Demonstrating Knowledge Students can turn in any of the following when asked to demonstrate their knowledge (DK): Powerpoint Mind Map Infographic Discussion Summary Cornell Notes
How to make a Mind Map Mind Map Click here for help:
Power Point Rubric Make your own power point/ prezi/ nearpod Must NOT have anything from my PowerPoint except for relevant information
Infographic Rubric
Cornell Notes Rubric Page Set-up5 Name Date Period Topic Benchmark Essential Question 4 All Parts but one (clearly written in correct place) 3 Some parts correct or in the right place 2 Heading is missing two parts or in wrong place 1 Heading is missing three or more parts Legibility Notes are neat and completely legible Notes are completely legible Notes are mostly legible Notes are mostly illegible Notes are illegible Notes Selective and active paraphrasing Logical abbreviations are used Notes have been edited Key words have been highlighted or underlined Revisions/additions are in different colors Selective and active paraphrasing Logical abbreviation are used Some key words have been highlighted or underlined Partial revision/addition are made in different colors Notes may/may not be accurate, information not always paraphrased Some words are abbreviated No use of highlighting/underlining No revisions have been made Notes are incomplete No use of abbreviations Notes do not reflect cornell notes format Questions Check for understanding and reflect notes Higher order thinking questions used only Notes are chunked into sections with a question Check for understanding and reflect notes most questions are lower level Some sections chunked or have questions Questions are basic and may reflect notes Most questions are lower level Some sections chunked but no questions Questions are limited and do not accurately reflect notes Missing most sections of chunks and questions Questions and chunking are missing Summary Notes indicate learning by effectively identifying all main ideas Answer their own questions Notes indicate learning by effectively identifying some main ideas Answer some of their questions Summary restates notes, indicates some learning Answer some of their questions Summary restates notes and does not indicate learning Answer little to none of their questions No summary included
DISCUSSION SUMMARY Excellent (4)Good (3)Needs Improvement (2)Unacceptable (1) Grasp of ReadingThe discussion contains a highly accurate and precise description of the arguments, evidence and conclusions, along with a careful consideration of possible alternatives or solutions. The discussion contains relevant examples, and indicates the salient issues the examples highlight. The description of arguments, evidence and conclusions is fairly accurate and precise, and possible alternatives or solutions are considered. Examples are given, but similar examples may have been better. The description of arguments, evidence and conclusions is fairly accurate but not precise, and possible alternatives or solutions are either not considered, or ill- described. Examples are given, but it is not made clear how they are relevant The description of arguments, evidence and conclusions is inaccurate, and possible alternatives or solutions are not considered, and examples are not provided. Analysis & SynthesisThe discussion successfully breaks the issues and arguments, into relevant parts and integrates all relevant parts from various places into a coherent whole. The connections between the parts are clear and highly accurate. The discussion successfully breaks the issues and arguments into relevant parts and integrates most relevant parts from various places into a mostly coherent whole. The connections between the parts are fairly accurate. The discussion breaks the issues and arguments into parts and integrates some parts from various places into a somewhat coherent whole, but some parts may be missing or unclear. The connections between the parts are somewhat accurate. The parts identified are not the correct and/or relevant ones. The parts to be integrated are not clear and/or relevant. The connections between the parts are completely inaccurate. ClarityAll sentences are complete and grammatical. All words are chosen for their precise meanings. All new or unusual terms are well-defined. Information (names, facts, etc.) is accurate. Discussion has been spell- checked and proofread, and has no errors, and no rhetorical questions or slang. Most sentences are complete and grammatical. Most words are chosen for their precise meanings. Most new or unusual terms are well-defined. Information (names, facts, etc.) is accurate. Discussion has been spell-checked and proofread, and has very few errors, and no rhetorical questions or slang. Some sentences are incomplete and/or ungrammatical. Words are not chosen for their precise meanings. New or unusual terms are not well-defined. Information (names, facts, etc.) is mostly accurate. Discussion has several spelling errors, rhetorical questions and/or uses of slang. Many sentences are incomplete and/or ungrammatical. The author does not acknowledge that key words have precise meanings. Information (names, facts, etc.) is inaccurate. Discussion has many spelling errors, rhetorical questions and/or uses of slang. Sources & CitationDiscussion also consults scholarly books, websites, journal articles, etc. not explicitly discussed in class. All evidence is properly cited using APA style. Some effort is made to go beyond material presented in class. Outside sources are primarily non-scholarly (i.e., intended for a general audience). All evidence cited, but there are some minor problems with completeness or format of some citations. Does not go beyond what has been provided. Some pieces are unreferenced or inaccurately referenced, and there are problems with completeness and format of citations. Only minimally uses sources provided by instructor, or relies exclusively on non-scholarly outside sources. No attempt is made to cite evidence.