City Council Meeting August 16, LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas Council Chambers in Town Hall Council Chambers in Town Hall WORK SESSION:


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Presentation transcript:

City Council Meeting August 16, 2011

LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas Council Chambers in Town Hall Council Chambers in Town Hall WORK SESSION: 5:30 P.M. 1. Call to order 2.Invocation: Zack Polyak, Chaplain of the Month 3.Water System Status Update Water System Status UpdateWater System Status Update 4. Discuss Ordinance No. 880-B - Revisions to Ch. 9.5 of the City Code, Article IV – Gas and Oil Well Drilling and Production Discuss Ordinance No. 880-B - Revisions to Ch. 9.5 of the City Code, Article IV – Gas and Oil Well Drilling and ProductionDiscuss Ordinance No. 880-B - Revisions to Ch. 9.5 of the City Code, Article IV – Gas and Oil Well Drilling and Production 5.Discuss all items on tonight’s agenda REGULAR SESSION: 1. Call to order 2.Executive Session/Reconvene

3A.Mayor’s Report 1. Update of upcoming meetings and events 3B. City Manager’s Report CONSENT AGENDA: 4A.Approve the minutes from the June 27-28, 2011 City Council June Retreat and the August 2, 2011 regular City Council meeting. 4B.Approve the purchase of right of way and easements for Woodland Heights Connector improvements from 2121 E. Southlake Blvd. in the amount of $74, Approve the purchase of right of way and easements for Woodland Heights Connector improvements from 2121 E. Southlake Blvd. in the amount of $74,085.00Approve the purchase of right of way and easements for Woodland Heights Connector improvements from 2121 E. Southlake Blvd. in the amount of $74, C.Ordinance No. 1011, 1 st Reading, approving a negotiated resolution between the Atmos cities steering committee and Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division regarding the company’s fourth annual rate review mechanism filing in all cities exercising original jurisdiction. Ordinance No. 1011, 1 st Reading, approving a negotiated resolution between the Atmos cities steering committee and Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division regarding the company’s fourth annual rate review mechanism filing in all cities exercising original jurisdiction.Ordinance No. 1011, 1 st Reading, approving a negotiated resolution between the Atmos cities steering committee and Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division regarding the company’s fourth annual rate review mechanism filing in all cities exercising original jurisdiction.

4D.Approve contract of purchase of right of way and easements for Woodland Heights Connector improvements from 205 Westwood Dr. in the amount of $110, Approve contract of purchase of right of way and easements for Woodland Heights Connector improvements from 205 Westwood Dr. in the amount of $110,715.00Approve contract of purchase of right of way and easements for Woodland Heights Connector improvements from 205 Westwood Dr. in the amount of $110, E.Resolution No , Appointment of P&Z Commissioners to the Southlake 2030 Mobility Plan Committee and the Southlake 2030 Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Master Plan Committee. 4F.Ordinance No. 1013, 1 st Reading, amending Ch. 2, Article X, Section of the City of Southlake Code to provide the Director Planning and Development Services or his or her designees with the power to issue citations for violation of the city code. Ordinance No. 1013, 1 st Reading, amending Ch. 2, Article X, Section of the City of Southlake Code to provide the Director Planning and Development Services or his or her designees with the power to issue citations for violation of the city codeOrdinance No. 1013, 1 st Reading, amending Ch. 2, Article X, Section of the City of Southlake Code to provide the Director Planning and Development Services or his or her designees with the power to issue citations for violation of the city code

4G.Ordinance No , (ZA11-027), 2 nd Reading, Zoning Change and Site Plan/Concept Plan for Cornerstone Business Park on Lot 1R, 2R1R, 3R, 5R1 annd 4R, Block 5, Cornerstone Business Park at 305, 405, 415, 505 and 515 S. Nolen Dr. Current Zoning: S-P-2 with I1 uses. Requested Zoning: S-P-2 with I1 uses. SPIN #8. 4G.Ordinance No , (ZA11-027), 2 nd Reading, Zoning Change and Site Plan/Concept Plan for Cornerstone Business Park on Lot 1R, 2R1R, 3R, 5R1 annd 4R, Block 5, Cornerstone Business Park at 305, 405, 415, 505 and 515 S. Nolen Dr. Current Zoning: S-P-2 with I1 uses. Requested Zoning: S-P-2 with I1 uses. SPIN #8. THIS ITEM WAS PUBLISHED FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON AUGUST 16, THE ITEM HAS BEEN ADMINISTRATIVELY TABLED INDEFINITELY. 4H.Ordinance No a (ZA11-025), 2 nd Reading, Zoning Change and Site Plan for Kimball Crossing on Lots 1 and 3, Block 1, Ethan Allen 1709 Addition, a portion of Tract 1b2, John A freeman Survey, Abstract No. 529 at 2171, 2175 and 2185 E. Southlake Blvd. Current Zoning: S-P-1 and B1. Requested Zoning: S-P-1. SPIN #8. THE APPLICANT HAS REQUESTED TO TABLE THIS ITEM AND THE PUBLIC HEARING TO THE SEPTEMBER 6, 2011 CITY COUNCIL MEETING.

4I.ZA10-026, Plat Revision for Lot 1, Block 1, Kimball Crossing on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Ethan Allen 1709 addition and a portion of Tract 1B2, John A. Freeman Survey, abstract No. 529 at 2175 and 2185 E. Southlake Blvd. Current Zoning: S-P- 1 and B1. Proposed Zoning: S-P-1. SPIN #8. THE APPLICANT HAS REQUESTED TO TABLE THIS ITEM AND THE PUBLIC HEARING TO THE SEPTEMBER 6, 2011 CITY COUNCIL MEETING. 4J.Ordinance No (ZA10-067), 1 st Reading, Zoning Change and Site Plan for Watermere Medical Plaza on Lot 1, Block, Slayton Addition at 2813 W. Southlake Blvd. Current Zoning: SF-1A. Requested Zoning: O1. SPIN #11. City Council tabled this item at their August 2, 2011 meeting. THE APPLICANT HAS REQUESTED TO TABLE THIS ITEM AND PUBLIC HEARING TO THE SEPTEMBER 6, 2011 CITY COUNCIL MEETING. REGULAR AGENDA: 5.Public Forum Public ForumPublic Forum

6A.Ordinance No. 480-GGGG, 2 nd Reading, being an amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, as it pertains to personal care facilities, including nursing and care homes. PUBLIC HEARING Ordinance No. 480-GGGG, 2 nd Reading, being an amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, as it pertains to personal care facilities, including nursing and care homesOrdinance No. 480-GGGG, 2 nd Reading, being an amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, as it pertains to personal care facilities, including nursing and care homes 6B.ZA11-031, Site Plan for Dunkin’ Donuts on Lot 3R2, Block 1, Southlake Crossing Phase 1 and located at 2255 W. Southlake Blvd. Current Zoning: C-3. SPIN #10. PUBLIC HEARING ZA11-031, Site Plan for Dunkin’ Donuts on Lot 3R2, Block 1, Southlake Crossing Phase 1 and located at 2255 W. Southlake Blvd. Current Zoning: C-3. SPIN #10ZA11-031, Site Plan for Dunkin’ Donuts on Lot 3R2, Block 1, Southlake Crossing Phase 1 and located at 2255 W. Southlake Blvd. Current Zoning: C-3. SPIN #10 7A.Ordinance No. 1009, 1 st Reading, Approve Carroll/1709 Small Area Plan, a component of the Southlake 2030 Land Use Plan. Ordinance No. 1009, 1 st Reading, Approve Carroll/1709 Small Area Plan, a component of the Southlake 2030 Land Use PlanOrdinance No. 1009, 1 st Reading, Approve Carroll/1709 Small Area Plan, a component of the Southlake 2030 Land Use Plan 7B.Ordinance No. 1010, 1 st Reading, Approve Crooked/Kimball Small Area Plan, a component of the Southlake 2030 Land Use Plan. Ordinance No. 1010, 1 st Reading, Approve Crooked/Kimball Small Area Plan, a component of the Southlake 2030 Land Use PlanOrdinance No. 1010, 1 st Reading, Approve Crooked/Kimball Small Area Plan, a component of the Southlake 2030 Land Use Plan 8A.Resolution No , Appoint members to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. 9A.SV11-011, Variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704, as amended, for Chapel Hill Office Park at E. Southlake Blvd. SV11-011, Variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704, as amended, for Chapel Hill Office Park at E. Southlake BlvdSV11-011, Variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704, as amended, for Chapel Hill Office Park at E. Southlake Blvd

9B.Approve the purchase of right of way for FM1938 Phase 2 from the property at 1202 Randol Mill Ave in the amount of $19,778. Approve the purchase of right of way for FM1938 Phase 2 from the property at 1202 Randol Mill Ave in the amount of $19,778Approve the purchase of right of way for FM1938 Phase 2 from the property at 1202 Randol Mill Ave in the amount of $19,778 10A.FY 2012 Proposed Budget – Strategic Investments FY 2012 Proposed Budget – Strategic InvestmentsFY 2012 Proposed Budget – Strategic Investments 11.Meeting adjourned.