Running a pregnancy & maternity case Presented by Peter O’Donnell Thompsons, Solicitors Chairman, Scottish Employment Rights Network
Introduction Women enter a “protected status” when they become pregnant Status ends on the end of their maternity Protection covers:- Specific statutory rights Eg maternity leave, health & safety General protection Cannot be subject to a detriment due to pregnancy while this status applies Can sometimes require more favourable treatment of pregnant employee
3 Relevant Legislation Employment Rights Act 1996 Equality Act 2010 Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 European Law (for now!) Article 141 EC Treaty Equal Treatment Directive Pregnant Workers Directive
General Protection Protection from detriment/dismissal under ERA Section 47C (detriment) Section 99 (dismissal) No qualifying period of employment Discrimination claim under EqA Section 18 Covers pregnancy, pregnancy-related illness & exercise of statutory rights
Discrimination claims No need for comparison with man Cf other types of discrimination Webb v EMO Air Cargo 1996 IRLR 645 Need to show that effective cause of any detriment is pregnancy or reason related to pregnancy Cf detriment/dismissal claims under ERA Need to show it is the reason or main reason if more than one O’Neill v Governors of St Thomas More School 1996 IRLR 372
Case Plan What type of claim? Discrimination Detriment/dismissal Specific statutory rights What evidence do you have and what do you need? Witnesses Documents Medical evidence Strengths & weaknesses Time limits May be different for different claims
Proving pregnancy Generally not an issue Client usually tells employer MAT1B Can arise at early stages of pregnancy when employer not told Eg action taken when client off sick with pregnancy related illness Evidence Sick notes What has been said to employer/other employees
Gathering further info From client/witnesses Medical evidence Gather early Relevant to H&S cases Proving pregnancy Remedies ID appropriate expert if report needed ET ask for joint reports From employer May be crucial No questionnaire procedure but can still ask
Evidence from client Picture before pregnancy announced Any warnings/complaints Relationship with employer or other employees Future prospects Picture after pregnancy announced How quickly did “issues” arise? How did employer react? Any adverse comment How treated? Change of duties? Moved? Asked to do things shouldn’t do (eg heavy lifting)? H&S assessment done or discussed?
Witnesses Is there anyone who can speak to issues in dispute? What will they say? Precognose them Don’t call witnesses for sake of it No character witnesses! Don’t call witness to speak to issue not in dispute – could contradict Do you need more than one person to speak to same matter Expert witness Is one needed? Joint expert preferred ID expert with other side Joint letter of instruction Any concessions to be made once report received
Drafting questions to employer - Why? Chance to investigate case before lodging claim See how employer will defend claim Allow better assessment of merits Chance to put claim to employer without lodging proceedings Could result in early resolution Response can be used in evidence Failure to reply or ambiguous response can be held against employer
Process As soon as possible Important to consider who to send questionnaire to Go above decision-maker? Reverse decision? Chief Executive or Head of HR? Employer may refuse to respond on grounds of confidentiality or data projection Avoid - ask for anonymised data
What? Confirmation Investigation Disclosure Don’t Write “War & Peace” Get too involved in legal basis Do Focus questions on important issues Consider what you want out of response Think tactically
Confirmation What facts do you need confirmed? What other facts might assist? Ask employer to give their version Eg “If you don’t agree X, why not?”
Example - dismissal Previous disciplinary record Date of disciplinary hearing Date decided to dismiss Date communicated dismissal Reason given for dismissal Any breaches of statutory rights
Investigation What do you need to know from employer? What facts might help you in assessing case?
Example - dismissal Evidence in support of reason for dismissal How other people treated in same circumstances Don’t need comparator but useful evidence if others treated differently What bearing did protected characteristic have on decision Relevant breakdown of current staff
Disclosure Documents Contract, handbook etc Relevant policies (eg Equal Opportunities) Minutes of meetings H&S Assessment Other information Relevant breakdown of employee EO training provided to decision makers
Example - dismissal Contract of employment Disciplinary procedure How many people of different characteristics dismissed in last 5 years? Current employees Has client been replaced Equal Opportunities policy
Quantification Do it as early as possible – estimate Need idea of value of case ACAS Early Conciliation Will be ordered by ET – get ahead Heads of compensation Actual loss Injury to feelings Physical/psychological damage Fees/expenses Compensation for other claims (eg basic award for unfair dismissal) See if other side willing to agree quantification May need to lead evidence (eg injury to feelings, mitigation)
Lodging claim Make sure:- Grievance procedure followed ACAS EC done Time limits 3 months less one day from act of discrimination Act of discrimination is date when act decided upon by employer Use earliest possible date Act continuing over a period Individual incidents Needs to be sufficient link between individual incidents People involved, conduct concerned etc
Pleading the case Set out story of case in chronological order Set out primary facts offering to prove Don’t plead evidence Facts from which you say ET should draw inference of discrimination Set out statutory basis of claim
Reviewing the ET3 What has been conceded (if anything)? Factually Legally What is in dispute? Ask client for their comments
Tribunal process Preliminary Hearing Agenda Needs to be completed Preliminary Hearing (Case Management) ID any jurisdictional issues Time limits Some issues could only be dealt with at Full Hearing Confirm statutory basis of claim Length of hearing ID number of witnesses Always over-estimate Dates for hearing Come with available dates Timetable for preparation Exchange of documents Joint bundle Use of witness statements Any Orders needed
Preparing for hearing – Documents What documents do you need & not have Request from other side – seek order from ET Need to be specific No fishing expeditions ET may order disclosure of all documents by each side – English style disclosure Joint bundle Usually prepared by respondent
Preparing for hearing – Further Information Do you know what employer’s defence is? Entitled to know case you have to meet Is there other information you need? Confirmation & Investigation More restrictive than pre-action Needs to be relevant to pled case
Preparing for hearing - Submissions Do these first Helps focus mind on what you need to prove Format Relevant law Statutory provisions Cases Don’t quote every case ever decided – focus on most relevant cases Findings of fact Comments on credibility/reliability Submissions
Preparing for hearing – evidence-in-chief Your witnesses No leading questions Who, what, where, why, when & how Lead them through the story One fact at a time Make sure they cover everything put in cross- examination Anticipate what other side may put in cross Head it off and address it Documents Must be referred to by witness to be in evidence ID document Take witness to any specific part
Preparing for hearing – cross- examination Put case to other side Attack any weak points Highlight inconsistencies or contradictions Challenge evidence Can ask leading questions