October 13, 2016 Transfer Conference Transfer Pathways Implementation Considerations
2 Jan Pomeroy, Adult Transition Coordinator Anoka-Ramsey Community College Jolene Richardson, NW Alliance Baccalaureate Completion Advisor Minnesota State University Moorhead Ashley Schafer, Assistant Registrar St. Cloud State University Louise DiCesare, System Director for Transfer Minnesota State Lynda Milne, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Minnesota State Transfer Pathways Coordinating Team Contacts
Laws of Minnesota required Minnesota State Colleges & Universities to “Develop a plan to implement multi-campus articulation agreements – that lead to baccalaureate degree completion upon earning the number of credits required for the degree – minus 60 credits at a system university after transfer to the system university – by a student with an associate in arts degree, associate of science degree, or an associate of fine arts (AFA) degree from a system college.” Transfer Pathways history
Laws of Minnesota required Minnesota State to – “Implement new transfer pathways for associate of arts degrees, associate of science degrees, and associate of fine arts degrees toward baccalaureate degree programs… – The implementation must, to the greatest extent possible, be done in accordance with the implementation plan, including its timeline.”the implementation plan Transfer Pathways history
5 Faculty (5 IFO, 5 MSCF) Transfer specialists / advisors (1 MSUAASF, 1 MAPE) Students (2) Campus administrators (2 university, 2 college) System office staff (transfer) Address policy, procedural, and technological issues for successful implementation Developing training opportunities and marketing/communications strategy and materials Co-chaired by a college faculty member and a university faculty member Transfer Pathways Coordinating Committee (TPCT)
6 Transfer Pathway Teams meet as disciplinary groups to create transfer pathways for about 30 of the system’s most popular baccalaureate programs. Each Transfer Pathway Team has a majority of faculty members (12 out of 20), with two-year colleges and universities equally represented. Each team co-chaired by a college faculty member and a university faculty member. There’s a TPCT liaison, too. Four pathways created in spring 2016 (pilot); 12 in fall 2016; 14 scheduled for spring Transfer Pathways Teams (TPT)
7 Pathways are designed over one semester. At mid-semester, discipline stakeholder meetings (DSMs) are open to all for comment and recommendations. After each pathway is designed, campuses have a year + for implementation. Spring 2016 pathways must be available to students in fall All others in fall Campus Implementation Toolkit published August Campus Implementation Toolkit Transfer Pathways website provides additional details Transfer Pathways website Newsletter / FAQ to be updated regularly throughout the year. Transfer Pathway Implementation Plan
8 Associate of Arts Emphasis degrees will be retired when an Associate of Arts-Pathway (AA-P) in that discipline is offered Associate of Fine Arts degrees will be retired when an Associate of Fine Arts-Pathway (AFAP) in that discipline is offered Associate of Science (AS) degrees may be kept IF they are significantly different from the Associate of Science-Pathway (AS-P) in that discipline. When there are two AS degrees in the same field, those differences must be made clear to students Changes for Colleges
9 Do you currently offer a parallel baccalaureate degree for the specific Minnesota State Transfer Pathway? – If yes The university is required by law to designate a parallel bachelor’s major for students who complete a Transfer Pathway associate degree at a Minnesota State college. – If no, choose either a. or b. a.If the specific Minnesota State Transfer Pathway does not fall within the current university programming, the university does not need to do anything. b.If the university wishes to implement a new parallel degree to align with a specific Minnesota State Transfer Pathway, follow the normal campus processes and a request for a new program process in Program Navigator would be allowed. Before Universities begin…
10 – Ensure all administrators, faculty and staff (particularly advisors and other student services department staff) are familiar with the Transfer Pathways and where they can find more information about them. – Ensure there is enough staffing to carry out the Transfer Pathways (e.g. DARS encoders, advisors, etc.) Campus Preparations: Colleges and Universities
11 – Develop a process for students to change to a transfer pathway and a way to note the number of credits the student has when they begin the pathway. (Note: this will be important for data requirements and reports to the legislature) – Make changes to the application for admission to include the new awards (and an explanation, if possible) – Use the campus curriculum process to approve pathway degrees Campus Preparations: Colleges and Universities
12 – Make sure DARS staff enter changes to curriculum in DARS after curricular approval – Communicate with non-system universities that programs are changing and make needed changes to articulation agreements – Both college and university policies/procedures should reflect updated/revised system policies and procedures Campus Preparations: Colleges and Universities
13 Work with regional colleges or universities to make sure you understand each others’ procedures and policies. Communicate expectations with students. Involve campus publicity/communication offices to inform the public. Monitor the first students to attempt the pathway and transfer to catch any problems early. Communication: Colleges and Universities
14 Familiarize yourselves with the Transfer Pathways and the new awards (Associate of Arts-Pathway (AA-P), Associate of Science-Pathway (AS-P), and Associate of Fine Arts-Pathway (AFAP)Transfer Pathways Make sure changes are made everywhere program information is provided (catalog, program guides, etc.) with the official transfer pathways program description and what it can do for students Make sure program information lists the universities that accept the transfer pathway and what designated baccalaureate majors the pathways transfer to College Staff
15 Make sure information is provided about the admission requirements for the baccalaureate degrees that are part of the pathway Make changes to orientation, websites, college transfer page Make changes to admissions application with new awards and if possible, what they can do for students College Staff
16 Continue to use developmental/holistic advising strategies to assist students to select the program that most meets their academic and career goals Continue to help students understand the differences between associate degrees and that the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) is not designed for transfer College Staff
17 Make sure faculty and staff (particularly advisors and other student services department staff) are familiar with the Transfer Pathways and where they can find more information about them. Tell students the benefits of the pathways and continue to use developmental advising strategies to find out and honor student choice for the best degree/program to serve their needs. Develop the process for students to change to a transfer pathway and a way to note the number of credits the student has when they begin the pathway. Note: this will be important for data requirements and reports to the legislature—for example, they may have been in an AA with an emphasis and now need to change to an AA-P. College Administrators
18 If a university has one or more parallel baccalaureate degrees, they are required by statute to participate in the specific Minnesota State Transfer Pathway (Minnesota State Legislature 2015) Designate specific Transfer Pathway bachelor’s degrees as the majors into which college Transfer Pathway associate degrees will transfer. Post information about Transfer Pathway designated majors and associate degree pathways on university websites Transfer Pathways at Universities
19 Provide admissions requirements for the designated majors (that shouldn’t differ from requirements for direct-entry students) Make changes in all places where university major information is listed (catalog, website, transfer page, program information, etc.) Make changes to admissions application to ask students if they followed a transfer pathway, and if so, in what discipline University Staff
20 Understand the four-year majors that complete the two-year pathways Provide admissions requirements for the designated majors (that shouldn’t differ from requirements for direct-entry students) Make changes in all places where university major information is listed (catalog, website, transfer page, program information, etc.) Make changes to admissions application to ask students if they followed a transfer pathway, and if so, in what discipline University Staff
21 Ensure designated baccalaureate degree can be completed with an additional 60 credits and that the entire MnTC is completed Provide sample degree maps for full- and part-time completion Admission requirements should be provided and should not differ from direct-entry students Update curriculum to reflect changes in course competencies to maintain the integrity of the transfer pathways. University Administrators
22 Ensure all administrators, faculty and staff (particularly advisors, faculty, and other student services department staff) are familiar with the Transfer Pathways and where they can find more information about themTransfer Pathways Ensure there is enough staffing to carry out the Transfer Pathways (e.g. DARS encoders, advisors, etc.) Designate university majors that “work” for the transfer pathway and list them along with the associate degree pathway that leads to them University Administrators
23 Track the approval of college transfer pathway degrees to prepare for their acceptance at the university Staff student services offices adequately, particularly the DARS encoders and advisors (Note: DARS encoders will have more work at the university than at the college) Make sure university policies/procedures reflect updated/revised system policies and procedures University Administrators
24 Transfer Pathways Website: – Brochure – Pathways Schedule (Fall 2016 and Spring 2017) – Approved Pathways – Baccalaureate Degree Transfer Pathways: Report to the Legislature – Campus Transfer Pathways Implementation Toolkit Transfer Pathway Resources
25 Brenda Lyseng, Project Manager Academic Affairs Any Comments or questions to: