = 7,566 “states” (political regimes)
232 configurations have been observed since 1800 New configurations arise sometimes. (Bhutan’ 2013) ~ 17,000 transitions
Some monarchies are the most durable regimes
Liberal democracy is the most often visited of all
History seems to never end!
Relation to homology theory (DFT of the flux circulation) Betti number “A fine structure of the stationary distribution”
Polity IV tells us that There should be a positive feedback, reinforcing the multiplication of polities; We witness the very beginning of a chain reaction process (of atomization of the polity landscape)