Teen Survival Guide What I learned from Romeo and Juliet.
Project Objective: What are we doing? Students will work in groups to create an informational tri-fold on one of four subject/ motifs discussed in Romeo and Juliet: unhealthy/ toxic friendships, teenage suicide, teenage marriage/ premarital sex, unhealthy parent/ child relationships. The project will require a controlling thematic statement, real life scenarios, advice for handling said scenarios, and where to seek professional help.
Day 1: What do we do first? Brainstorm motifs as a class from Romeo and Juliet Identify groups Go over project directions Meet in groups H/W: Research and print out one story regarding your motif that you find and read on the internet.
Day 2: Getting going on your rough idea Create group folders to keep in class and hold all research and materials that the group is gathering and working on. Share sceneries/ stories members found on line Pick best three examples As a group answer: How can a teen handle such problems or similar situations when faced with them? Note take on answers/ discussion
Day 3: Rough Drafts of Boards Meet with group to discuss tri-fold design Assign design jobs to group members Sketch out rough design to include: Thematic Statement 3 Real life scenarios Advice for handling a similar situation as the example Help Lines for teens to go to, look up, or call for help
Day 4: Meeting with Counselors!! Meet with counselor as a group to get feedback and reflect on project design and helpfulness. Meet in groups to check in on progress and them move back to individually work on personal portion of project.
Day 5: Getting it DONE!! Meet in groups to put together final project
Day 6: Share and Vote!! Present Projects to class Class votes on the best project to be displayed in the counseling offices downstairs.