Euro-IX (The European Internet Exchange Association) has accepted the industry definition of an IXP as being: “An Internet Exchange Point (IXP) is a network facility that enables the interconnection and exchange of Internet traffic between more than two independent Autonomous Systems. An IXP provides interconnection only for Autonomous Systems. An IXP does not require the Internet traffic passing between any pair of participating Autonomous Systems to pass through any third Autonomous System, nor does it alter or otherwise interfere with such traffic.” INTERNET EXCHANGE POINT (IXP) MSK-IX September 2016
1. ‘multi‐homed’ organizations stub ASes of various sizes 2. small ISPs stub ASes – occasionally Tier 3 Generally local or specialist ISPs. 3. medium size ISPs Tier 3 or stub ASes These include the national or, for larger countries, regional scale ISPs. 4. incumbent operators Tier 2 ASes Included in this class would be BT, DT, FT, NTT, Telecom Italia, Telefonica, and so on. 5. large ISPs (multi‐national or regional) Tier 2 ASes Included in this class would be Colt, Cable & Wireless, Comcast, Interoute, PCCW, Reach and soon. 6. large content delivery networks (CDNs) not really part of the tier model Google, Limelight, Akamai 7. global ISPs – major transit providers Tier 1 ASes and some others Included in this class would be Abovenet, Cogent, Level 3, Savvis, Sprint, Tinet, Verizon Business, and so on. Inter‐X: Resilience of the Internet Interconnection Ecosystem (ENISA) THE SUM OF THE PARTS MSK-IX September 2016
Inter‐X: Resilience of the Internet Interconnection Ecosystem (ENISA) THE SYSTEM OF CONNECTION MSK-IX September 2016
AS rankAS numberAS nameOrg name 13356LEVEL3 Level 3 Communications, Inc. AS transit degree: 4, ,361 8 Provider Peer Customer Sibling 2174COGENT-174 Cogent Communications AS transit degree: 4, ,827 2 Provider Peer Customer Sibling 31299TELIANET TeliaSonera AB AS transit degree: 1, ,213 3 Provider Peer Customer Sibling 42914NTT-COMMUN... NTT America, Inc. AS transit degree: 1, ,387 4 Provider Peer Customer Sibling 53257GTT-BACKBONE Tinet Spa AS transit degree: 1, ,313 0 Provider Peer Customer Sibling 66762SEABONE-NET TELECOM ITALIA SPARKLE S.p.A. AS transit degree: Provider Peer Customer Sibling 76453AS6453 TATA COMMUNICATIONS (AMERICA) INC AS transit degree: Provider Peer Customer Sibling 86939HURRICANE Hurricane Electric, Inc. AS transit degree: 4, , Provider Peer Customer Sibling AS RANKING (CAIDA) MSK-IX September 2016
Country Number of operational IXPs in Russian Federation 30 2 Germany 17 3 France 16 4 Sweden 13 5 Poland 12 6 United Kingdom 9 7 Italy 8 8 Netherlands 7 9 Norway 7 10 Ukraine 7 EURO-IX 2015 Report MSK-IX September 2016 COUNTRIES WITH THE MOST IXPS IN EUROPE
MSK-IX accelerates communications between Internet companies by providing neutral Internet eXchange for IP peering and global distributed DNS platform for top-level domains. More than 500 organizations use MSK-IX services on a daily basis to enhance network connectivity in 9 cities in Russia. MSK-IX participants include ISPs, social networks, search engines, cloud providers, corporate and educational networks. ABOUT MSK-IX ORGANIZATION FOUNDED IN 2001 EURO-IX MEMBER SINCE 2002 MSK-IX PROJECT STARTED IN CITIES 500+ PARTICIPANTS 2 Tbps TRAFFIC 37 LOCATIONS 18 DNS POPS up to 100 G PORTS MSK-IX September 2016
AN INTERNET EXCHANGE WITH SCALE AND PERSPECTIVE 24/7IPv6 Colo 100G Mix Remote IX 1G, 10G, 100G ports. Etherchannel (LACP). Aggregating multiple physical interfaces in a single logical port. Trunk ports. Multiple VLANs on one physical interface. Q-in-Q tunneling. Transparent forwarding of participants’ own VLANs. 8 Tbps Ethernet interconnection platform ‘Dual Core’ topology For extra speed and redundancy 24x7 Monitoring, security audits and customer support NTPPublic DNS-resolverRoot servers mirroring MSK-IX September 2016
AUTHORITATIVE DNS Fast, secure and reliable anycast DNS cloud for your domain zones and websites. MSK-IX operates a global distributed cloud of DNS-servers that powers top-level domains and popular web sites. Originally designed to host RU and РФ TLD data, our DNS network is currently used by TLD administrators, state agencies and companies requiring high-availability name servers. 18 PoPs in Europe, Asia, North And South Americas, including 9 PoPs in Russia Anycast technology for optimal reachability of DNS-server from Any internet location Direct peering with 100+ ISPs, Open peering policy at MSK-IX Resilent hardware and network design Continuous monitoring and 24x7 Customer support Regular security audits and DDos-protection
Services can be critical, but not organizations Possible criteria for the assignment of services to critical: the number of users receiving the service provided by the organization (i.e. the extent of its activities in the territory of the state); dependence of critical services in other industries, from services provided by the organization; the impact that incidents can have on the economic and social activity or public safety; the organization's share in the market; geographical coverage (region), which can be affected MSK-IX September 2016 CRITICAL SERVICES
РД ФСТЭК: «Ключевая (критически важная) система информационнои ̆ инфраструктуры (КСИИ) — информационно-управляющая или информационно- телекоммуникационная система, которая осуществляет управление критически важным объектом (процессом), или информационное обеспечение управления таким объектом (процессом), или официальное информирование граждан, и в результате деструктивных информационных воздеи ̆ ствии ̆ на которую может сложиться чрезвычаи ̆ ная ситуация или будут нарушены выполняемые системои ̆ функции управления со значительными негативными последствиями» Критическими могут быть сервисы, а не организации MSK-IX
Requirements for the operation of critical services (SLA) A centralized system of collecting information on negative impacts MSK-IX September 2016 MSK-IX
CONTACTS JSC “MSK-IX” 8 Marta street, 1, bld Moscow, Russia +7 (495)