Introduction European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers An introduction by Local Chapter EAGE Azerbaijan Report of 2010
Local Chapter EAGE Azerbaijan LC EAGE Azerbaijan was founded in October 2002 President: Dr. Akif Narimanov Executive Secretary: Leila Alimuradova
Name: EAGE Azerbaijan State Oil Academy Student Chapter President: Tamerlan Akhundov Secretary: Shafa Abdullayeva Number of members: 15 The Local Сhapter EAGE Azerbaijan provides support of Student Chapter EAGE and organizes a number of actions to increase the practical knowledge of students in the field of geosciences Student Chapter EAGE Azerbaijan
January The tripartite collaboration between Local Сhapter EAGE Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Society of Petroleum Geologist (ASPG) and National Committee of Geophysicists of Azerbaijan (NCGA) on LС EAGE Azerbaijan’s initiative has been sighed The aim of agreement is to associate the efforts for more active functioning of societies, to provide operative information exchange. The Steering Committee has been organized to coordinate the activity of the union under the leading of President of LС EAGE Azerbaijan Akif Narimanov
Monthly meetings June 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010
Monthly newspaper November June December2010 –January2011 September
Mart Seminar titled “The Modeling of Sedimentary Basin Evolution”, prosecuted by Professor of The Institute of Geophysics in Paris (France), Senior Scientist of The Institute of Geophysics in Karlsruhe (Germany) A.Ismailzade. He is the Head of Section “Computational Geodynamics” at the International Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences
April The 15th Annual Student Conference which was started since 1996 on ASPG’s initiative has been held
May The field trips were made for students to study Eocene – Oligocene outcropping and mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan
May At foreign companies’ request, such as Total and RWE field trips for specialists of these companies have been arranged to Kirmaky Valley
June LС EAGE Azerbaijan took part with exhibits on 72nd EAGE Conference and Exhibition in Barcelona
June The earnest scientific discussion for some of significant subjects such as “Seismic monitoring of oil and gas reservoirs on Azeri-Guneshly-Chirag field”, “The estimation of Gas – Water contact by geophysical data on Shah-deniz field”, “Thermobaric abnormal zones of oil and gas accumulation on the South Caspian Sea” prosecuted on the June’s meeting
September The speech of Bertrand Chevallier – the Geosciences Manager of Total E&P Azerbaijan was listened in September’s meeting. Bertrand Chevallier talked in his speech about Total’s activity outside of Azerbaijan and about the perspectives of the company’s work in Azerbaijan. A lot of questions have been asked and the violent discussion of some aspects of deep well’s upcoming drilling (7200m) on the shelf of Azerbaijan took place by the end of report The presentation of two societies’ web sites: LC EAGE Azerbaijan ( and ASPG (
October The fieldtrip for the students on Altiagac to study Cretaceous outcropping of Azerbaijan has been arranged on 2nd of October. Students had opportunity to see S-type faults, to work with miner's compass in the field
November Seminar “Geological aspects of oil and gas field’s exploitation” Doctor A.Salmanov, Deputy Director of “Scientific-Research Institute” made statements about geological aspects of oil and gas field’s exploitation on the seminar. Salmanov talked abut the ways to increase the productivity of the objects and detailly talked about secondary oil recovery methods. The representative of Shumberger, guest from Kazakhstan Qumirbek Sandibekov gave detailed information about abrasive equipment, gas disperqators and other facilities. Another representative of Shlumberger Rufat Melikov talked about “Gaslift” exploitation methods, which are successfully used on Azerbaijan fields.
December The excursion in the high sea in a direction of island Boyuk Zire (Nargin) on the vessel of engineering-geological wells’ drilling has been organized On December 12th. Students of II, III, IV courses of Oil Academy have possibility to directly get familiarized with the work of the drilling vessel, with the process of drilling the well from the ship; students took part in the description of the received core material
December The Conference on «Migration, generation and accumulation of hydrocarbons», devoted to 100-year-old anniversary of academician Sh.Mehdiev, organized by the Local Сhapter EAGE Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijan Society of Petroleum Geologists (ASPG) has taken place on December, 15-16th
Publication September’s issue2010 of First Break some examples June Iki sahil October Vishka December Vishka
Publications some examples November Vishka December 2010 – Iki sahil December Vishka
Cooperation with Sister Societies Moscow Local Chapter Kyiv Local EAGE Chapter Azerbaijan Society of Petroleum Geologists (ASPG) Some LC EAGE Azerbaijan Event Sponsors
Contact Local Chapter EAGE Azerbaijan LC EAGE Azerbaijan Head Office 39, Aga Neymatulla Street Baku AZ 1033 Azerbaijan Tel.: (+99412) Website: Join Us! Become part of a professional association for geoscientists and engineers with a worldwide membership!