In today’s session you will… Explore enterprise Identify enterprising skills Discover innovative ideas Take part in enterprise tasks Develop skills for enterprise!
Ice Breaker: Ideas on a postcard
Chocolate Tea Pot Edible pens Bike with no wheels Underwater hair dryer ‘Screenless’ computer Solar powered car Vibrating pillow alarm Portable goldfish tank Waterproof teabag FOR AGAINST Task: Worthwhile or Useless?
Critical Thinking Task: Hidden Colours
What is an Entreprenur?
Enterprise in college and the community
How Can You Become an Entrepreneur?
Discuss: Enterprise Skills
Enterprise at work or be an entrepreneur
Innovation is when we have a new idea which we turn into a product / service. Sometimes it is just changing (tweaking) an existing idea. The reason we innovate is to solve a problem. Why would we need a car that drives itself? Discuss: What is Innovation?
Task: Why Didn’t I Think Of That?
Think of an idea and a vision What do you need to achieve it? How will you go about to achieve it? Propose your plan to the audience Building your enterprise skills…
ENTERPRISE CHALLENGE: 21 st Century Technology 1.Design a 21 st Century Phone of the Future 2.Design a phone App.
Some people think it’s simply the powerful hardware and base a smart phone solely on that What else makes it smart? What makes a Smart Phone Smart?
“However, that’s only part of what makes a smartphone “smart”. The other half of the equation comprises of the applications that run the device”
What is an App? Short for ApplicationA piece of software designed to fulfil a particular purposeWhat are some examples of apps that you use?
Why are apps so popular? Apps typically exist to solve a problem In the ‘olden days’ people carried a lot of different things around with him
Life Before Smart Phones! Remember these… Life Before Smart Phones! Remember these…
1. “Time wasters” 2.Everyday 3.Occasional Types of Apps…
What makes an app popular and successful? 3. How the app benefits the user 2. How the app solves the problem – the solution 1. The problem
Problem – no real problem – it’s all about making a fun entertaining game for people to play in their spare time App Solution – a highly addictive game that’s simple but very fun to play & well designed Benefit – users are entertained & have fun playing This game was perhaps a victim of its own success! Flappy Bird Example of ‘time waster’ app
Whatsapp The problem – It’s expensive to send picture and video messages App solution – An easy to use communications software that lets you send multimedia messages for free using 3G, 4G or wifi Benefit – Cheaper, faster and easier to use, giving greater control to the user Example of ‘everyday’ app
The problem – It’s difficult for customers to find black cabs and similarly for cabbies to locate customers as they trawl the streets App solution – Allows customers to virtually “hail” a cab and connects customers and taxi drivers together Benefits – Less wasted time for cabbies who are more efficient, easier for customers who don’t have to wait and hope for a cab – they know one is on the way Hailo Example of ‘occasional’ app
The Enterprise App Challenge! Your turn to design an app!
>1 Task 1: Which App? What problem have you identified? What does your app do? How will your app benefit the user? Blue Sky Thinking… Mind-map your ideas for different Apps. Choose ONE design. Which category fits your App? time-waster, every day and occasional?
Task 2: Name your app What is your App going to be called? Come up with a catchy name that will represent what your App is about
Design your app >Think of its logo >What does the home page look like? >Annotate icons and tell us what each one does Task 3: App Planning!
Task 4: App Design Time
Extension Task: Phone of the Future
Product FeaturesQuality Single vs Multiple Design Unique Selling Point Target Market Product Decisions…
Product How Many? Who does what? What experiment? Timing Method of production Specialisation How to make it?
entrepreneurs/ Could YOU be an entrepreneur?
Reflect… What skills have YOU practiced and developed in this task? What skills did your peers demonstrate in their presentations? What went well? What would you do differently? How has Enterprise Challenge helped you to become EMPLOYABLE?