ABSTRACT 4G refers to the fourth generation of cellular wireless standards. It is a successor to 3G and 2G families of standards. The nomenclature of the generations generally refers to a change in the fundamental nature of the service, non-backwards compatible transmission technology and new frequency bands. The 4G technology has promised to offer widespread, complete and invulnerable all-IP (Internet Protocol) based services example of such services are high quality multimedia streaming, enhanced gaming services, super fast broadband Internet access, IP telephony and etc. All these and many more facilities will soon be available to people all around the world by this groundbreaking technology. 100mbps would be the normal data rate for the users who are not stationary and moving at high speeds and 1gbps would be the maximum data rate when the user is indoor or at a fixed position.
What Is The 4G Wireless Technology? The below figure (4G Cellular Network) shows the concept of 4G cellular network. As a common protocol so that the users are in control as they will be able to choose every application and environment. Accessing information anywhere, anytime with seamless connection to a wide range of information, obtaining services, receiving a large volume of information, data, pictures, video and so on are the key of 4G infrastructure.
Why 4G is required? At the first, we might have a question that why we even require 4G if 3G systems are working well. It is because of basically two reasons that one is substantial growth in overall number of subscribers and other is massive demand of new data services which can be either data, audio, image or video (interactive or non-interactive). The expected features of 4G systems are much higher data rates around 100Mbps, higher bandwidth requirements of an order of hundreds of MHz, plenty of services like data, audio, video etc.
MAGIC One of the terms popularly used to describe 4G is MAGIC stands for M :Mobile Multimedia A:Anytime anywhere G :Global mobility support I:Integrated wireless solutions C:Customized personal service
Features Main features of 4G cellular services are application, adaptability and dynamisms. In this full motion video, home entertainment systems, advance location systems and many different services are expected with enhanced response time and quality of service. Concentrating on access technology, ultra WCDMA and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) being spectral efficient are the two major options that can help to realize the expected features of 4G cellular networks
Opportunities for implementing the 4G Network : As the matter is clear now that to meet the 4G requirements of high data rate, seamless connectivity, cost effective services, the core network for 4G must be an IP (Internet Protocol) based network. Since the expected technology for 4G is ultra WCDMA and /or OFDM, the present GSM networks must upgrade or replace the whole network to CDMA or OFDM networks, which is a big critical issue for the present GSM networks to survive Migration of all networks like LAN, MAN, WLAN, HIPERLAN, DVB, DAB also requires transparent protocols and smart HAND OFF switch should be able to work for maintaining the quality of service and offering such services at the lowest cos t.
The path to the final 4G may be plotted in 4 steps Internet working of 2G+, 3G and internet (Circuit Switched Voice /Data) Integration of all networks (Circuit Switched Voice & Packet Data) IP based harmonization (Packet based Voice/Data) and Full convergence of the networks (All IP based Voice /Data /Multimedia /End to End quality of service /Better Security /Seamless Connectivity /Entertainment and so on)
Advantage OF 4G: Affordable communication services. High speed, high capacity and low cost per bit. Support for interactive multimedia, voice, streaming video, Internet and other broadband services. Global access, Service portability and scalable mobile services and variety of quality of services provided. Better spectral efficiency. seamless network of multiple protocol and air interfaces. Disadvantage: o Battery uses is more. Hard to implement. Need complicated hardware.
conclusion: All totally the best way to help all users is to use 4G as the next wireless system and in totally it is safety and secure for public this the need that demand the solution. Today’s wired society is going wireless and it has problem, 4G is answer.
Refrences 6.p4G Beyond 2.5G and 3G Wireles Networks, Mobileinfo.com. Available: – s com. [2] Nicolas Demassieux, A 4G vision, European Communication Research Labs, Motorola Labs, May 15, Available: P1/P pt.