IAB-Feb 04 1 TAPAS Progress Report (Trusted and QoS-Aware Provision of Application Services) Santosh Shrivastava Newcastle University
IAB-Feb 04 2 March 04 Deliverables D3: Service composition and analysis (report) –UCL: done (Sept 03 was the deadline) –To be discussed today D8: Container for group communication –Really about QoS enabled group communication (Camb, Ncl) –Software deliverable (open source) D9: Container for trusted coordination –Really about regulating interactions between organisations (Ncl) –Software deliverable (open source) D10: Container for QoS monitoring –Really about SLA monitoring (Bologna, Ncl) – Software deliverable (open source)
IAB-Feb 04 3 March 04 Deliverables (contd.) D13: Second year evaluation and assessment report –Work towards auction system hosting –Adesso Some management related reports..
IAB-Feb 04 4 TAPAS Architecture ASP should be capable of hosting Virtual Enterprises (VEs) –Distributed applications involving cross organisation interactions A key problem in VE management is how enterprises can regulate access to their resources by other enterprises –Enterprises within a VE will therefore require their interactions with one another other to be strictly controlled and policed. –there will be a clear need among all parties to embark upon their business relationships underpinned by guarded trust management procedures. –Need explicit ways of representing contracts and SLAs and ensuring that organisational interactions follow what is stated in a contract and the services meet the QoS properties stated in SLAs
IAB-Feb 04 5 TAPAS Architecture TAPAS Architecture: shaded entities make all the difference
IAB-Feb 04 6 TAPAS Architecture QoS Enabled Application Server –The QoS management, monitoring and adaptation layer is intended to make the underlying application server QoS enabled. –two principal middleware services, named Configuration Service and Controller Service –QoS requirements of hosted applications as stated in SLAs will be specified using SLAng –SLAng specification will be used for initialising various QoS related configuration information required by the configuration service of the application server, through the deployment descriptors –To be discussed later today (Bologna)
IAB-Feb 04 7 TAPAS Architecture D8: QoS enabled group communication –Developed a novel, adaptive multicast protocol
IAB-Feb 04 8 TAPAS Architecture D9: trusted coordination –Inter-Organisation Interaction regulation subsystem –Trust achieved through regulation »We assume that interacting entities cannot simply rely on the trust they have in one another. »To be of practical use, such trust relationships must be managed and observed »Because of this, interacting parties must resort to mechanisms that guarantee the rights and obligations that each interacting entity promises to honour. »In the worst case, violations of agreed interactions are detected and notified to all interested parties an audit trail of all interactions will need to be maintained –Two level mechanism: »Contract management (rights and obligations) using FSMs + RBAC »Infrastructure support for non-repudiable interactions Implementing novel mechanisms in J2EE server (Jboss).
IAB-Feb 04 9 TAPAS Architecture D10: QoS monitoring –QoS Monitoring and Violation Detection subsystem »Several of the rights and obligations in SLAs in a contract refer to the quality of service (e.g., service availability, performance guarantees). »interacting entities cannot simply rely on the trust they have in one another and assume that QoS levels are being honoured. »a service provider must be able to demonstrate that the offered service meets the QoS levels promised to service users »hosted applications and services need to be instrumented with appropriate sensors for measuring QoS parameters »The parties involved must also agree on the QoS evaluation techniques (calculation procedures to be used)
IAB-Feb TAPAS Architecture »These details need to be encoded in some way in the SLAng specification language. »SLAng specification can be used for configuring the monitoring and violation detection service. –Monitoring and Violation Detection subsystem could be a third party service –Architecture to be discussed later today
IAB-Feb TAPAS Architecture Working on auction application –To be discussed today