Skills Development and Employability Skills Development and Employability Experts Meeting on Global Training Strategy ITC-Turin 15 March 2010 Christine Evans-Klock Director ILO, Skills and Employability Department
G20 Request London (April): Put jobs at the heart of recovery Philadelphia (September): Adopted a framework for Strong, Sustainable, and Balanced Growth – inclusive labour markets, quality education and training programs Adopted a framework for Strong, Sustainable, and Balanced Growth – inclusive labour markets, quality education and training programs Agreed to implement policies consistent with ILO fundamental principles and rights Agreed to implement policies consistent with ILO fundamental principles and rights Because successful employment and training programs are designed with employers and workers, called on the ILO, in partnership with other organizations, to develop a training strategy Because successful employment and training programs are designed with employers and workers, called on the ILO, in partnership with other organizations, to develop a training strategy
G20 Training Strategy For the Ministerial meeting: Washington, April Heads of State: Toronto, June; Seoul, November Provide income, social protection, and training support for the unemployed and those most at risk of unemployment Provide income, social protection, and training support for the unemployed and those most at risk of unemployment Strengthen ability of workers to adapt to changing market demands and to benefit from innovation and investments Strengthen ability of workers to adapt to changing market demands and to benefit from innovation and investments Train not only to meet current needs, but to support lifelong learning and meet future market needs Train not only to meet current needs, but to support lifelong learning and meet future market needs
G20 Request What would we like Labour and Employment Ministers to do? 1. their own ministries? 2. motivate and mobilize their Heads of State?
G20 Request Consultation process Global Inter-agency group on TVET ILO Global Forum – sectoral approach to training Regional Cinterfor – Americas APEC – Working Group on HRD EU Expert Group - New Skills for New Jobs Africa Employers’ meeting UK Commission for Employment and Skills
Presentation Summary 1.G20 preparation process 2.ILO skills development strategy 3. Logic of this workshop 4.Global challenges and trends ILO Outcome Statement: Skills development improves employability of workers, productivity of enterprises and the inclusiveness of economic growth
Conclusions from International Labour Conference on Skills for improved productivity, employment growth and development (2008) Convention 142 on Human Resources Development (1975) Recommendation 195 on Human Resources Development: Education, training and lifelong learning (2004) Conclusions from International Labour Conference on Skills for improved productivity, employment growth and development (2008) Skills component of Decent Work ILO POLICY AGENDA, necessary elements: 1. 1.Rights at work 2. 2.Productive employment 3. 3.Social protection 4. 4.Voice and representation mutually supportive & interdependent
ILO framework: Conclusions from International Labour Conference 2008 goals? How can skills development help increase both productivity and employment in order to attain development goals?
From a Vicious Downward Circle… Unavailable or low quality education and training: Traps the working poor in low-skilled, low productive, low-wage jobs Excludes workers without the right skills from participating in economic growth
…To a Virtuous Circle More and better skills makes it easier to: Innovate Adopt new technologies Attract investment Compete in new markets, and Diversify the economy Which boosts job growth while at the same time improves productivity
To sustain a “virtuous circle,” skills development policies serve 3 objectives: Match demand and supply of skills promote social inclusion Maintain employability of workers and sustainability of enterprises 3. Sustain a dynamic development process
Dynamic development process: jobs Prepare for future jobs Integrate skills into national and sector development strategies Include skills in responses to global drivers of change: technology trade climate change
Coordination is critical for success To tackle the gaps between… … basic education, vocational training, the job market, and lifelong learning … skills providers and employers … skills development and industrial, investment, trade, technology and environmental policies
Coordination is critical for success through institutions such as Inter-ministerial mechanisms – linked to national development frameworks Social dialogue Skills forecasting and labour market information systems Employment services Value chains Industrial clusters Deliver as One – with UN agencies at country level
Skills and globalization ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization 2008: An enabling environment for promoting employment is one in which “individuals can develop and update the necessary capacities and skills they need to enable them to be productively occupied for their personal fulfilment and the common well-being”
Skills and globalization GLOBAL JOBS PACT, 2009 Advised investing in skills development now to: Prepare displaced workers for new jobs in the recovery “Build back better” - use the downtime to invest in training and boost enterprise productivity Avoid skills gaps in implementing stimulus packages- infrastructure, green technologies, and social services Within these measures, meet needs of target groups – youth, rural areas, disabled persons In deciding on and implementing these measures, exercise social dialogue
This Workshop 1.Global trends and challenges... How they affect national training systems... How skills development helps economies respond 2.Skills issues and good practices for strong, sustainable and balanced growth... For recovery and growth... For inclusion... For innovation 3.Practical implementation challenges
This Workshop 1.Principles – common Framework - already agreed G20 2.Objectives - Skills for recovery and growth - Priorities differ across countries - Priorities differ across countries 3.Means of action -Drivers of change, Agents of change -But each country and agency has its own system, institutions, mandate
4 Global trends and challenges 1.Globalization: requires skill renewal Faster pace of change technology, marketsFaster pace of change technology, markets Labour mobilityLabour mobility Job mobilityJob mobility 2.Demographics Ageing societies – lifelong learningAgeing societies – lifelong learning Burgeoning youth populations – demand upBurgeoning youth populations – demand up
Global trends and challenges 3.Climate change Transition to lower-carbon economyTransition to lower-carbon economy Adaptation, mitigation – risks & opportunitiesAdaptation, mitigation – risks & opportunities 4.Poverty reduction – a global commitment Inclusive growth – gender,Inclusive growth – gender, Informal economyInformal economy Micro and small enterprisesMicro and small enterprises