Theme № 16. A subject and aesthetics problems
The plan: 1. Sense of the term "aesthetics". 2. An aesthetics subject. 3. Interrelation of an aesthetics with other sciences. 4. Practical value of an aesthetics.
Aesthetics as philosophical discipline Aesthetics - a philosophical science about aesthetic the validity, about national and historically caused originality aesthetic in system of valuable relations, about most general principles of development of the world under beauty laws in labor activity and especially in art where results of such aesthetic development of the validity are fixed.
The aesthetics studies: Fine, its essence and specificity of display; Variety of aesthetic reflexion of the validity as heroic, comic, tragical, fine, ugly, ennobled etc.
The word "aesthetics" is put into practice as a science aesthetics by German philosopher Alexander Baumgartenom ( ) in its work «Philosophical reasons about some questions of poetic product». But these Baumgarten cannot consider as the aesthetics founder because aesthetic theories were since olden days studied within the limits of philosophy.
The word an aesthetics is often used as set of perfection, harmony, symmetry in subjects and the phenomena.
The first aesthetic doctrines were formed in east countries (Egypt, Babylonia, India, China, Iran) and have received the further development in ancient Greece, especially in Platon, Aristotle, Socrat works, Ancient Rome in works Lukresiy the Penalty, Gorasiy and others. Since second half XVIII century the aesthetics began to develop as an independent science.
The medieval aesthetics connected with names Avgustina and Fomy Akvinsky, on the one hand, has much inherited from antiquity, and with another - synthesized aesthetic problems with religious (Christian). Art was not considered as self-valuable area of spiritual activity. It was considered as means of expression of the higher spiritual beginning - the God. The God appeared a beauty and harmony source.
The first attempt of a substantiation of aesthetic categories has been undertaken by antique thinkers - Pythagoreans Socrat and Platon. Working out of these categories has been continued by Aristotle who besides it investigated influence of art on the person, its perceiving. He considered art by means of disposal of affects: the empathy leads to a work of art «katarsisu» (to clarification, the term of Pythagoreans). The Aristotelevsky idea of empathy has received further development in workings out of the theory of aesthetic perception of the art phenomena.
Renaissance, with characteristic anthropocentrism for it, has essentially changed the aesthetic representations created by the Middle Ages. In the attention centre there is a person - the conceiving, feeling, creating artist which activity creates the beauty world. The aesthetics and Renaissance art are penetrated by spirit of humanism. The Renaissance culture names Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Bokkachcho represent, Shakespeare, Cervantes, etc.
Ideas of Education actively got into aesthetic theory XVIII-XIX centuries Thought on necessity of democratization of a society has concerned also arts: its public mission was reinterpreted, educational, educational function was underlined. Art after unknown launch in Renaissance is reduced again to a means role - now decisions of social problems.
In aesthetic concepts XIX-XX centuries displacement of accents towards interest to the creative person prevails. Art is considered as means of self-disclosing of private world of the artist, and also a universal remedy of dialogue and judgment of the validity.
The problematics of a modern aesthetic science is wide: in it are presented aesthetic consciousness (as synthesis of aesthetic feeling, aesthetic taste and an aesthetic estimation), the aesthetic activity which most specific form is art, theoretical judgment of processes of art creativity and perception of works of art, the general laws of development of art culture.
Word the aesthetics of an Ancient Greek origin, («estezikos») designates "sensation", «ability of sensation». It is a science about the aesthetic relation of the person to the validity and the general laws of art development of mankind. Therefore it is a science long time it was defined as «beauty philosophy». But now the made definition is not enough, because the beauty has turned now to one of concepts of an aesthetics.
The aesthetics as a science studies reflexion of the validity on the basis of fine, feelings fine and ugly in all spheres practical activity of the person. Fine and ugly actually we understand on a miscellaneous. Our aesthetic views of representation, an estimation are relative, and their objective estimation - an aesthetics problem.
The basic concept of this science the fine has the external and internal parties. If a subject, the phenomenon it is outwardly fine, and it is internally ugly, here concept fine the defective. Therefore thinkers have paid attention to harmony, internal and external beauty. The beauty in shape of the person though has certain value it yet beauty true. When the external world of the person corresponds with its private world - character, diligence, aspiration to good, they get quality of high-grade beauty.
A number of specific features is inherent in an aesthetic way of reflexion: Presentation Concreteness Figurativeness. Concreteness expresses unity and integrity of perceived object in all variety of its communications and relations as the direct data, sensually perceived whole. Presentation - the major characteristic of perception providing complete reflexion of objects at direct influence physical irritates (a sound, light, etc.) on the sense organs, giving is direct-sensual orientation in the world around, offering certain emotional coloring. Figurativeness is an indicator of unity of result and the ideal form of reflexion of the phenomena of the validity in consciousness of the person, unity of the sensual and semantic moments, the unity bearing in the is complete-spiritual maintenance in which the emotional and intellectual relation of the person to the world is integrally merged.
For example, it is possible to perceive aesthetically a landscape or its display in a picture, a literary work, music on the memoirs, but in any case it will be not a landscape in general, and data, the concrete landscape causing certain is direct-sensual reaction, causing in consciousness of the person the certain intellectual and emotional relation.
Aesthetically the person perceives, estimates and masters the validity from the point of view of the fine. In the nature there is only a possibility fine and only the person in a condition to realize and formulate concept beauty. In relation to the nature it is possible to speak only about existence in it to certain harmony and correlation between various parts of a material world.
Thus, the aesthetics as a science has philosophical character, but it has the specificity, the special subject with laws inherent in it - laws of aesthetic development of the validity.
Thus, having considered features and specificity of an aesthetics as sciences, it is possible to make a number of conclusions: To consciousness of the person it is integral the aesthetic way of reflexion, that is sensual-emotionally-shaped perception, an estimation and development of the validity with т points of sight fine, under beauty laws is inherent; The aesthetics as a philosophical science studies two interconnected circles of the phenomena - sphere aesthetic as specific display of the valuable relation of the person to the world and sphere of art activity of people; At aesthetics studying the historical method - procaking of occurrence and development of questions of the aesthetic plan in philosophy and art criticism throughout previous millennia has special value.